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He's a very complex mixture of desperation, needy and self satisfying ego

He truly believes his own celebrity and self importance

Utterly image consious and insecure


His ramblings after nomination showed every emotion as if there had been a death

Disbelief, denial, mourning, regret - then anger

It was all there!!


He's epic TV viewing but is it worth the price it may cost him?

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Poolshark:

Very insecure man, there's something not right there I tell thee.

His ex bandmate is on twitter and it's not favourable.

That just confirms what I thought.. 


he's not only a egotistical knob...   he's nasty with it!


I'm glad for Andrew's old bandmates...   Andrew going in there & showing those that hadn't already realised it what a twat he is, seems to be giving them some closure from what appears to have been a complete nightmare 2 years working with him.


Even Louie Spence is agreeing. 

Originally Posted by Renton:

He's a very complex mixture of desperation, needy and self satisfying ego

He truly believes his own celebrity and self importance

Utterly image consious and insecure


His ramblings after nomination showed every emotion as if there had been a death

Disbelief, denial, mourning, regret - then anger

It was all there!!


He's epic TV viewing but is it worth the price it may cost him?

Exactly. After last night, its not so funny anymore. He seems to have real, deep-seated problems.  

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:


Even Louie Spence is agreeing. 

Good god, how annoying must you be if even Louie Spence finds you annoying! 


Just read on Andrews ex-band mates Twitter "If Andrew gets voted out first it will destroy him. But I think we should keep him in longer for the break down!"

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:


Even Louie Spence is agreeing. 

Good god, how annoying must you be if even Louie Spence finds you annoying! 


Just read on Andrews ex-band mates Twitter "If Andrew gets voted out first it will destroy him. But I think we should keep him in longer for the break down!"


Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

"Just read on Andrews ex-band mates Twitter "If Andrew gets voted out first it will destroy him. But I think we should keep him in longer for the break down!"

What does it say about anyone who would enjoy seeing that!

Well that's it.  I have people I don't particularly like, but I wouldn't want to see that happen to them.


On launch night last thursday, the moment Andrew Stone's face popped up on my TV screen my intant reaction was: "oh no"


so far, that reaction was spot on .... what a strange fella ... I just cannot work this guy out at all. Last night was a hoot ... after hearing nominations result, he claimed several times that he didn't give a shite and then went on & on & on & on & on & on & on about it


As yet, I don't feel sorry for him ... but perhaps I should ? I'm not sure

Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

"Just read on Andrews ex-band mates Twitter "If Andrew gets voted out first it will destroy him.

If he's voted out he'll be convinced he's the most hated person on the planet. BUT if he stays he'll annoy the pants off everyone having convinced himself he's the nation's darling. 


No half measures.

Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

I hope he stays on Wedensday 

Me too, if only to annoy the rest.....especially Kirk. 

Yes, but the trouble is annoys me too!!

***Shushhhhh....I want to see his happy face, thinking he is TV gold, and the others bewildered faces***

... OK.... I'll take one for the team then

Originally Posted by ~Lee~:

With *Friends* like that who would need enemies,tbh their comments speak volumes about them,...1 recognises Andrew has deep seeded mental issues yet he sees fit to be so vicious about him,shame on them.

Lee, I'm having a twitter discussion with the guy about his comments. Three words 'he's a dick'.


I'm not an Andrew Stone fan, but to twitter that it would be better to see someone breakdown on TV, and then his latest implying that he likes 4 bottles of wine a night, is just wrong.


i hope he stays weds i dont really know why, but theres nastier people in that house, he loves himself yes but is that so bad, kirk frankie the twins nicola all love themselves far more i think, i dont like seeing people hounded and andrews being hounded by people that know him on the outside and people inside the house.And they think its funny. hes got problems in his life id say. 

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by ~Lee~:

With *Friends* like that who would need enemies,tbh their comments speak volumes about them,...1 recognises Andrew has deep seeded mental issues yet he sees fit to be so vicious about him,shame on them.

Lee, I'm having a twitter discussion with the guy about his comments. Three words 'he's a dick'.


I'm not an Andrew Stone fan, but to twitter that it would be better to see someone breakdown on TV, and then his latest implying that he likes 4 bottles of wine a night, is just wrong.

 Give him hell Cinds.Ok Andrew Stone may well possibly be a right nightmare to deal with but for these so called friends to be relishing the thought of the guy going into total meltdown is beyond belief,if they're the kind of folk he had in his life no wonder he's so darn fragile/needy.

