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ALEX Salmond came under fire last night after appearing to characterise Scotland as a “nation of drunks”.


In the same magazine interview that generated controversy over comments Mr Salmond made about Russian president Vladimir Putin, the First Minister claimed that Scotland had a destructive relationship with alcohol caused partially by a lack of confidence as a country.

The views expressed by Mr Salmond were last night criticised by his political opponents who called his comments a “slur” on the people of Scotland.

The row came on the day that a judge referred the legal battle over the government’s flagship policy of minimum pricing for alcohol to the European courts.

In the interview for the men’s magazine GQ, conducted by Tony Blair’s former spokesman Alastair Campbell, Mr Salmond was asked how worried he was about Scotland’s relationship with alcohol. “Significantly,” answered Mr Salmond before saying that alcohol consumption had risen a lot.

“The general reason is the availability of cheap alcohol and the cultural changes that has introduced,” Mr Salmond said.

“When we were young we would go out for a drink. People now go out drunk, having drunk cheap booze before. That is social change for the worse.

“Then there is something deep about Scotland’s relationship with alcohol that is about self-image – lack of confidence, maybe, as a nation – and we do have to do something about it.”

Mr Salmond went on to defend his government’s plans to reduce drinking by introducing minimum pricing for alcohol – a proposal that has met with opposition from the whisky industry.

“I promote whisky,” Mr Salmond said. “I do it on the argument that it’s a quality drink, has a worldwide cachet, that its recent great success in markets like China is about social emulation and authenticity, not cheapness.

“My argument is that if you are promoting it as authentic and of great worth, you cannot promote it from a nation of drunks.”

Last night a Labour spokesman described the comments as “jaw-dropping”.

“It’s remarkable for Scotland’s First Minister to dismiss his fellow Scots in such a way,” the Labour spokesman said. “You can imagine what Alex Salmond would be saying had a Westminster politician had made exactly the same comment.”

Scottish Conservative health spokesman Jackson Carlaw said: “After his astonishing gaffe lauding Vladimir Putin, this is an even more incredible and unforgiveable slur on the people of Scotland.

“It would be offensive to hear from a foreigner, but for our own First Minister to hold these views is simply breathtaking and frankly unacceptable in a national leader.

The fact is, thanks to the efforts of thousands in our public services, consumption and alcohol-related illness is actually decreasing in Scotland.

“And if he is so worried about alcohol consumption, why has he dithered, having totally failed to secure EU or legal support for minimum pricing after almost two years and with no single debate on the issue at Holyrood during that time?”

The First Minister’s comments were made in the full version of the Campbell interview, published today in June’s edition of GQ.

An extract from the interview released earlier this week attracted criticism after Mr Salmond said he admired “certain aspects” of president Putin, including how he had restored part of Russian pride, although he qualified his remarks by adding that he disapproved of some aspects of his leadership.

In the full interview, Mr Salmond also revealed that he liked Rupert Murdoch, executive chairman of News Corp, despite being criticised for trying to forge too close a relationship with him.

“He [Murdoch] is a remarkable man. What is wrong with this relationship? Why shouldn’t politicians engage with people in the media,” Mr Salmond asked Mr Campbell during their two-hour lunch and two-hour interview on 14 March. “Relations with the media are an inevitable part of discourse. The test is do you administer policy without fear or favour? And I do.”

But his admiration of Mr Murdoch was criticised by the Lib Dem leader Willie Rennie, who said: “The First Minister’s casual and unhealthy relationship with the rich and powerful is a deep flaw in his character. His refusal to back down in his praise of president Putin is deeply concerning.

“But it is his close association with Rupert Murdoch so soon after the phone hacking scandal that is alarming. He seems to have learnt little from the abuse, the pain of the victims or the subsequent Leveson inquiry.”

Meanwhile, last night Labour called on Mr Salmond to apologise for the views he had expressed on president Putin.

Labour MSP Paul Martin said: “It is imperative Alex Salmond comes to the Scottish Parliament and apologises for his support for Russian president Vladimir Putin as the rest of the international community stands with the people of Ukraine trying to retain their freedom.

“Salmond may have written Scotland off as a nation of drunks, but we need him to sober up his comments on the international stage and say sorry.

