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I've been away for a couple of weeks; before I left, I said I'd be back, but I wasn't sure whether I'd be coming back to stay, or just to say goodbye.
I've been lurking for the last couple of days, trying to find my way around and get a feel for this place, and frankly,
"it feels like you are in a cave shouting all on your own and hoping someone will hear.  The last place felt like a cosy living room type space where we all popped in and out."
pretty much sums up the feeling I'm getting.

Sad to say, but it's looking very much like it's going to be goodbye...


I'm not really enjoying it here much tbh - I don't want to blog - haven't got anything that I want to tell the world, it seems that most of the blogs originate from Twitter, and I don't do any social networking, so I can't read them, I get ignored in the SS ... but I'm just plugging on in there in the hope that it all settles down and turns out like a forum again
I'm using my blog for venting about my kids and stuff. I love it

As for posting here. I just post anywhere. If people don't reply so be it. It doesn't seem to flow as smoothly but I honestly think that's because people have decided they don't like it and are reading more than posting. Bite the bullet and get in there and post and it'll soon feel like the old place  
Sarum, I remember you from old C4 days, we have not posted much together, but I always read your posts with great interest and would hate for you to go elsewhere.

At first it was very cold and unwelcoming I felt, but gradually I can feel the welcoming spirit coming back to this place, the only "problem", if you can call it a problem, is that it is very tempting to have a wander around nosing at other things, just because you can, and a lot of people (me included) have set their profiles to show offline all the time, simply because you don't wish to appear rude and be ignoring people when you are posting in other places.  The club feeling is coming back and the tweeks that have been made have made the site more workable, but it's still not quite right yet, but I have no doubt it will soon be great.

I hope that you can feel that you can give it a go as you have always seemed to me one of the most valued  and genuine FM's we have here, we have lost so many, I truly hope that you can stay.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
But mostly people who liked the forum don't want the blogs, we want a forum that feels like the old forum felt.

I have to agree to a certain degree, I'm trying to stick to the forum with the hope that we get the community spirit back. People can post where they want and good luck to them, I preferred the old way when we were altogether  and not forums within forums and offshoots from the forum.  I'm just hoping that we all end up in one place, instead of this hotchpotch we're in now. I loved the community spirit we had in gaga, but somehow it's lost here...although I stick it out because I like so many forum members, even those I don't post with,

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