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Big Brother starts pumping crowd noise into the house early evening today. The housemates would do their best to ignore it, thinking it a part of the task (which it is), but then at 10pm, Davina's voice bellows over the mic, announcing the eviction for tonight.

"Big Brother housemates, this is Davina, please do not swear. Andrew, Ben, Dave, John-James and Josie, all week the public have been voting for who they want to evict from the Big Brother house..."

By this time the housemates would be hysterical, whether they suspect it being part of the task or not. Why was Josie's name announced?

"And the # housemate to leave the Big Brother house is................ Josie... You have 30 seconds to say your goodbyes, I'm coming to get you!"

They are confused. They assume it has to be part of the task, but there is that shred of doubt.

Then the Big Brother voice blares across the speakers. "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... Josie, you have evicted, please leave the Big Brother house. Josie, you have been evicted, please leave the Big Brother house"

The housemates would probably try to keep Josie sitting, doing all they can to convince themselves that it isn't real. As time ticks on, the Big Brother announcer begins to raise his tone, telling Josie that she must leave the Big Brother house immediately (like they've done in the past when housemates take their sweet ass time).

This goes on for 2 minutes, or until Josie climbs the steps towards the front door (which wouldn't open).

Cruel, but good viewing. 

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