went to specsavers today n am gettin contact lenses!! or man am shekin a cant wait to see proper. cud change me life this.
a went ther n gave me name n then they startd quizzin me man a thourt ad bin arrested the way they askd us stuff. they even asked me if i drived n i had to lie coz a sumtimes drive but illegaley but i think they beleived me.
they then took me into a dark room n did tests on me eyes. made me look at riting on red n green (am not colour blind lol) n say if dots are cleara n stuff n then he sed he recamends contact lenses for me eyes so am gan next week to get them.
just need sum advice tho man. they sed a need to go in to get teached how to put em in me eyes. lol why do they need to teach me? sureley u just put em on your eye ball not rocket science is it lol. and am gettin month contact lenses so how does the contact lense no wen a month is gone n they sed ill have to clean em how do you do that a cant even clean dishes lol
cheers for any help n advice.