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Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I don't really care who wins. However, it would be quite good to see anyone but Rylan win, just because CH5 have pushed so hard (imo) to secure the win for him.

It would be brilliant,but I'm a realist and that knobber Rylan has been a shoe in since day one.I fookin' can't stand the dick.Hopefully i'll never see his mug on the telly again.

Originally Posted by stonks:

Funny I thought they'd pushed the Pratts to win..


Rylan or anyone but Speidi to win....

Ditto - although I'd not be surprised if they did win.    I don't believe C5 have 'groomed' a winner, I don't think they ever do.  Even if they have a show lined up for someone (and from what I've seen posted here there's something for Rylan AND Speidi in the works)  - they don't need to win the show for it to go ahead surely.  All they need is the exposure of the programme. If they're liked, they'll stay a while, if they're not, ramming them down the public's throat isn't going to make them watch the show surely.   Case in point... Speidi are still there... will I watch a show they're in?   Not a chance in hell.    I don't mind Rylan, but would I watch a show he's in.. probably not - no matter what place he finishes in.  I just don't get the 'chosen one' theories.



I have watched two whole episodes of this BB... 


however, I don't feel out of the loop..    FB peeps have kept me right up to date 



However, I do have an opinion on the winner...   on account of having the telly on as background the other day & looking up & seeing Spencer & Heidi on me tellybox...  on The Hills!!!    


I don't want them to win!



ANYYYYONE but them! 



even Rylan 


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