“Alex Salmond’s timing is tragically wrong. He backs Putin as Russia threatens Ukraine, and he backs Rupert Murdoch as those accused of hacking murdered Milly Dowler’s phone stand trial.

“It seems there is no comment too crass, no statement too insensitive, no level too low to stoop to for Alex Salmond as long as it puffs up his own ego.”

Earlier in the day, Mr Salmond was unrepentant about his views on Mr Putin, claiming they were “perfectly reasonable” when he launched the SNP’s European election campaign in Penicuik.

Mr Salmond insisted that the comments would not harm the SNP in this month’s election. When asked if he would apologise, he replied: “No.”

In the House of Commons, the Prime Minister David Cameron said Mr Salmond was guilty of a “major error of judgment”.

Last night, a spokesman for the First Minister insisted that Mr Salmond was “very happy” to take part in the interview with “one of the best-read magazines in the country” – and “enjoyed exchanging anecdotes with Alastair Campbell”.

“Regardless of people’s views on Mr Murdoch, the fact that he has led one of the world’s largest media conglomerates for half a century is surely remarkable.”

The spokesman added: “Scotland clearly has a problem relationship with alcohol which is why we are proposing minimum pricing.

“And in this interview, the First Minister was simply spelling out the clear risks for Scotland as a nation if we do not take radical action to tackle problem drinking.”


Hope the Ukraine community living here in Scotland remember that when we go to the polls.Not forgetting the other nations that won their freedom from Russian rule.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

He's a bumptious, arrogant idiot, imo, and I am hoping and praying the country votes NO to independence.

He's a big fat, repulsive, arrogant,  eejit. I have every faith that we will return a NO vote in September.

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

He's a bumptious, arrogant idiot, imo, and I am hoping and praying the country votes NO to independence.

He's a big fat, repulsive, arrogant,  eejit. I have every faith that we will return a NO vote in September.

I wish I had your faith, erin - it scares the crap out of me the amount of people I respect who think independence is a good idea. 

Originally Posted by Kaffs:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

He's a bumptious, arrogant idiot, imo, and I am hoping and praying the country votes NO to independence.

He's a big fat, repulsive, arrogant,  eejit. I have every faith that we will return a NO vote in September.

I wish I had your faith, erin - it scares the crap out of me the amount of people I respect who think independence is a good idea. 

Don't underestimate the Scottish people Kaffs

Originally Posted by Kaffs:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

He's a bumptious, arrogant idiot, imo, and I am hoping and praying the country votes NO to independence.

He's a big fat, repulsive, arrogant,  eejit. I have every faith that we will return a NO vote in September.

I wish I had your faith, erin - it scares the crap out of me the amount of people I respect who think independence is a good idea. 

I feel the same, Kaffs. I am scared stiff that a majority of people will vote Yes.


Originally Posted by fremsley:

It's gonna be divisive whatever the outcome.


Lets hope sanity prevails cause all these promised rabbits out the hat aren't gonna come free.


And I'd head south  

I don't think you would be the only one .


But what has liking or disliking Salmond got to do with whether or not you think Scotland should be an independent country?


Yes, Salmond is the first minister, JUST NOW, but independent or not, SNP and Salmond are unlikely to be in charge for evermore.


When the UK votes for a government we have to take whatever idiot THEY decide to make their leader, as PM.... the same would hapen in a 'Scotland only' election.


Salmond is only the 'leader' because the SNP chose him, not us. He's not the first SNP leader and I'm sure won't be the last. But put aside personal feelings....he and the SNP have actually done quite well for the wellbeing of Scotland in general.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

Agree there Fluffs, it shouldn't be ( and isn't ) about politicians , but about whether Scotland should be able to make its own decisions . 



When I first moved from Germany to Scotland, I fought very hard with Scottish friends for devolusion. It happened and that's great. I don't agree with Scotland wanting to be independant. The oil will run out too soon and there is no other income to be had other than tourism, but if you have to produce a passport when you leave Carlisle, that might put ppl off.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by Kaffs:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

He's a bumptious, arrogant idiot, imo, and I am hoping and praying the country votes NO to independence.

He's a big fat, repulsive, arrogant,  eejit. I have every faith that we will return a NO vote in September.

I wish I had your faith, erin - it scares the crap out of me the amount of people I respect who think independence is a good idea. 

