Who was majorly disappointed with the return of BB last night?
I have been a massive bordering obsessive fan since it started, was gutted when it finished last year, and pleased to see it was coming back whenthe news first broke.
However, since then, I haven't really been interested, and didn't even realise it was starting last night until the day before!!!!!
I've never been as keen on the CBB version, but I felt nothing much at all when I watched last night - no excitement, or real interest in any of the people (can't call them celebrities cos I've never even heard of most of them) going in (although Bobby is a bit delicious). The programme after it was utter **** IMO and I'm not even sure whether I shall bother to record an episode if I go out one evening which has been unheard of up until now.
Did anyone else feel this way, or have I just fallen out of love with BB?