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The housemates were delighted when Andrew won the playground task this evening, with Mario enveloping the jubilant maths student in a hug and telling him: "You're the man!"

He was crowned winner after JJ and John James decided to throw in the towel on the see-saw, and, following suit, Mario and Sam gave up their positions on the 'bouncing bugs'.

"Bloody hell. You can do anything, lad," Rachel enthused. However, Andrew seemed disappointed by the way in which he had won. "It wasn't a real victory though. It's like the Come Dine With Me task. People felt sorry for me."

The group rubbished his claim, however. "Oh my God, I have so much respect for you, Andrew. I don't know how you did that. How did you?" said Josie, taking him inside and serving him some dinner. "I wasn't going to stop until my body stopped me," he admitted.

"You deserve to win more than anyone out there. You're amazing," she praised. "I wish I had that determination."

"It's either determination or stupidity," he replied, seeming a little downbeat. "No, it's sheer determination. I really admire you for that," she reassured him.

The housemates were then called to gather by the rockery, where Andrew was instructed to open the giant blue gift box.

After searching through a lot of shredded, coloured paper, he uncovered an envelope, containing a note which revealed that he had won a "sumptuous Arabian night for two in the Love Nest".

He was told to choose one partner with whom to share his Arabian night, and another housemate to fan him and his partner and remain in silence for the duration of the treat. After deliberation, he chose Corin to share his night with him. "Thanks for picking me. That's lovely," she said, giving him a hug.

"We'll have a right laugh. And if we don't get costumes I'll dress up anyway. You'll like it," she told him.

"Why did you pick Corin?" Sam asked him later on. "Because she tried the hardest," replied Andrew, worried that Big Brother would be disappointed that it wasn't John James and Josie sharing the romantic evening.

"Yes. How dare you get in the way of the John James and Josie show?" joked Mario.

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