Originally Posted by justafriend:

i hope he stays weds i dont really know why, but theres nastier people in that house, he loves himself yes but is that so bad, kirk frankie the twins nicola all love themselves far more i think, i dont like seeing people hounded and andrews being hounded by people that know him on the outside and people inside the house.And they think its funny. hes got problems in his life id say. 


i think youre right there,

he was born to be a star

but he just got the wrong decade

Originally Posted by ~Lee~:

 Give him hell Cinds.Ok Andrew Stone may well possibly be a right nightmare to deal with but for these so called friends to be relishing the thought of the guy going into total meltdown is beyond belief,if they're the kind of folk he had in his life no wonder he's so darn fragile/needy.

Lee, he's either blocked me or completely ignoring me now 

Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Natalie's my fave atm but I disagreed with her when she said Frankie has a Rock voice and Andrew said no he hasn't. Andrew may have some annoying traits...who doesn't lol....but he's had a career whether through dance or whatever whereas Frankie hasn't and won't as a singer

He does have a rock voice though ,Bedrock ,not in the vein he would like though ,more Flinstones 

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by ~Lee~:

 Give him hell Cinds.Ok Andrew Stone may well possibly be a right nightmare to deal with but for these so called friends to be relishing the thought of the guy going into total meltdown is beyond belief,if they're the kind of folk he had in his life no wonder he's so darn fragile/needy.

Lee, he's either blocked me or completely ignoring me now 

I'm not on Twitter or I'd give him a piece of my mind too.I dread to think how Andrew Stone,or anyone tbh,would feel reading comments like that from *Friends*

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:

give me 5mins with him and i think it would be possible to get blood out of a stone

Howay Pirate, he's an annoying bloke on a TV show, why would you say that?  call him a dick head, but don't say you could make him bleed.


you cant get blood out of a stone


play on words

Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:

give me 5mins with him and i think it would be possible to get blood out of a stone

Howay Pirate, he's an annoying bloke on a TV show, why would you say that?  call him a dick head, but don't say you could make him bleed.


you cant get blood out of a stone


play on words

I did get that Pirate, but still...

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:

give me 5mins with him and i think it would be possible to get blood out of a stone

Howay Pirate, he's an annoying bloke on a TV show, why would you say that?  call him a dick head, but don't say you could make him bleed.


you cant get blood out of a stone


play on words

I did get that Pirate, but still...

people say 'you cant get blood out of a stone'


its a saying



Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:

give me 5mins with him and i think it would be possible to get blood out of a stone

Howay Pirate, he's an annoying bloke on a TV show, why would you say that?  call him a dick head, but don't say you could make him bleed.


you cant get blood out of a stone


play on words

I did get that Pirate, but still...

people say 'you cant get blood out of a stone'


its a saying



*head desk*...I KNOW that, but your post looked like you wanted to make him bleed


I give up...good night

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:

give me 5mins with him and i think it would be possible to get blood out of a stone

Howay Pirate, he's an annoying bloke on a TV show, why would you say that?  call him a dick head, but don't say you could make him bleed.


you cant get blood out of a stone


play on words

I did get that Pirate, but still...

people say 'you cant get blood out of a stone'


its a saying



*head desk*...I KNOW that, but your post looked like you wanted to make him bleed


I give up...good night

my posts about jedward do the same, cinds.  


wouldn't really do it I don't suppose... but I can dream...

Originally Posted by justafriend:

i hope he stays weds i dont really know why, but theres nastier people in that house, he loves himself yes but is that so bad, kirk frankie the twins nicola all love themselves far more i think, i dont like seeing people hounded and andrews being hounded by people that know him on the outside and people inside the house.And they think its funny. hes got problems in his life id say. 

So do I.

I don't like the fella and he's got an ego the size of a planet but that's quite handy with this shower of 'celebs'.  I don't want the other HM to have an easy ride or time of it (apart from the Magnificent Madsen, of course ).  Andrew will get his disappointments often enough when he leaves the BB house and he probably deserves to - but just a knock-back without any spite will be enough.  That bloke on Twitter is pathetically infantile.

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by justafriend:

i hope he stays weds i dont really know why, but theres nastier people in that house, he loves himself yes but is that so bad, kirk frankie the twins nicola all love themselves far more i think, i dont like seeing people hounded and andrews being hounded by people that know him on the outside and people inside the house.And they think its funny. hes got problems in his life id say. 

So do I.

I don't like the fella and he's got an ego the size of a planet but that's quite handy with this shower of 'celebs'.  I don't want the other HM to have an easy ride or time of it (apart from the Magnificent Madsen, of course ).  Andrew will get his disappointments often enough when he leaves the BB house and he probably deserves to - but just a knock-back without any spite will be enough.  That bloke on Twitter is pathetically infantile.

madsen seems to be loving this, hes doing well cosi and im liking him alot. and i know what you mean about Andrew as well 


I don't think Andrew's a particularly likeable fella; he's pretty outspoken about others to the point of blunt (although he WAS bang on about Frankie - just not very kind about how he said it).  So I'm not joining up to any pity party any time soon.  That said, he's easy to knock back so why the venom on Twitter is needed is beyond me?  But I suppose I don't know the half of it


The Madsen's cool


Night in here x

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
  That bloke on Twitter is pathetically infantile.

