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And people said they (management) weren't taking any notice.

"We're making a number of UI improvements to our forum pages.  One example is the forum page- the list of topics in a particular forum.  As you can see in the attached example, you'll now see the original topic author in the right corner of each topic, as well as a direct link to the last reply post.

Icons also indicate whether the topic has been closed, featured, and/or shortcut.

Screen shot 2009-09-17 at 5.03.01 PM.png

You'll see this as part of our October update (on or around October 5th)."


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The thread ..What dont you like about GaGa LC .. to me was a good thread as it gave us a chance to say what we did not like, I felt that would be the thread the mods would look at with interest and try and tweak things here and there for us .. well done them  thank you
Never had any doubt that they wouldn't listen, in fact they have been bloody brilliant with us from day one! It's a new layout, one we're not used to but soon will be, teething problems will be be sorted I'm sure.

Thanks for posting that
For anyone else who misses announcements like this (which I remember was made last week some time), on the green bar at the top of this page click on LiveCloud and then on 'Our Blog'...
But thanks for pointing it out again Fluffs!
They're bound to still be tweaking things...and they've been really good with listening to us.  I won't mention the "M" word but I do reckon some folks have jumped the gun
I think some tweaks have already been made, it seem to me to be easier to move around or I am getting more and more used to it all, the tweaks for Oct 5th will be very welcome though.
You are right, several tweaks were made between this site opening (back in August) and the embedding of GaGa and a few have been made since. They are still looking at things and listening to us. The best/quickest way to get your point noticed is to post it in the Support Forums.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Vegie and moomin, are you using a version of IE? The display issues with IE are known about and being looked into, but unfortunately it is not known how long it might take to resolve this issue.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
I can't see the example either Moomin pmsl. In fact most avatars and what I assume are smilies are also red crosses to me!

I can't see the example, or the avatars etc either.  Apparently it is because we are using Internet Explorer.
Fluffy  I've been posting Ted's link since 17th September, some may have missed my posts. That is why it's good to familiarise yourself here. You will see I was the first to reply to Ted's blog. We should post issues in the support section that way the owners get to see them. Also read community blogs.
I think it's a bit like the old GaGa that way, I was truly convinced that some FMs were unaware of their (community/support forums) existence.
I hadn't noticed anything more than MENTION of the October update, but then I've been a bit in hiding.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Today at 00:20 (Edited: ) I think it's a bit like the old GaGa that way, I was truly convinced that some FMs were unaware of their (community/support forums) existence.
Thanks Fluffy, I didn't realise about the community support
thanks for the Update Fluffy. .I have been lax in popping into the support forum or the LC blog  to check up to see what tweaks are being made and when, so tis nice that somebody has bothered to post it in a thread..

and Scotty. . blimey a tad harsh there imo..  if somebody takes the time and trouble  to post up to date info in a thread then what harm?  

that is not controlling that is helpful and, again IMO,  Effy has been very helpful and very patient.......   I gave up after a while, my patience level isn't so good.. 

Pre move there were still people on Gaga who had never read the sticky's about the move and only found out days before..  so posting info where people are known to  read means more people will know what is going on. 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
How can you tell what fm`s are aware or not aware of?

By reading what people are saying.
I'm off now so you're on your own.

I'll be back later. So try not to get into too much trouble.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Have found that some directions and helpful hints from some peeps,  have been quite hard to follow, so have been exploring independently, and am muddling along and finding out stuff for myself.   Don't anybody ask me anything though, because what works for me, might be gobbledygook for others!     
Fluffy, It was Thanks to you, Zaph, Ducky, Mount Olly and quite a few others that I was able to try and find my way around here in the first place. THANK YOU
I echo that Fluffy... with helpful hints I was able to make my way around with increasing confidence... without them I would have fallen at the first fence!
As the forum techy numpty I have to say this....

Thank you very much for all the help you have given me to......Ditty,Ducky, Zaph, Fluffy, Croc, and Olly.....also a big hug for Lori and James, who listened to me and helped sort my problems out....with great patience I may add

I salute the lot of you
As the forum techy numpty I have to say this.... Thank you very much for all the help you have given me to......Ditty,Ducky, Zaph, Fluffy, Croc, and Olly.....also a big hug for Lori and James, who listened to me and helped sort my problems out....with great patience I may add I salute the lot of you
I will second that  Thank You All for your help and patience
As the forum techy numpty I have to say this.... Thank you very much for all the help you have given me to......Ditty,Ducky, Zaph, Fluffy, Croc, and Olly.....also a big hug for Lori and James, who listened to me and helped sort my problems out....with great patience I may add I salute the lot of you

Me three, and can I also add Sunnie too, who helped me loads when I was totally confuzzled. Thank you one and all  
that is not controlling that is helpful and, again IMO, Effy has been very helpful and very patient....... I gave up after a while, my patience level isn't so good..
I lasted half a day.

I really shouldn't be in support, should I?
I'm off now so you're on your own. I'll be back later. So try not to get into too much trouble.

To me this is the fine line between being patient and obliging, to being downright patronising!

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