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Right, here's the story in a nutshell....

A few months ago the OH's Son who lived with him did a flit during the day (when he was at work) taking loads of furniture and owing him lots of money, the row they had was because the Sons GF was camping there for almost 2 months, had no intentions of working and running up bills. The OH said she needed to pay her way as well, and his son and her thought she'd get a free ride.

Slowly but surely we have replaced stuff (I don't live with him BTW) and things are pretty much ticking along nicely.

Over Xmas & New Year my SIster has moved to Brighton with her fella and helped us out with loads of stuff. A massive fridge freezer, brand new bedding (a ÂĢ60 duvet), that kind of thing....

His friend stayed between Xmas and New Year as they got snowed in one night and couldn't move the car etc...I couldn't get up there so I though great, company for him...his friend hasn't been home since and is going to give up his flat (he was losing it anyway) and lodge with my BF.

This week his friend has has a rotten stomach bug and has been sleeping in our brand new duvet without even offering to put a cover on it! I know it sounds petty but I didn't get the stuff off my Sister for his benefit and I find it shocking that he didn't even think to go home to his flat while he had such a nasty stomach bug.....I walked in the house the other night and it smelled rotten, so bad i was almost sick!

My BF said he'll make some house rules and that's fine, it's his business BUT, I went round last night and all the lager and food i bought have gone!!!!

I told my BF that I simply want the whole bathroom, kitchen bleaching and I refuse to clean after his mate, I also refuse to put food & alcohol in the cupboards if it's not there when i need it!

His mate also has 2 teenage sons who stay with him every other it's going to be tricky for us to be at his over the weekend as I really don't want to be bumping into whoever in the middle of the night...etc....I already feel like a visitor there now with his mate sprawled over the couch talking shit all bloody evening.

The BF does stay at mine but it's quite far away and as he works weekends and is up very early during the week, it's not really practical for him to stay at mine when he's working....time wise, travel wise and petrol cost wise (while he's struggling)....

Once again, I know it may seem petty but I am livid that his friend has been stinking the house out all week when he has his own flat to go to, even if it's just while he's ill. He hasn't been home for a change of clothes in the 2 weeks he's been there and when i asked my BF when the last time he had a bath was, he said he's not sure if he has! Seriously, in 2 weeks!!!!

My BF thinks I'm being daft and over-reacting but if he's not changing his damn clothes (and he was stinking of BO last week)...what else is he not cleaning!!!

I am so angry....

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His mate just sits there on the couch, talking and talking!

I have also told my BF that when I do tea, I'm not cooking for his mate everytime as well, and I don't want his mate cooking for me judging by his hygiene habits....I just can't believe he's not gone home, at least for a few days while he's been ill....really fed up Sazbomb...I've put alot into helping him sort the house out and now it's like a doss house again!
The Devil In Diamante
Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww - really not nice at all. Dont really know what to say except - stop stocking them up - let them sort themselves out and just take over stuff when you visit. It's your BF's house so I suppose it's up to him who he has stay there but it sounds like he's a bit soft on his lodgers.
I know Soozy, I'd be more than happy that he has a lodger and he's helping his mate out BUT his mate has taken liberties with MY things,,,,it's causing friction and as I said, I feel like a visitor these days......he doesn't even go to bed early to give us time on out own, even though he is up at around 4am....he stays up late perched on the couch til all hours and catches up on his sleep during the afternoon when he finishes he's ALWAYS there....
The Devil In Diamante
I'm close to tears here Liverbird, it's just got to me soooo much. I'm a little skint as well at the moment but I have really tried to support him and get things back together after his Son left....I have tried to point things out calmly and got nowhere and now I'm getting angry...

...oh yes, last Saturday night he was in our room playing on the Xbox until 1.30am...I told him I was ready to go to bed numerous times and he carried on...I don't want him in our room so the xbox will have to be moved!!!!

They were mending his friends bike in the kitchen last week and his mate dropped it onto the fridge freezer door and dented's a ÂĢ800 fridge freezer, less than 12 months old that my Sister gave ME! **sigh**
The Devil In Diamante
trying to see things from all sides your Guy needs to toughen up - so soon after Family doing the dirty his awareness should be sharper not to let it happen again and it IS

the mate is losing his home - he works - he has taken root for when this happens but he should contribute for his time there and also discuss his future 

difficult for you to preach as it isnt your place - dont take alcohol and food to stock them up - if you go just take what you want for yourself - in fact I would say my piece regarding how I felt about the  relationship and not go there while you feel like you do  

if it is decided he is staying on as a lodger - ground rules have to be put in place - a seperate space for him to give you  privacy BUT your Guy has to decide - it is his place - how secure is your relationship? would you not going there for a while help your Guy to sort the problem ? [ if he concedes and agrees there is one ] 

I dont see you as being unreasonable - in fact quite the opposite but most males dont see things the same way as females do they
if it is decided he is staying on as a lodger - ground rules have to be put in place - a seperate space for him to give you privacy BUT your Guy has to decide - it is his place - how secure is your relationship? would you not going there for a while help your Guy to sort the problem ? [ if he concedes and agrees there is one ]
I have told him that ground rules need to be put in place, and he said he'd spoken to him about it, but, nothing seems to have changed....

