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What I agreed with was the fact that it was an abbreviation of the word.

I don't agree however that it is OK to use it in any situation.

I think maybe the thread title was wrong and yes there would be many offended by the thread which is understandable.

I couldn't think of a more racist thing to say though and that P word is very offensive when used.
IP I tried to post this in the other thread but it had been locked so I'll post it here

Ok IP thanks for answering. I don't think it would have caused so much grief if the word had been used in a question as a title - for me it was the stand alone ness of the word, just seeing it there like that that made me blink.
I come from London and that word has never been used in any way but a derogatory way particularly in the 70's and it seems to be coming back into usage now.
The thing is, if you asked a lot of Londoners who have that colour skin but have no links with Pakistan if they had ever been called that word then the chances are that they will have been called a P word at some point in their lives.
It is a general word of abuse aimed at people who have that skin colour not a short form of address to people who are Pakistani.
I'm just going to interject here:  Typically, if your thread is moved to the Troll Tank OR deleted, you should NOT start a new thread about it.  The thread was closed for a reason, and all you've done by starting a new thread about it is continue the "discussion".

So far, this thread seems to be pretty civil, so I'll keep it open for the moment.  Please keep it civil.
I had a very hard time when I first arrived in this country, trying to understand the PCness.

I think the reason that this word is now offensive is like someone previously said because of the expletives (sp?) & context it was used to be used in.

I have to change my way of thinking when talking to people here to when I am speaking to people in Australia. Here terms like that are used to degrade & abuse people which I find very distasteful.
Obviously the P word is a horrible and offensive word, but some Pakistani kids who I know liked to use that word to describe themselves in a jokey way and I felt uncomfortable but hid it, now the N word has been used by some kids due to influence in the rap videos or hearing it on the streets or whatever and have used terms like that to joke with each other but not nice terms to use, it wouldn't be nice if used to insult and they would be upset but there was one time when an offensive word was used in a nasty way by one kid but the person who it was said to used that word before messing around with their mates then they cried wolf that it insulted them I did feel sorry for them in a way as it's not nice at all but I also felt it was hypocritical of them.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
I think that goes for most families JB whether it's a racial slur or a swear word
black people can call each other the n word  and asian people  from pakistan can call each other the p word, that has no relevance  to  others using those words  to or about them.when used amongst   family the meaning is understood, when used by outsiders it  is open to interpretation,   and that interpretation is usually does not give us licence to bandy racist words  about willy nilly because 'they' do.
Obviously the P word is a horrible and offensive word, but some Pakistani kids who I know liked to use that word to describe themselves in a jokey way and I felt uncomfortable but hid it, now the N word has been used by some kids due to influence in the rap videos or hearing it on the streets or whatever and have used terms like that to joke with each other but not nice terms to use, it wouldn't be nice if used to insult and they would be upset but there was one time when an offensive word was used in a nasty way by one kid but the person who it was said to used that word before messing around with their mates then they cried wolf that it insulted them I did feel sorry for them in a way as it's not nice at all but I also felt it was hypocritical of them.
 If a word offends then no one should use it. Spot on Darlo
OK, my view is that overweight people can joke about being 'fat' and can call themselves 'fat' and maybe joke with overweight friends about being 'fat', but that doesn't mean that anyone else can go around calling overweight people 'fat'.

I also feel that they should not assume that other overweight people are happy to be called 'fat' and that they should realise that 'fat' jokes, or insults, may carry on being made and offending other overweight people due to their behaviour.

Is that agreeing with you, or darlo, or both, or neither?

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