On the other hand all of our Scottish mates hate the idea, so there's at least 2 dozen NO votes


Dunno , Cologne, it doesn't put people off going to Ireland.. and while I think devolution has been great, there's not enough powers to halt the appalling Westminster policies that are seeing the poor ( and middle income folks) become poorer while the fat bankers et al just keep on raking more and more in. I don't think an independent Scotland would have an SNP government beyond the first election, but I do think it would be a fairer more equal place .

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

But what has liking or disliking Salmond got to do with whether or not you think Scotland should be an independent country?


Yes, Salmond is the first minister, JUST NOW, but independent or not, SNP and Salmond are unlikely to be in charge for evermore.


When the UK votes for a government we have to take whatever idiot THEY decide to make their leader, as PM.... the same would hapen in a 'Scotland only' election.


Salmond is only the 'leader' because the SNP chose him, not us. He's not the first SNP leader and I'm sure won't be the last. But put aside personal feelings....he and the SNP have actually done quite well for the wellbeing of Scotland in general.

what ? enlighten me .

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

But what has liking or disliking Salmond got to do with whether or not you think Scotland should be an independent country?


Yes, Salmond is the first minister, JUST NOW, but independent or not, SNP and Salmond are unlikely to be in charge for evermore.


When the UK votes for a government we have to take whatever idiot THEY decide to make their leader, as PM.... the same would hapen in a 'Scotland only' election.


Salmond is only the 'leader' because the SNP chose him, not us. He's not the first SNP leader and I'm sure won't be the last. But put aside personal feelings....he and the SNP have actually done quite well for the wellbeing of Scotland in general.

I see what you're saying, but in all fairness the UK didn't actually vote this last lot in. 


And let's face it, all politicians are full of it, saying what they think the masses want to hear, and then they do what they want anyway.

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

Dunno , Cologne, it doesn't put people off going to Ireland.. and while I think devolution has been great, there's not enough powers to halt the appalling Westminster policies that are seeing the poor ( and middle income folks) become poorer while the fat bankers et al just keep on raking more and more in. I don't think an independent Scotland would have an SNP government beyond the first election, but I do think it would be a fairer more equal place .

United we stand, devided we fall. I'm German and therefore a European. My stance will always be to have a federal government with an overall government making you strong enough to face up to things.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

But what has liking or disliking Salmond got to do with whether or not you think Scotland should be an independent country?


Yes, Salmond is the first minister, JUST NOW, but independent or not, SNP and Salmond are unlikely to be in charge for evermore.


When the UK votes for a government we have to take whatever idiot THEY decide to make their leader, as PM.... the same would hapen in a 'Scotland only' election.


Salmond is only the 'leader' because the SNP chose him, not us. He's not the first SNP leader and I'm sure won't be the last. But put aside personal feelings....he and the SNP have actually done quite well for the wellbeing of Scotland in general.

what ? enlighten me .

free prescriptions, increased nursery places, no tuition fees, small business rates relief, council tax freeze, more renewable energy sources, cutting the number of quangos, ensuring there's no evictions as a result of the bedroom tax, higher amounts allocated for personal care for the elderly, piloting elected health boards, looking atmaking elected members more accountable, funding council house new builds.. loads more I;m sure 

Originally Posted by cologne 1:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

Dunno , Cologne, it doesn't put people off going to Ireland.. and while I think devolution has been great, there's not enough powers to halt the appalling Westminster policies that are seeing the poor ( and middle income folks) become poorer while the fat bankers et al just keep on raking more and more in. I don't think an independent Scotland would have an SNP government beyond the first election, but I do think it would be a fairer more equal place .

United we stand, devided we fall. I'm German and therefore a European. My stance will always be to have a federal government with an overall government making you strong enough to face up to things.

I wonder what would happen though if we stayed in Britain.. but Britain left the European Union? 

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

But what has liking or disliking Salmond got to do with whether or not you think Scotland should be an independent country?


Yes, Salmond is the first minister, JUST NOW, but independent or not, SNP and Salmond are unlikely to be in charge for evermore.


When the UK votes for a government we have to take whatever idiot THEY decide to make their leader, as PM.... the same would hapen in a 'Scotland only' election.


