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Reference: Twee
And if in really serious doubt, after having pressed too many buttons and causing serious overload, log out and come back in again.  It clears everything and you can have a fresh start.   That is always my tried and tested way of clearing all my errors
  You... are ready for paid IT Support employment!!      

... the best way to learn about pooters is to totally screw one up, and then have to try to mend it...   though I wouldn't recommend it... its stressful, especially if it isn't actually your computer  
Reference: ditty
You... are ready for paid IT Support employment!! ... the best way to learn about pooters is to totally screw one up, and then have to try to mend it... though I wouldn't recommend it... its stressful, especially if it isn't actually your computer

I like your confidence in me ditty, but I can tell you right here right now it is misplaced.  The only true and tested way of clearing everything is to switch off at the wall.  It's not always possible to clear all my errors by simply switching off the laptop, sometimes I have to resort to wanging off the electric power to make sure I kill all the mistakes, dead. 

I have never actually taken a laptop apart but I think I'll pass on that one.  Too many bits to put back together I would have thought.  But I admire you for attempting it, it shows a certain flair and confidence.  It also helped a bit that it wasn't your own so you didn't give a stuff if it wasn't put back into its original state.


Twee Surgeon
Reference: Twee
I have never actually taken a laptop apart but I think I'll pass on that one
Noooo... don't do that one!    I have a room full of them, in pieces....  they are not backwards engineerable!    Not one bit! 

I don't physically take them apart (my brother scared me when I was gonna put a memory wotsit in my desktop pooter.... by telling me I had to EARTH myself before I opened up the tower..... put me right off that did).

I like to think of myself as more of button pressing pioneer... if it involves a screwdriver then I have to call on men that like spag bol!

I had to just edit then... to put a like in the last line... before anyone asks what 'men that spag bol' do!
Supercalifragilistic 5381 Forum Posts Today at 10:45 PM (Edited: ) PMSL that this by Ducky: And the batteries come in handy too.......was immediately followed by this by Katty: Well I'm right in there on my new rabbit forum already
And three posts later CheekyPixie is saying "It would be nice to have it buzzing"!!
my brother scared me when I was gonna put a memory wotsit in my desktop pooter.... by telling me I had to EARTH myself before I opened up the tower..... put me right off that did

My son scared me by telling me the same thing. Only it was him opening it up...... so then I wouldn't let him! He then swore all he meant was that his static charge will damage the components. not the other way around. I wasn't having any of it by then though.
With all due respect I know that.
I know you know that and I know a lot of others know that, but from reading some of the various posts I get the distinct impression that there are still some FMs who are not really aware that the Social Networking part of Live Cloud can be 'switched off' so to speak and that they can have the GaGa forum only.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Reference: ditty
Noooo... don't do that one! I have a room full of them, in pieces.... they are not backwards engineerable! Not one bit! I don't physically take them apart (my brother scared me when I was gonna put a memory wotsit in my desktop pooter.... by telling me I had to EARTH myself before I opened up the tower..... put me right off that did). I like to think of myself as more of button pressing pioneer... if it involves a screwdriver then I have to call on men that spag bol!
Stick to what you know ditty, and you won't go wrong.  Men have their uses, sure.  They just seem to know what a screwdriver is for, whereas we don't.  We should just leave them to put up shelves and things, and they can leave the important things for us to do.  Your brother must have given you loads of confidence saying that about the earth thing.  I would have run like hell out of the house. If there is a faint buzz from my laptop I worry about it, thinking the innards are frizzling, but my grandson says it's just the fan cooling it down - phew!  What a relief, eh?
Twee Surgeon
wanging off, and buzzy rabbits, frizzling innards, and stretching boxes, etc .. how this thread has changed course. 

It is just like the old days on GaGa when threads went off at random.  Nothing has changed, just the format is different.  We can all have a good laugh irrespective of the format. 

I hope the FMs who are having difficulty with the forum do sort it and stay because this thread is an example of how much fun we can have if we all stick together in one place.

Twee Surgeon
My young innocent mind has been corrupted by this thread tonight.  I innocently posted my method of clearing all my laptop errors by 'wanging off' the leccy, someone mentioned buzzing bunnies, stretching boxes, frizzling innards, willies, wearing wellies or 'overcoats' to post online, and Blizz intends to drag hard down on something.  I wont be able to sleep with this stuff buzzin in my head.   Some things never change with us GaGa people, eh? 

Goodnite to all, and thanks for the laughs xx  We are just in a different venue but we remain the same  xx
Twee Surgeon

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