...i know it's his place BUT wouldn't you think his mate would know when to give us space, just as I suggested to the BF that we give him space especially when his Sons are there.....I have been reasonable, but as i thought his mate was just staying for a few days until the snow cleared, it took me by surprise TBH.....i am seriously thinking of refusing to go there TBH, he'll have to come to me, however inconvenient...
The Devil In Diamante
It seems like an unusual way of conducting a relationship to me but, and IMHYCO you deserve better
I know what you mean, but we have our own places and space and it works for us....once we're both back on our feet (hopefully in the next 12 months) the next step will probably be to find somewhere together, that we are both equal in....this isn't helping the relationship at all though!
The Devil In Diamante
I'd take the bedding back! And obviously fumigate it... give him warning, say you have a friend coming to stay over the weekend and need it so he will have to go home and get his own bedding, then just keep it at yours.

As for food and booze as soozy said don't fill their fridge and cupboards, just take a few bits when you are visiting.... as for him sitting up with you both all evening, maybe persuade your boyfriend to relocate the tele etc to his room so you can chill together in private **edit** I've just read about the Xbox in you bf's room! Thats your bf's fault he shouldn't allow it after you've made the effort to go see him!!

Living with rude people who take the p1ss is really tough and makes you wanna rip their heads off if its not sorted, although it sounds like your bf doesnt have a problem with it, is his mate paying rent etc?
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Living with rude people who take the p1ss is really tough and makes you wanna rip their heads off if its not sorted, although it sounds like your bf doesnt have a problem with it, is his mate paying rent etc?
He's not paid any yet but will be doing which is what it's all about....I'm just furious over him staying whilst ill and stinking my bedding

...i have told the OH i want it either fumigating, taking to the laundry and cleaned proper or replaced, like for like....the reason it wasn't being used for us is that we just gave the bedroom a lick of paint and i wanted to save it until the decorating was done....
The Devil In Diamante
the reason it wasn't being used for us is that we just gave the bedroom a lick of paint and i wanted to save it until the decorating was done....
That sucks!

I might be reading too much into this but it seems you put a lot into HIS home, what does he put into yours? I think you need to think about your relationship hun, it seems to me he isnt taking your points onboard even though you have helped him with his home so much.I agree with Joe you do deserve more.
That sucks! I might be reading too much into this but it seems you put a lot into HIS home, what does he put into yours? I think you need to think about your relationship hun, it seems to me he isnt taking your points onboard even though you have helped him with his home so much.I agree with Joe you do deserve more.
In all fairness to him, up until now I've not had a problem helping him out, I have what I need and my Sisters stuff just came up at the right time after his Son cleaned him out...though in hindsight I should've kept that fridge freezer and gave him mine (I still may swap them).....his house is up for sale and needs 'stuff' in it to make it in that respect I was quite happy....we're going to have to talk later, maybe go out for an hour as his mate will be sat there all night....

.....the BF agreed with all the points I raised and said he's told him, I just don't think he's been stern enough...
The Devil In Diamante
Deman, I am willing to give it a chance BUT his mate just doesn't seem to listen or know when to make himself scarce.......or maybe he does but decides not to anyway...
Then if your OH knows it's bothering you, and values your relationship (as opposed to just letting his mate rule the roost) he should put his foot down.
If he won't, then I'd question whose company he prefers - and who he respects more.
Then if your OH knows it's bothering you, and values your relationship (as opposed to just letting his mate rule the roost) he should put his foot down. If he won't, then I'd question whose company he prefers - and who he respects more.
Exactly what I was thinking I'll speak to him tonight then give it a few days....if nothing changes then I'll have to make some changes I I said, I'm willing to give it a go but my OH needs to be a lot tougher and, if he can't be then i guess his choice is made...
The Devil In Diamante
we're going to have to talk later, maybe go out for an hour as his mate will be sat there all night....
Yeah i think you need to, even just being with him away from his mate might make you feel a bit better dont be too soft though hun, this will be your chance to get things off your chest and then see if he sorts anything out, if he doesnt well..... you tried....

Also if he's trying to sell his house does he really think a smelly dirty bloke lounging about the place stinking it out is going to help? Not the same as freshly baked bread is it?
DiD I think the BF is taking advantage of your good nature. You should come first over any of his mates and he shouldn't have allowed his friend to play on the xbox after you had told him you wanted to go to bed
We had words about that all right...if it happens again this weekend WW3 will break out....the OH can come to mine whenever he wants but then his mate will have the benefit of the whole house and all my appliances etc....I will ask him once more to get it sorted, if not then I shall be off doing my own thing...
The Devil In Diamante
lso if he's trying to sell his house does he really think a smelly dirty bloke lounging about the place stinking it out is going to help? Not the same as freshly baked bread is it?
I have pointed that out to him already Jen I know it's abit of a Taboo subject trying to tell someone to be abit more hygienice but there are nice ways to go about it like...

"I've cleared a shelf for your toiletries and towels if you want a bath when you finish work"!!!!! YOU SMELLY GIT!
The Devil In Diamante
Reference: DID
It's gonna take more than Febreze I think the OH is aware he's abit lazy in the bathing dept as he did suggest putting throws over the couch...
The only couch throw he needs is to throw his smelly mate OFF it.
I have no patience with dirty, smelly people. Soap is cheap. I couldn't have someone like that in my house and I'd bliddy well tell them to either clean up or get out.

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