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I just think they need reassess the way the soap is going. Hope this sounds okay. Thoughts?

Coronation Street storyline issues.

Dear Sir/Madam,

Firstly I don't know if this has got to the right place, so if you could make sure it gets to the right person, I'd much appreciate it.

I am basically writing this email because you are obviously struggling when it comes to making up interesting, exciting storylines that get the most out of the soaps potential. This isn't so much a criticism, more an observation and an offering of my assistance, so I'll just get straight down to it and make it quite brief.

I'm afraid that other soaps such as Eastenders and Hollyoaks are leaving your soap behind. Eastenders for one seems to have a better structure to it and a lot more interesting characters involved. Less polyfilla characters is a good way to describe it. My suggestion is ditch your polyfilla characters like Emily, Deirdre, Betty, Dev, Audrey, Ken and replace them with characters with a bit more potential to develop storylines around. Extras will do the job of being polyfillas - why clog up the wage bill? Oh and just be a bit more thoughtful when it comes naming any new characters. The same sort of thing applies for Hollyoaks as well, the storylines in that are always risky and exciting and the characters are interesting, fresh, and get their potential maximised. Coronation Street has simply lost its mojo recently, and I have an idea of how to get it back.

It has become obvious to me that Coronation Street is blessed with lets just say 'pleasing on the eye' actresses. Helen Flanagan, Michelle Keegan, Kym Marsh to name a few. As a 23 year old male viewer I hardly know any one my age who watches your soap at the moment despite the 'talent' I just mentioned, yet I know loads that watch your rival soaps. This should be worrying for you. I for one would be a lot more interested in watching if Corrie was to get the best out of the cast's potential. In the current economic climate, many lads my age simply cannot afford to be out every single night of the week and I'm convinced that Corrie could double their viewing figures by catering for their taste. You do not clash times with Hollyoaks so there is a gap there for you to do this. So what I suggest is a storyline along the lines of Michelle Connor and Tina Mcintyre having a steamy lesbian affair. Now it would have to be hot, and when I say hot I mean HOT. Obviously pre-watershed there couldn't be nudity, but maybe a few bedroom scenes where Michelle and Tina are in skimpy underwear, thongs and sexy bras, that kind of stuff. I bet your viewing figures would double. Think about it. Another thing that springs to mind is Peter's new bar opening, now this is a great opportunity for you to bring more hot young characters (male and female) into the street and develop storylines around them while still catering for your current audience at the same time. Might I even suggest having a Hollyoaks style 'late night' episode every now and again where you could really push the boundaries. Millions of 18 - 30 males buy lads mags every month. Now that is a market that you as a soap can grab by the horns if you really want to. You just need to make a few minor adjustments, nothing drastic.

I hope I have given you food for thought. I feel it is my duty to help a soap that clearly is having problems with storyline issues.

If you need to pick my brains or need any more ideas, just let me know and I'd be glad to put a few more ideas past you in more detail.

Many thanks.

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So what I suggest is a storyline along the lines of Michelle Connor and Tina Mcintyre having a steamy lesbian affair. Now it would have to be hot, and when I say hot I mean HOT. Obviously pre-watershed there couldn't be nudity, but maybe a few bedroom scenes where Michelle and Tina are in skimpy underwear, thongs and sexy bras, that kind of stuff.
Oh EE got right on my tats tonight. Max has been cleaned out by the bailiffs. But I mean TOTALLY cleaned out. Bailiffs will not go to the extent of taking cheap market tat pictures for sell at auction, but in EE they did. EE is getting a bit silly really, all this stuff over 'THE VIC' (der, der, derrrrrrrrrr). It's apparently Walfords most profitable establishment but Peggy's always banging on about being skint and Phil's always wanting to drum up business?

They only have about 20 regular customers - how can it be worth 200 grand?

Maybe if the EE lot started using washing machines instead of the launderette, made their own tea and grub instead of using the cafe and actually got higher paid jobs outside of the Square they wouldn't be so skint. No-one commutes to work there?
OP, sorry to say this and burst a bubble but I doubt the Producers will take any notice of your email. They'll be aware of other storylines in different soaps just as they're all aware of each other. Hollyoaks has one agenda, use lots of pretty youngsters. EE has another, write dramatic storylines as often as possibe. Corrie being the longest soap has always had it's own agenda and its worked for them.

Brookiside was probably the most challenging of all soaps in regards to bringing storylines of real life, whether lesbianism, murder or whatever. I now only watch EE and Corrie, they're different but I enjoy them both and appreciate their difference.
Yellow Rose
Might I even suggest having a Hollyoaks style 'late night' episode every now and again where you could really push the boundaries. Millions of 18 - 30 males buy lads mags every month. Now that is a market that you as a soap can grab by the horns if you really want to. You just need to make a few minor adjustments, nothing drastic.

Another masterpiece.  I bet the Channel 4 mods really miss you. 
I like Corrie the way it is...if you're looking for eye candy, surely Hollyoaks is the place to go?  What good looking totty is there on EE?

I agree with Marge, send the mail to the Beeb and get EE taken off.  I can't understand how it's getting so many awards unless its Barbara Windsor threatening them all!

While I'm here, could some one please explain what the hell is going on with Archie and Janine....I thought they were after the Vic, but now they're going after Ian?
Ah! It's cos Phil went to Ian for a loan of a 100 grand, and Ian lent the money as long as Phil put the Vic up as surety. Janine and Archie are plotting to try and buy the loan off Ian as they dont think Phil will pay the money back, so they are trying to get the loan contract so they end up with what they've wanted for ages - The Vic. Voila!
If you're really interested in Corrie and it's future as a soap then I understand why you felt the need to email them. But tbh I don't think they'll take any notice of your ideas. As far as I know Corrie's the longest running soap, what's worked for them will continue to work for them because they have very loyal fans, including me lol. 

Hollyoaks has it's place for those that like it although I don't follow it, too depressing. I don't watch Emmerdale any more either as it moved on from the original concept which I liked, now I can't be bothered with it even though I've heard it's a good programme. I'm now only watching EE and Corrie, I enjoy them both for different reasons.
Yellow Rose
Today at 02:54 (Edited: ) Reference: now I can't be bothered with it even though I've heard it's a good programme

It is The storylines are not as gritty or real as EE or Corrie, but the acting is better. They seem to miss out on awards every year aswell, not fair
I thought Emmerdale had recieved awards over other soaps the last few years, maybe I was wrong? My son watches it  and tells me it's a great soap with some very good actors. We usually switch to the One Show at that time so haven't seen it for a long time. Although we don't watch all the soaps we enjoy the ones we watch, like EE and Corrie, nice to spend time away from real life for a short while lol.
Yellow Rose

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