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Almost a week of voting left and they're declaring this now,something reeks to high heavens on this me thinks
Lee. the whole of BB11 has reeked from the get go. I'm soooo sad that its finishing on such a low. I've been a mental fan from BB1..over the years my German relatives always ask if they should come over before or after BB so as not to ruin my viewing. (How sad am I)
Lee. the whole of BB11 has reeked from the get go. I'm soooo sad that its finishing on such a low. I've been a metal fan from BB1..over the years my German relatives always ask if they should come over before or after BB so as  not to ruin my viewing.
FF I never thought I'd say it but I am glad it's the last BB,they're playing us for fools imo....The farce last night was just that,a farce brought in quickly imo...Sam was excluded from being allowed to nominate next week,suddenly there are no noms, the vote to evict has already began.
Oh yeah. I sooooooooo wanted Sammy to be in with a chance to win. I would have loved a newbie to win the last BB.
Ducky we're being played for fools,not only is it who goes Endemol decides now we have who stays Endemol decides....I imagine an emergency meeting was called to come up with a strategy,a humoungous decision thrown at the HM's last night with a minute to decide,cause as much confusion/rash decision making  as possible ,they saw how difficult the face to face noms were on Monday,what did they expect from last night?
* Is the voting open to save or evict?
* Is it definite who is going on Friday (i.e. Sam and JJ1) or is it supposition based on bookies odds?
* If it is definite - how has this been decided already when the phone lines are still open?


Dear Miss

  • evict
  • bookies odds
  • yes

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