Salmond is only the 'leader' because the SNP chose him, not us. He's not the first SNP leader and I'm sure won't be the last. But put aside personal feelings....he and the SNP have actually done quite well for the wellbeing of Scotland in general.

what ? enlighten me .

free prescriptions, increased nursery places, no tuition fees, small business rates relief, council tax freeze, more renewable energy sources, cutting the number of quangos, ensuring there's no evictions as a result of the bedroom tax, higher amounts allocated for personal care for the elderly, piloting elected health boards, looking atmaking elected members more accountable, funding council house new builds.. loads more I;m sure 

Hardly free when the money comes out of the health budget and numerous health boards at the Scottish Parliament saying that the cost is starting to have an impact on frontline services..fact .

SNP have allowed councils to borrow money for new build ,it has to be paid back!!

Bonfire of quangos.....never happend.

As for piloting elected health boards I can assure you Lanarkshire Health board is full of Alex Neils sycophants.


Oh and regarding Council tax freeze this has been a policy that has been a benefit to the people who reside in the highest band homes.


Student debt and class size ...failed to deliver.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by cologne 1:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

Dunno , Cologne, it doesn't put people off going to Ireland.. and while I think devolution has been great, there's not enough powers to halt the appalling Westminster policies that are seeing the poor ( and middle income folks) become poorer while the fat bankers et al just keep on raking more and more in. I don't think an independent Scotland would have an SNP government beyond the first election, but I do think it would be a fairer more equal place .

United we stand, devided we fall. I'm German and therefore a European. My stance will always be to have a federal government with an overall government making you strong enough to face up to things.

I wonder what would happen though if we stayed in Britain.. but Britain left the European Union? 

Hopefully that will never happen.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by Videostar:

ALEX Salmond came under fire last night after appearing to characterise Scotland as a “nation of drunks”.


Scotland will stagger to independence.

Oh come on Grumpy, he's allowed a slip up.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by Videostar:

ALEX Salmond came under fire last night after appearing to characterise Scotland as a “nation of drunks”.


Scotland will stagger to independence.

see first post ^^^

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

But what has liking or disliking Salmond got to do with whether or not you think Scotland should be an independent country?


Yes, Salmond is the first minister, JUST NOW, but independent or not, SNP and Salmond are unlikely to be in charge for evermore.


When the UK votes for a government we have to take whatever idiot THEY decide to make their leader, as PM.... the same would hapen in a 'Scotland only' election.


Salmond is only the 'leader' because the SNP chose him, not us. He's not the first SNP leader and I'm sure won't be the last. But put aside personal feelings....he and the SNP have actually done quite well for the wellbeing of Scotland in general.

what ? enlighten me .

free prescriptions, increased nursery places, no tuition fees, small business rates relief, council tax freeze, more renewable energy sources, cutting the number of quangos, ensuring there's no evictions as a result of the bedroom tax, higher amounts allocated for personal care for the elderly, piloting elected health boards, looking atmaking elected members more accountable, funding council house new builds.. loads more I;m sure 

Hardly free when the money comes out of the health budget and numerous health boards at the Scottish Parliament saying that the cost is starting to have an impact on frontline services..fact .

SNP have allowed councils to borrow money for new build ,it has to be paid back!!

Bonfire of quangos.....never happend.

As for piloting elected health boards I can assure you Lanarkshire Health board is full of Alex Neils sycophants.

neither the time nor energy to debate this. Suffice to say I don;t agree.

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Kaffs:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

He's a bumptious, arrogant idiot, imo, and I am hoping and praying the country votes NO to independence.

He's a big fat, repulsive, arrogant,  eejit. I have every faith that we will return a NO vote in September.

I wish I had your faith, erin - it scares the crap out of me the amount of people I respect who think independence is a good idea. 

On the other hand all of our Scottish mates hate the idea, so there's at least 2 dozen NO votes

that's comforting.  Velvet's right - it is going to be divisive whichever way it goes.   Even amongst my friends for example - I've got one who's really pro indy and one who's very pro union.. she's thinking of defriending him on Facebook because he's spamming everyone with indy propaganda and barbed comments about how ignorant anti indy people are.  These are people in their 50s who have been friends since school..   BTW - they're both highly respected professionals in their fields - I really don't know how this will go.    Even at work - we had reason to call our lawyer for something the other day and before he even got to business he was asking my boss how he intended to vote and starting trying to sway him towards independence!

