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Plenty of requests. An outburst last night.
And yet we still have JJ and Josie going on and on and on in the bed they are sharing, with absoilutely no thought or consideration for anybody else in that room.
Why don't they get up and talk elsewhere?
Thoughtless, selfish, rude and ill-mannered. Even they are aware, surely, that everybody else is trying to sleep.
Even Dave has now stopped his immature nightly  play session.
They should either get up and leave the bedroom or shut up!

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Ships that pass in the night, imagining they will be soul-mates for life.
I don't like either of them, but I feel JJ is now trapped, due to bad strategy.

I'm watching BBC4 and some of the news and parliament.  But each time I check back to BB it is just more of the same......
Last edited by brisket
TV set or not there are designated areas for designated functions,the bedroom is for sleeping there are plenty of other areas that they can horse around or chat in...It is disrespectful and selfish, Ben bearing the brunt of their antics most nights.So much for team spirit,some harp on about food but our bodies can deal with less food much better than they can with sleep deprivation.
Reference: Lee
TV set or not there are designated areas for designated functions,the bedroom is for sleeping there are plenty of other areas that they can horse around or chat in...It is disrespectful and selfish, Ben bearing the brunt of their antics most nights.So much for team spirit,some harp on about food but our bodies can deal with less food much better than they can with sleep deprivation.
Completely agree with you, Lee.
The JJ and Josie non- affaire is tedious and I wish the pair of them would shut up as well, but everyone in that house went into BB with the full knowledge of what to expect and bedroom gossiping and shenanigans has always been part of that. Last year all the HMs were safely tucked up early and FMs on here were complaining that there was nothing to watch when LF started.
Maybe it's the storyline that is grating nerves and the people involved in it, rather than the fact other HMs are complaining about the noise...because quite frankly, who cares?
Hi there Yogi....If they make a racket anywhere in the house those in the bedroom will be able to hear it anyway. If HMs wanted to sleep, they would have brought in earplugs...or asked BB for some to drown out Steve's volcanic snoring as well.
I still maintain that they knew what to expect when they went in there...and if people are being annoying then they should make a song and dance about it and not whinge endlessly.

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