Yes he is   Someone that has never been heard of, riding in to town on Andrew Stones coat tails.

Two years Twit Twonk suffered, Cinds, TWO years!


Which begs the question:  why not go find another gig?

I bet there's a local pantomime that would have him. You know, not the Theatre Royal, but the Royale Theatre. 


andrew makes me laugh, mostly because he behaves  as if he is a star, although he has litte dsicernible talnet, like many others, and  an over rated opinion of himself, as do many others.


i remeber him  on the prevoius BB when he was the task master for  a glee song, he  swanned in with his imaginary enourage gathered about him and announced' pleas e ust treat me like one of the guys and not a star'( an no one had a clue who he was)



josie was heard to say' 'ere' he's that H off Steps inn'ee?'


he's harmless tho.


I feel sorry for him I dont like the way the others especially Nicola is carrying on about him behind his back,Natalia was a bit harsh about him too ..I thought,she is not exactly a big star either.. EE and a couple of reality shows .. on her show she was acting like she was a big star going on about how she had to move out of London the paparazzi would not leave her alone..pot kettle comes to mind 





Oddly he DOES have a lot of the traits of many gay men i have known - i'm not gay (by-the-way)


He's bitchy - he acts superior - expects adoration - wants his name up in lights - thinks he has every right to fame - self absorbed . . .


Of course not ALL gay men are like this but 99% of the guys i have met have most of these qualities. Andrew has them all

Originally Posted by Marguerita:

I feel sorry for him I dont like the way the others especially Nicola is carrying on about him behind his back,Natalia was a bit harsh about him too ..I thought,she is not exactly a big star either.. EE and a couple of reality shows .. on her show she was acting like she was a big star going on about how she had to move out of London the paparazzi would not leave her alone..pot kettle comes to mind 



I feel sorry for him too, every time I see him acting the way he does, and I know its because he is so insecure.  I just feel that one of these days he could commit suicide because he feels that no-one understands him.

Originally Posted by jacksonb:

andrew makes me laugh, mostly because he behaves  as if he is a star, although he has litte dsicernible talnet, like many others, and  an over rated opinion of himself, as do many others.


i remeber him  on the prevoius BB when he was the task master for  a glee song, he  swanned in with his imaginary enourage gathered about him and announced' pleas e ust treat me like one of the guys and not a star'( an no one had a clue who he was)



josie was heard to say' 'ere' he's that H off Steps inn'ee?'


he's harmless tho.

 ROFL oh that made me chuckle jacksonb, I'd forgotten that totally.


Andrew seemed better last night; the time spent on his own seems to have given him space to regroup. Almost like he'd thought it out and changed tactics - far less OTT. Also in the bedroom he was listening to Michael without fawning and guffawing at his every utterance.


Maybe he is a tough fecker like he says - he must be tough to survive in showbiz [albeit the fringes] so long?


He is a fascinating character - a bundle of insecurities with a thin veneer of false bravado on top. I keep hoping he's playing a game - that he's being like that because he knows the more extreme he is, the more the camera time he will get? I hope he's playing us, rather than the problems he displays being real.


Originally Posted by Renton:


Oddly he DOES have a lot of the traits of many gay men i have known - i'm not gay (by-the-way)


He's bitchy - he acts superior - expects adoration - wants his name up in lights - thinks he has every right to fame - self absorbed . . .


Of course not ALL gay men are like this but 99% of the guys i have met have most of these qualities. Andrew has them all

the difference with Andrew and what  saves him from being a total waste of time for me, is that he doesn't WANT his name up in lights' he honestly believes his NAME IS UP IN LIGHTS.


And acts accordingly, he really does entertain me.

Originally Posted by jacksonb:

the difference with Andrew and what  saves him from being a total waste of time for me, is that he doesn't WANT his name up in lights' he honestly believes his NAME IS UP IN LIGHTS.


And acts accordingly, 

Yes Jackson I agree and as much as he has had me shouting STFU at the telly part of me feels sorry for him too


I hope he can gain from this experience and if willing gets any help available once on the outside 


if the house dont  break him - reading his so called band mates tweets will  


I hope he stays tonight but the odds have changed since last nights show 


Originally Posted by Baz:
I still don't like him . Personally I think his poor me , woe is me act is simply a device he uses to get his own way and make himself the centre of attention . ... And it certainly seems to work

Spot on Baz and I'm not buying either.


