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went to specsavers today n am gettin contact lenses!! or man am shekin a cant wait to see proper. cud change me life this.


a went ther n gave me name n then they startd quizzin me man a thourt ad bin arrested the way they askd us stuff. they even asked me if i drived n i had to lie coz a sumtimes drive but illegaley but i think they beleived me.


they then took me into a dark room n did tests on me eyes. made me look at riting on red n green (am not colour blind lol) n say if dots are cleara n stuff n then he sed he recamends contact lenses for me eyes so am gan next week to get them.


just need sum advice tho man. they sed a need to go in to get teached how to put em in me eyes. lol why do they need to teach me? sureley u just put em on your eye  ball not rocket science is it lol. and am gettin month contact lenses so how does the contact lense no wen a month is gone n they sed ill have to clean em how do you do that a cant even clean dishes lol


cheers for any help n advice.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Taking them out is easy. You either pinch or slide. I have long nails so I slide. Putting them in is easy too as long as you know how to pull your eyelids apart properly and your hands aren't too shaky. The hard part is when you're so short sighted that when you've got both lenses out and trying to put a new one in and you're trying to read if the "123" on the lense is the right way round or if you take it out and find you've only got half a lense on your finger and realise that the other half must still be in there.....somewhere.


You'll know when the month is up too as no amount of cleaning will make them comfortable to wear


Mine don't have 123 on them so I'm forever putting them in the wrong way but I can tell straight away there's something wrong.


Chunks.....go in and get the optician to show you how to put them in and take them out coz although it's soooo easy once you know how you are best to learn how to do it properly so you aren't fiddling about with them on your fingers and freaking out when trying to get them on your eyeball.  


DON'T FALL ASLEEP WITH THEM IN!!  I used to do it when I was younger and stayed out overnight but ended up with sore dry eyes coz your eyes can't 'breathe' properly with them in all night.  


If you ever lose one in your eyeball don't freak out.  There's nowhere for it to go and if you gently massage your eyelid it will come out eventually (mine took hours once....I was beginning to wonder if it COULD find a way to escape and end up rattling around in my head )

Originally Posted by Ells:

Mine don't have 123 on them so I'm forever putting them in the wrong way but I can tell straight away there's something wrong.


Chunks.....go in and get the optician to show you how to put them in and take them out coz although it's soooo easy once you know how you are best to learn how to do it properly so you aren't fiddling about with them on your fingers and freaking out when trying to get them on your eyeball.  


DON'T FALL ASLEEP WITH THEM IN!!  I used to do it when I was younger and stayed out overnight but ended up with sore dry eyes coz your eyes can't 'breathe' properly with them in all night.  


If you ever lose one in your eyeball don't freak out.  There's nowhere for it to go and if you gently massage your eyelid it will come out eventually (mine took hours once....I was beginning to wonder if it COULD find a way to escape and end up rattling around in my head )

I'm glad that never happened to me when i had my brief fliration with contacts - I'd have freaked out imagining them having to take my eyeball out to get it out again   (I admit I have a slight tendency to over-react at times...)

Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by Sprout:

Better off gettin glasses really 

I'd agree with that.  Lenses are a pain the ass for me.  I only wear them on nights out or meeting teachers etc.  Glasses for everyday things for me.  


My eyes don't seem to like lenses much.  They make me feel tired after a few hours wear.

I'm with you, I have v sensitive eyes and they're a bloody pita. More so now I'm of a 'certain age' and they are even more challenged to meet all of my prescription requirements. They can't do it all, short sighted, with astigmatisms, and now need them for reading too....I'd rather wear my specs!

Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by Sprout:

Better off gettin glasses really 

I'd agree with that.  Lenses are a pain the ass for me.  I only wear them on nights out or meeting teachers etc.  Glasses for everyday things for me.  


My eyes don't seem to like lenses much.  They make me feel tired after a few hours wear.

Same here My eyes feel 'tired' towards the end of the day if I have lenses in all day I wear them sometimes, but I have the daily disposables so I dont have to worry about cleaning and all that

Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by Sprout:

Better off gettin glasses really 

I'd agree with that.  Lenses are a pain the ass for me.  I only wear them on nights out or meeting teachers etc.  Glasses for everyday things for me.  


My eyes don't seem to like lenses much.  They make me feel tired after a few hours wear.

I'm with you, I have v sensitive eyes and they're a bloody pita. More so now I'm of a 'certain age' and they are even more challenged to meet all of my prescription requirements. They can't do it all, short sighted, with astigmatisms, and now need them for reading too....I'd rather wear my specs!

It took me about three months to realise that and I just gave up contacts completely.       I get a lot of 'oily' sort of film in my eyes so I was forever cleaning them and it annoyed me that they'd occasionally drift 'upwards' and they need to float back down to where they should be before I could focus properly again.    I can see better with glasses too - astigmatism makes it harder for lenses wearers I think because all the correction has to be on a smaller area of the lens (so the optician said)  


Good luck with your contact lenses Chunks. Yes they can be a pain *nods* but at least technology has moved on - they're softer, and more water based now so more comfortable to wear. There used to be the hard ones  gas permeable or summat they were called.


I paid extra for the soft ones back then cos I'm a sissy. 


I wear daily ones which sometimes I do wear for more than a day   but since I got advice here on how dangerous it can be I've reduced the time I wear them.

Originally Posted by noseyrosie:

Good luck with your contact lenses Chunks. Yes they can be a pain *nods* but at least technology has moved on - they're softer, and more water based now so more comfortable to wear. There used to be the hard ones  gas permeable or summat they were called.


I paid extra for the soft ones back then cos I'm a sissy. 


I wear daily ones which sometimes I do wear for more than a day   but since I got advice here on how dangerous it can be I've reduced the time I wear them.

I wear dailies too and yes, I wear them more often than the one day.  BUT only if I've only worn then for an hour or so and have put them in fresh solution.  A box of 15 sets of lenses lasts me about 3 months at the minute because I don't wear my lenses much.


I do need new glasses though....which are bloody expensive and it takes me days of going back and forth to the optician to find the right ones   I'm picky when it comes to them.

Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by noseyrosie:

Good luck with your contact lenses Chunks. Yes they can be a pain *nods* but at least technology has moved on - they're softer, and more water based now so more comfortable to wear. There used to be the hard ones  gas permeable or summat they were called.


I paid extra for the soft ones back then cos I'm a sissy. 


I wear daily ones which sometimes I do wear for more than a day   but since I got advice here on how dangerous it can be I've reduced the time I wear them.

I wear dailies too and yes, I wear them more often than the one day.  BUT only if I've only worn then for an hour or so and have put them in fresh solution.  A box of 15 sets of lenses lasts me about 3 months at the minute because I don't wear my lenses much.


I do need new glasses though....which are bloody expensive and it takes me days of going back and forth to the optician to find the right ones   I'm picky when it comes to them.

EEEk I'm about the same Ells. I dowse my eyes with a squirt of saline in the morning to freshen them. My glasses make me look like Thora Hird, and I'm too vain to wear them  I should take more care  - or even get them lasered to correct them... heard good things about that.

just a update av got me lenses n ther mint cant beleuve a suvived widout em before
reason a havnt bin on for a bit was coz wen a fust got em they med me see good far away things but med me close vision crap but they fine now n so wen a went in today they sed its coz of me eyes not bin use to it so its making tears a was like frigin hell man am a cry baby lol but its mint like a cant put it into words its like av just switched me eyes to hd

av gota change me solusion evry day n clean em or else a cud get problems wid things growin on me lenses or suming

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