Very, very quiet. Which suited me as I have been out of it with flu for the last week or so (and I mean flu NOT a cold!!) It must be the most alcohol free Christmas since I was last pregnant! No festive dinner as I simply couild not have done it, instead I acquired a selection of party buffet whatnots from Tesco and the kids have been eating those.
Today is the first day I have felt more normal than not for a while. And I have cupboards still full of booze and some presents still to buy ... but the sales are on so those I've not bought for may get more than they would have otherwise.
I had a new coffee maker from my son and daughter treated me to a lovely pedicure last night as her gift, oh and I had a pair of pillows and three pants from my parents. They don't do gifts very well.
Still loads of snow here as we had a good two feet of the stuff last weekend and its not got above freezing since...