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Who was majorly disappointed with the return of BB last night?

I have been a massive bordering obsessive fan since it started, was gutted when it finished last year, and pleased to see it was coming back whenthe news first broke.

However, since then, I haven't really been interested, and didn't even realise it was starting last night until the day before!!!!!

I've never been as keen on the CBB version, but I felt nothing much at all when I watched last night - no excitement, or real interest in any of the people (can't call them celebrities cos I've never even heard of most of them) going in (although Bobby is a bit delicious). The programme after it was utter **** IMO and I'm not even sure whether I shall bother to record an episode if I go out one evening which has been unheard of up until now.

Did anyone else feel this way, or have I just fallen out of love with BB?

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Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

my expectations were/are so very low Moomin..      in my mind its not the big brother we know & love..   its a different show.


It might be called big brother, but in my head its not big brother...  so I am just taking it at face value

I'm thinking similar - I had no high expectations - I'll be watching and waiting but - if I happen to miss it I don't think I'll be gutted!

Soozy Woo

I wasn't even going to bother watching at all Moomin...then got sucked in at the last minute! It is nowhere near as exciting as the old BBs but I never really enjoyed the CBB as you already have opinions on the HMs...well, the ones you have heard of anyway!!!! I shall wait and see what normal BB is like before deciding whether to give up on it!!!!


And Bobby is worth tuning in for!!!

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I'm trying to watch it with an open mind, but I don't think I'll mind if I miss it either.. BUT....


I loved last night!   The forum is a huge part of the BB experience for me and I had a great laugh on here and it's good to see the forum buzzing, so in that respect, I'm not disappointed at all.


Good point Kaffy! Was fun here last is the programme around which this forum started after all!!!!

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by carpet:

You are not the only one disappointed.

"The majority are notable only for who they married or for taking part in other reality shows."


This says it all for me 

That was my initial thought.


"Referring to George Galloway's appearance on the show in 2006, the Guardian live blogger, however, added: "I'm sure we didn't get very excited about George Galloway back in the day, but he turned out to be comedy gold."


I do still have visions of " Will i be the cat" ! 

Ev (Peachy)
Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):

That was my initial thought.


"Referring to George Galloway's appearance on the show in 2006, the Guardian live blogger, however, added: "I'm sure we didn't get very excited about George Galloway back in the day, but he turned out to be comedy gold."


I do still have visions of " Will i be the cat" ! 

trouble is I don't know if I can be bothered to watch long enough to see if any of them turn out to be 'comedy gold' 


Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):

That was my initial thought.


"Referring to George Galloway's appearance on the show in 2006, the Guardian live blogger, however, added: "I'm sure we didn't get very excited about George Galloway back in the day, but he turned out to be comedy gold."


I do still have visions of " Will i be the cat" ! 

trouble is I don't know if I can be bothered to watch long enough to see if any of them turn out to be 'comedy gold' 




Its not on that long, although not sure how many days to be exact they are in there. 

Ev (Peachy)
Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):




Its not on that long, although not sure how many days to be exact they are in there. 

I'll give it a few days and we'll see 


I'm not nailing my colours to any doors/camps/boudoirs/teepee's or caravans just yet    *although that Bobby fella is rather easy on the eye* 

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):




Its not on that long, although not sure how many days to be exact they are in there. 

I'll give it a few days and we'll see 


I'm not nailing my colours to any doors/camps/boudoirs/teepee's or caravans just yet    *although that Bobby fella is rather easy on the eye* 

Ev (Peachy)

Mmmmm, I've decided to positively reframe it: as I've not heard of most of them I can watch and form opinions from an entirely objectively viewpoint, with no preconceived ideas

Thought Brian did well.

I didn't think much of that 'after show' thingy 'though, Alex Reid may be a 'nice bloke' but can hardly string a sentence together, so not really 'panel' material, that stupid woman commenting on 'fashion' was simply not funny or interesting in any way and as for the dog ejaculating 

Originally Posted by erinp:

The party started and we dont have an invite ,this is BB Soap.I know people who only ever watched BB hl show so for them its no change.I watched the live feed so this is a massive change for me and not the BB i know and love.

I have to admit that for the first two or three BBs that I watched I only saw the H/Ls.

I didn't know about the LF or even realise C4 had a BB forum back then.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

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