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I am sending this apology to all those people in the Gordon Brown is resigning thread before my post on 10th May at 20.23 pm.  I should not have said what I said and then run away.  I know it's no excuse but I think I had read so much that day and got caught up in the moment.  I should not have called you all stupid.  It was a spur of the moment comment which should not have been made.

Again I know it's no excuse but I'm pretty new to this forum business and I sometimes do the wrong thing.

To Suzybean, Trixy, Brisket, Zaphod and Velvet Donkey, who took the trouble to come into the Freddie Fanclub thread to try and sort things out, please accept my apologies and thank you for trying to clear the air.  Unfortunately, having made the mistake, I was too afraid to come back and try and rectify matters.  Instead I left it to my wonderful Squiggle, who defended me, and to her I am sincerely most grateful.

I do not want to split hairs but Trixy your comment in the Freddie thread that I made the comment and then came back to the Freddie thread is actually incorrect.  I made the comment to Squiggle before I made it in the other thread.  No excuse but just wanted to set the record straight.

I hope you can all forgive me.  I've missed commenting in our lovely Freddie thread but didn't feel able to post incase I brought more adverse comments into the thread by my actions.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

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Many times I have gone to post something and at the last minute changed my mind ... when I saw your post I thought 'ohhhhh, I bet she will regret that'

Hey ho - these things happen - it's all part of forum life. Now, you get yourself back on these boards, say what you want to say and give that squiggle a big virtual hug - she is a good friend to you
Nobody on here has the right to tell you what you can and can't post. I saw the 'stupid' comment and responded but it didn't bother me in the slightest that you didn't come back to explain it. We (or most of us) post in haste .............that was how you were feeling. Personally I don't agree that we were all stupid but - I certainly would never hold that comment against you.
 We are all different - we all have differing views (if you thought we were stupid) so be it.
 You really and truly shouldn't get wound up about what people say my knowledge there isn't any single poster on here who has been given the authority to tell any one of us how we should post. Go on being yourself
Soozy Woo
Thank you all so much for your kind comments.  I will sleep a little easier tonight.  I'm happy that I feel I can now go back to posting in the Freddie Fanclub with all my lovely friends, which I didn't feel was appropriate before as I didn't want to bring anymore ill feeling down on poor Squiggle's head.  She is a real treasure and I will be forever in her debt.  Love you all. 
hope you can all forgive me.  I've missed commenting in our lovely Freddie thread but didn't feel able to post incase I brought more adverse comments into the thread by my actions.
Joyron.... we all post things that we wish we hadn't at times..... that's forum life.... and I am sure everyone respects and admires you for your post above. Please don't stay away

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