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There once was a guy called Kris
Who was full of shit and piss
His hair was all curly
And it made him look like a girly
And YES I hope he gets to read this,
He went on Big Brother
And shamed his poor mother
His antics were spiteful, nasty and rude,
And he looked anything but shrewd,
Picking on poor Freddie every chance he got
But he's not jealous, No of course not,
All day in the garden he sat
making himself look a complete and utter TWAT!
Flirting with Charlie the big Geordie dick,
And leading on poor Sophie and making the viewers sick,
He thinks he is gods gift to girls
Because he is skinny and has big ghey curls
But really he's just a gurt great fanny
And when he turns sideways he is so difficult to see,
He just looks like a big mop with legs
So this brings us to the question that begs
What do the girls see in this fool?
And what is it that makes them drool?
It's hardly his warm and kind personality
But maybe he is hung like a donkey?
Although to be honest I think not
He probably has gangrene and knob rot
So let me take a moment to thank you
For spending the time to read this shit through
goodbye, take care and thank ya,
Now just remember Kris is a foooookin great big WANKA!!!! Ninja

(sorry bored at work again Laugh)

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