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It seems to be a staple of many peoples Saturday nights. Literally everyone I've asked 'What are you doing tonight?' they've said 'Watching X-Factor innit'. (I may have added the 'innit' bit but I do see it as one of the 'chavviest' shows on telly).

What's worse is I've been invited to a house warming party tonight, where I've been told we are watching the x factor! What kind of party is that? Plus we are a group of (mostly) fellas!!!!!

I need to be social but I don't want to have to sit through that shite
Tags: X-Factor, Saturday

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t's getting more and more entertaining to watch them hyping up these 'huge 'stars dermot getting ever more orgasmic  in his hyperbole, and then some washed up,staggering,brain numbingly tedious sleb  wanders about the stage looking bewildered and out of it,squawks and shrieks for a few minutes along with a bit of dad dancing and then tries to string a couple of words together and fails  miserably at that too.exits stage left, with their clothes falling apart  an a barely concealed  sideways lilt, hoping they make it to the wings before  they either fall over or wet themselves.

i love it!

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