A lot of people feel the same. But was there this amount of news coverage and statements from the Whitehouse back then? (Can't remember). Admittedly I would have liked to have 'seen' more evidence than a badly photoshopped pic. I know the hanging of that other bloke (big hair horrible one) was macabre but it proved he was gone. Hmmm.
Well no K, because they were hushing it up! I remember seeing photos in one of the anarcho type mags I think it was but a few mainstream agencies covered it too at the time. I studied world history and Politics at A level as a (very) mature student 10 years ago and when you realise what dirty tricks are done every day by governments all over the world and how they use their partners in the media to hoodwink us all it makes you really cynical.
Manufacturing Consent by Noam Chomsky is a real eye opener - but he is bloody difficult to read