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But even over silly little things like the graemlins box being designed for the original number of graemlins and the powers that be being reluctant to enlarge it to accommodate the increased number of graemlins,
You say that, but do we know for certain that they are not looking into that? We can't expect them to go rushing off and make an immediate change as soon as someone requests it. For all we know some of these things although SOUNDING quite simple, might take several weeks to accomplish, and may well be lined up for the scheduled update in October.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
I think some people are, unfortunately, getting a little heated over this. In no way is it being suggested that people with legitimate queries and problems are just moaning. However those who seem to be ignoring the help and advice that is being given and are continually re-iterating the same things are not helping anyone, least of all themselves.
Only today I saw a post bemoaning the difficulty in finding the last poster of a thread and there being no page numbers. Yet there are page numbers, albeit at the bottom of the page, and at the top it tells you how many replies in total and then which 40 of the total are on the page being viewed followed by First Previous Next Last navigation buttons.
Alright, there is no 'direct to the last post' button, there may or may not be in the future, but in the meantime is it so difficult to click 'LAST' and then either scrolldown or press the 'END' key on the keyboard?
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Reference: Fluffy
You say that, but do we know for certain that they are not looking into that? We can't expect them to go rushing off and make an immediate change as soon as someone requests it. For all we know some of these things although SOUNDING quite simple, might take several weeks to accomplish, and may well be lined up for the scheduled update in October.
Yes I did ask a mod this and the answer was that they were not planning to change the size of the graemlin box which had been sized that way in order to accommodate the original number of graemlins.
I think some people don't want to help themselves.  I'm not saying all...and I'm not saying some folks don't have a legitimate right to voice opinions.

I know on Gaga there was once an issue that was easily solved by clearing cache and cookies, so many people said they didn't have a clue how to, had never heard of them...and got into a right panic.  I honestly think that learning how to do the basics (like run an anti virus, clear cookies, getting rid of old stuff cluttering up your PC) is just a sensible part of owning a PC or lappy.  You don't buy a car without knowing or finding out where to put the water and knowing to keeping a spare tyre in the boot.  Computers and laptops aren't cheap, they're forking out for broadband every month or just sems responsible to me to figure this stuff out.

I know not everyone has tech skills, fair enough, but if you have access to the internet you have access to's 60 seconds out of your life to find a make browsing easier and to keep your expensive purchase running smoothly.

No brainer to me.
Only today I saw a post bemoaning the difficulty in finding the last poster of a thread and there being no page numbers. Yet there are page numbers, albeit at the bottom of the page, and at the top it tells you how many replies in total and then which 40 of the total are on the page being viewed followed by First Previous Next Last navigation buttons.
The Smiley box can also be stretched or use the scroll bars.
Alright, there is no 'direct to the last post' button, there may or may not be in the future, but in the meantime is it so difficult to click 'LAST' and then either scrolldown or press the 'END' key on the keyboard?
Keep your hair on It wasn't me moaning about page numbers, but I was saying that I preferred the ease of use elsewhere to get a direct link to the last poster. No it isn't that difficult in it's current format, but seems would be a common preference if this could be a future feature of the forum?
I'm sorry to hear that some people aren't happy with LC.  I know it is somewhat different, and it's taking some getting used to.  It also does seem to be rather dis-jointed, with people here and there, on blogs and in different places. 

I don't understand it, as the old link from gaga actually directs you to 'this' page here; so I am confused as to why people aren't coming on here.  Unless they saw it and simply hated it, and decided that they wouldn't come.  Pity really, because if people did come on here, then it could be the same as the old forum really.  There are quite a number of posters from gagajoy that don't appear to be here, which is a pity.   There's no reason really, why it can't be the same.
Reference:Chheky Pixie
I'm sorry to hear that some people aren't happy with LC. I know it is somewhat different, and it's taking some getting used to. It also does seem to be rather dis-jointed, with people here and there, on blogs and in different places. I don't understand it, as the old link from gaga actually directs you to 'this' page here; so I am confused as to why people aren't coming on here. Unless they saw it and simply hated it, and decided that they wouldn't come. Pity really, because if people did come on here, then it could be the same as the old forum really. There are quite a number of posters from gagajoy that don't appear to be here, which is a pity. There's no reason really, why it can't be the same.

Well I'm here and finding my way about quite comfortably but .......................maybe it's the lack of familiar faces and quick repartee that's missing just feels like a huuuuuuuuuuuuge echoey chamber - not homely in any way shape or form. As you say - maybe it's the lack of familiar faces - I'll keep trying but - it's not the sort of place that's calling me back - it's cold and unwelcoming and I really dont know why.
Soozy Woo
Reference: Leccy
I can't even drive Ditty...I was being whatsit... like a metaphor smart arse.
In my defence Leccy....   if my windscreen bottle is empty... I poke up with a dirty windscreen...   if I get a flat tyre or anything else... I ring the man at the RAC (or AA or whoever hubby subscribed me to this year.... so actually I ring hubby or my dad to sort it out)

I can look after my pooter though!  

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