Get him out for his reality check - at 40 odd he's old enough to know better than act like this  


My bessie mates daughter is a dancer (currently doing A Levels & applying to various dance schools around the country)...   


As part of her A Level Dance lessons the class went to Pineapple Dance Studio a couple of weeks ago for a one off class, it must have been just before BB started.


She was expecting to have Louis Spence teaching them..   they got Andrew Stone.


At the end my friends daughter said it was really really bad.   Even their teacher apologised to them afterwards for how bad it was.


More Fitness DVD than Professional Dance Class 



I was actually quite surprised to hear it..     I thought dancing was the one thing he was ok at 

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Baz:
I still don't like him . Personally I think his poor me , woe is me act is simply a device he uses to get his own way and make himself the centre of attention . ... And it certainly seems to work

Spot on Baz and I'm not buying either.


Get him out for his reality check - at 40 odd he's old enough to know better than act like this  

Yeah I'm with you two on this one 


No wonder he's got a cob on; Louie's doing really well right now.

Whereas Andrew's having to tell people how important he is, how vital he is to the dance industry and how lucky BB is to have such a mega star.


I'd still rather that he survived this eviction though, if only to rattle the Witches of Eastwick.

They'd obviously justify his survival by saying Georgia was too quiet. 

BUT.....I'd love to see him up against the likes of Natasha and/or Nicola and SURVIVE over them


Then you can kick him out

Originally Posted by Katerina:

I am dipping in and out of CBB at the moment, but every time I see Andrew Stone I can see the deep insecurities in him. I feel sorry for him and want to give him a hug. Is that bad?

No ...........not IMO. He really shouldn't be there. My hearts breaking a little bit for him. I know he's an arse but arses have feelings too 

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Katerina:

I am dipping in and out of CBB at the moment, but every time I see Andrew Stone I can see the deep insecurities in him. I feel sorry for him and want to give him a hug. Is that bad?

I feel sorry for him too....As I seem to recall actually when he went in the BB house to teach the HM's their Glee dance routine the forum was singing his praises.

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Katerina:

I am dipping in and out of CBB at the moment, but every time I see Andrew Stone I can see the deep insecurities in him. I feel sorry for him and want to give him a hug. Is that bad?

No ...........not IMO. He really shouldn't be there. My hearts breaking a little bit for him. I know he's an arse but arses have feelings too 

I know he would drive me nuts if I had to live with him, but I can't help feeling sorry for him.


O/T Good to see you back, Lee.

Originally Posted by Baz:
I still don't like him . Personally I think his poor me , woe is me act is simply a device he uses to get his own way and make himself the centre of attention . ... And it certainly seems to work

He certainly wants to be the centre of attention Baz. Nothing he's said or done interests me and he seems very false. I'd be pleased to see him out of there tonight

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Baz:
I still don't like him . Personally I think his poor me , woe is me act is simply a device he uses to get his own way and make himself the centre of attention . ... And it certainly seems to work

He certainly wants to be the centre of attention Baz. Nothing he's said or done interests me and he seems very false. I'd be pleased to see him out of there tonight

Ditto Supes I understand the idea of not getting rid of  the *interesting* characters, but this time I think there are enough grrrrrrr figures in there to last the course

Originally Posted by ~Lee~:
Originally Posted by Katerina:

I am dipping in and out of CBB at the moment, but every time I see Andrew Stone I can see the deep insecurities in him. I feel sorry for him and want to give him a hug. Is that bad?

I feel sorry for him too....As I seem to recall actually when he went in the BB house to teach the HM's their Glee dance routine the forum was singing his praises.

not this forumer      hi Lee

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by ~Lee~:
Originally Posted by Katerina:

I am dipping in and out of CBB at the moment, but every time I see Andrew Stone I can see the deep insecurities in him. I feel sorry for him and want to give him a hug. Is that bad?

I feel sorry for him too....As I seem to recall actually when he went in the BB house to teach the HM's their Glee dance routine the forum was singing his praises.

not this forumer      hi Lee

Not this one

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by ~Lee~:
Originally Posted by Katerina:

I am dipping in and out of CBB at the moment, but every time I see Andrew Stone I can see the deep insecurities in him. I feel sorry for him and want to give him a hug. Is that bad?

I feel sorry for him too....As I seem to recall actually when he went in the BB house to teach the HM's their Glee dance routine the forum was singing his praises.

not this forumer      hi Lee

Hi Kaffy,how's you madam?....I really really feel sorry for him Kaffy,yes I know in RL he would be relegated to my switch off when they drone on category but he just seems so vulnerable/insecure/needy.


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