Last edited by Kaffs
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

But what has liking or disliking Salmond got to do with whether or not you think Scotland should be an independent country?


Yes, Salmond is the first minister, JUST NOW, but independent or not, SNP and Salmond are unlikely to be in charge for evermore.


When the UK votes for a government we have to take whatever idiot THEY decide to make their leader, as PM.... the same would hapen in a 'Scotland only' election.


Salmond is only the 'leader' because the SNP chose him, not us. He's not the first SNP leader and I'm sure won't be the last. But put aside personal feelings....he and the SNP have actually done quite well for the wellbeing of Scotland in general.

what ? enlighten me .

free prescriptions, increased nursery places, no tuition fees, small business rates relief, council tax freeze, more renewable energy sources, cutting the number of quangos, ensuring there's no evictions as a result of the bedroom tax, higher amounts allocated for personal care for the elderly, piloting elected health boards, looking atmaking elected members more accountable, funding council house new builds.. loads more I;m sure 

Hardly free when the money comes out of the health budget and numerous health boards at the Scottish Parliament saying that the cost is starting to have an impact on frontline services..fact .

SNP have allowed councils to borrow money for new build ,it has to be paid back!!

Bonfire of quangos.....never happend.

As for piloting elected health boards I can assure you Lanarkshire Health board is full of Alex Neils sycophants.

neither the time nor energy to debate this. Suffice to say I don;t agree.

We will let the ballot box do the talking .

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

neither the time nor energy to debate this. Suffice to say I don;t agree.

  see.. divisive.... 


I agree that things are better for us already - I just don't want to go the whole hog.

Originally Posted by Kaffs:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

neither the time nor energy to debate this. Suffice to say I don;t agree.

  see.. divisive.... 


I agree that things are better for us already - I just don't want to go the whole hog.

Sorry Kaffs it's not divisive.

I just object to statements issued regarding the SNP as fact .Much of what was written above was not fact.I do agree that for me the 'No' debate is best continued via the campaign .

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Kaffs:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

neither the time nor energy to debate this. Suffice to say I don;t agree.

  see.. divisive.... 


I agree that things are better for us already - I just don't want to go the whole hog.

Sorry Kaffs it's not divisive.

I just object to statements issued regarding the SNP as fact .Much of what was written above was not fact.I do agree that for me the 'No' debate is best continued via the campaign .

I'm talking in general terms erin - like my friends.   I don't really do Facebook but I've seen this bloke be so vocal with his views that some of his friends are getting really fed up with it (and him).   I do think that whatever way the vote goes there are some friendships that are going to tainted by some of the debate that's gone on in the run up.   

Last edited by Kaffs
Originally Posted by Kaffs:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Kaffs:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

neither the time nor energy to debate this. Suffice to say I don;t agree.

  see.. divisive.... 


I agree that things are better for us already - I just don't want to go the whole hog.

Sorry Kaffs it's not divisive.

I just object to statements issued regarding the SNP as fact .Much of what was written above was not fact.I do agree that for me the 'No' debate is best continued via the campaign .

I'm talking in general terms erin - like my friends.   I don't really do Facebook but I've seen this bloke be so vocal with his views that some of his friends are getting really fed up with it (and him).   I do think that whatever way the vote goes there are some friendships that are going to tainted by some of the debate that's gone on in the run up.   


Fortunately for me my friends are all in the 'NO' camp  but I do agree that debating on FB or for that matter this forum is pointless,best kept to the campign were it will be most effective .  

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by cologne 1:
Originally Posted by Videostar:

ALEX Salmond came under fire last night after appearing to characterise Scotland as a “nation of drunks”.


Scotland will stagger to independence.

Oh come on Grumpy, he's allowed a slip up.

Don't you mean "trip up"? 

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Videostar:

ALEX Salmond came under fire last night after appearing to characterise Scotland as a “nation of drunks”.


Scotland will stagger to independence.

see first post ^^^

Yes, I noticed that your no fan of his.

Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Videostar:

ALEX Salmond came under fire last night after appearing to characterise Scotland as a “nation of drunks”.


Scotland will stagger to independence.

see first post ^^^

Yes, I noticed that your no fan of his.

Originally Posted by Kaffs:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

neither the time nor energy to debate this. Suffice to say I don;t agree.

  see.. divisive.... 



You were right Kaffy, Slinki has de-regged.


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