shurrup.. I'd forgotten by the time I typed it that it was in the context of a vajazzle!
Can I just clarify.. I definitely meant on my face with that last sentence!!!
Of course you did LOL.
I am liking AMY too.
in that case Cupcake... you are authorised to use our very own Amy *blink* smiley...
Can I interest you in a Vajazzle Cupcake?
in that case Cupcake... you are authorised to use our very own Amy *blink* smiley...
Can I interest you in a Vajazzle Cupcake?
That is spectacular Ducky! Where do I sign?
Is that REALLY a vajazzle cupcake Ducky?
it looks like a crown..
I need a crown for me bits!
Is that REALLY a vajazzle cupcake Ducky?
Of course it's a cupcake! Google told me it was I designed it me self with me own fair 'ands and that!
You're meant to be from Essiiiix Ducky.. not straight out of Mary Poppins!
I really have to go do dinner now...
before he gets home & catches me not doing dinner hahahaha
That is a brilliant cupcake vajazzle!
You're meant to be from Essiiiix Ducky.. not straight out of Mary Poppins!
Chim chiminey, chim chiminey, chim chim cher-roo..... good luck, you'll need it, when I vajazzle yooooou....
Everyone has a luvverly time wiv Mary.....
You're meant to be from Essiiiix Ducky.. not straight out of Mary Poppins!
Chim chiminey, chim chiminey, chim chim cher-roo..... good luck, you'll need it, when I vajazzle yooooou....
you gotta catch me first!
Anyways... I didn't come in here to say that...
I came in here to say..
still loving Amy.. and (much to my surprise) am really really loving Jedward! They're the only ones that have made me laugh out loud
Lucien is the biggest nasty in there, followed by Darren, and well... loads of the others actually.
oh &, I am afraid to say. I have come to the conclusion that Bobby is a dickhead!
A Vajazzle bump
A Vajazzle bump
*puts on beauty consulting expert head*
best letting it scab over, keep it clean & dry & dab a bit of dettol on it twice a day