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As far as I am concerned John James and Sam are as bad as each other and I refuse to take sides regarding last night's argument.  Sam came in the house, picked on Josie relentlessly and then mysteriously befriended her when he found out he was up for eviction.  Crabster was spot on with that observation, as unpopular as it might be to agree with him.  Meanwhile Sam exposed John James as being the biggest bitch of the series, as if we didn't already know that.  They are both utterly pathetic and I refuse to be drawn into a sympathy battle between these pair of idiots.

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Spidey my love,

I take your points some of which are good, but sorry I think JJ1's volatile aggressive attack on Sam cannot be held in comparison to Sam Pepper's annoying insults which are not pre meditated and not thought out...

Sam to me at best, is an annoying little brother who if you ignore strategically, he never really bothers you..Corin and Jo have dealt with him well...Farmer Gile's reactions to Sam have been cleverly manipulated by her.

There has been a lot of talk about Farmer Giles and Sam having "Previous" during the Lockdown period, I wern't there so I don't know.

I believe JJ1 went on this course of attack as a means to save his boyfriend JJ2 and for Sam to look as bad as possible...

JJ1 who always prides himself on being up front and keeping it real..Got caught out bitching, by the very person he was bitching about...JJ1 had no defence so his best form of defence as we know, is ATTACK, ATTACK, ATTACK.

If he really felt offended by the comments Sam made about Farmer Giles why not address them last week when Sam was NOT up for eviction? Why smirk and laugh at some of the comments made to Farmer Giles?

JJ1 is and has always had his CrabEyes firmly on the game and he hasn't taken his eyes off the prize since he walked through the doors.

Sorry for the long rant, I doubt we will agree, but there ya go.
Senora Reyes
,Imbecile was wound up tight as a spring all day after hearing George Lamb call him a tosser,and the fact his clone JJ2 was facing eviction..... Samwas ok with her from last week,nothing whatsoever to do with him being up for eviction which he didn't know until Monday,Imbecile and Josie quizzed him last Friday night,heard what they wanted and he became his *Friend*,not....His self righteous indignation is laughable he's such a hypocrite.
yes imo they are as bad as each other...john james gets his jollies brow beating women.........sam gets his insulting them..........yet for some reason john james is despised and sam in general isn't.........

as i said on another thread........if for example john had said to jo(a self confessed 'cougar')......'you're just an old slag really jo' then laughed......he'd of been torn to pieces on here........sam calls josie 'a fat slag' and supposedly it's funny

i'm afraid sam can not expect to insult people and behave as he has done in his incessant antagonistic manner and not expect some comeback
If he really felt offended by the comments Sam made about Farmer Giles why not address them last week when Sam was NOT up for eviction? Why smirk and laugh at some of the comments made to Farmer Giles?
Exactly! He sat back and sniggered all the time Josie was flipping her lid. Even when Sam snatched the bedclothes off both of them, he wasn't bothered about Josie being upset that her arse was hanging out.
It's only because he's realised Sam could snatch 'his' crown away that he is now erupting like an angry zit.
Reference: lee
Why does she claim to *Love* him then?
i presume it's cos one day she 'loves' him (i imagine those days are when he's not in her face) and the next when he is she doesn't............same as sam chops and changes with her.......she said to him ages ago........'i like you sam,but i don't like the things you say sometimes' i'd imagine that's the answer

same as one day when he was being nice to her....she asked him why and he said 'cos you haven't annoyed me yet'...............the like/dislike is on both sides
John James only cares when  sam crosses the line with him. He couldn't care less, when others are being hurt.
He said as much in the shower scene Bliz:  " I don't care if he does that, I don't care if he does that, when he gets involved with me and does that, I will have a go, if he does that to someone else that's up to them to say something"
when he gets involved with me and does that, I will have a go, if he does that to someone else that's up to them to say something"
I think that's fair enough....... even on here I have to bite my tongue sometimes and stop myself from wading in to other peoples battles. Surely that's the right thing to do?

As for who is worse Sam or JJ1, Sam doesn't care about other people being hurt either but then reacts when it's him, exactly the same way JJ1 does.  Sam has called Josie some vile names AND called in to question her character (eg the mag deal stuff). All JJ1 really did last night (repitition and aggression aside ) was accuse Sam of being fake and Sam got upset. But it's ok for Sam to imply Josie is fake?

I honestly can't see the difference between the two.
After seeing her in action anyone can be excused for calling her character into question....Hollywood doesn't know she's here she  is so capable of turning it off and on,last night alone we went from her sat telling Corin how heartbroken( complete with expressions to match) it is seeing Sam cry to within minutes going in the lounge draping over the couch and bring in fits laughing at what had happened with the Motely crew in the shower.
I think that's fair enough....... even on here I have to bite my tongue sometimes and stop myself from wading in to other peoples battles. Surely that's the right thing to do?
Sure you're right Ducky it was more the 'I don't care, I don't care' bit that I was thinking of...but maybe I was taking that too literally?

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