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The site was open 14th August....a lot of people came over then and played about with it so that when the forum moved over they were au fait with it...also a lot of the little glitches were found and sorted in that time too. Dare I say if others had had a look around and played about in that time instead of moaning about not wanting to move (cos it was always going to happen and no amount of moaning was going to stop it) then most of the problems people are having would have been sorted weeks ago.
I came over weeks ago.  I made sure I got confident about how it was to use.  I started a Freddie thread and it has gone to 4 pages long.  So I can say with a certain level of authority that I do not like it.  It does not operate in a way I feel comfortable with.  I am unhappy using it, even though I know perfectly well how to use it, how to navigate around it etc.  I wish that people would stop referring to it as whinging when people express their dislike of it.  Is the only opinion that is allowed one of the 'I love it' variety? We are a community, some like the different aspects, some are not interested in blogs walls etc.  Many people have tried working with those in control to iron out many differences (I have played a tiny tiny part in that).  But even over silly little things like the graemlins box being designed for the original number of graemlins and the powers that be being reluctant to enlarge it to accommodate the increased number of graemlins, it is clunky and has a chilly feeling to it.
i'm not dissing anyone or belittling any views of this place..

however....( that's like a posh 'but')

and there's always a but...

 currently there are 43 members logged in and about 6 of us posting, which , if memory serves is much about the same as  it was on gaga.

when bb was on it got livelier but mostly it was loads logged in and hardly anyone posting, i am betting those not posting where  probably 'here,there and everywhere ' too.

gaga had other forums, people have other forums, people surf the net, etc.

so in conclusion, i do think there is a touch of the rose tinteds going on at the mo.
I'm not dissing anyone or belittling views either but I think we need to be careful how much negativity we post in here. Many people come here to just enjoy themselves and have a laugh, I can't speak for everyone but coming here and seeing more than one thread discussing the places faults just makes me want to go somewhere else to post. If you don't want this place to get even quieter (and I totally agree with Jackson that it would be just as quiet right now even on the old format) then we need to get back to normal as quick as poss.

I like this place a lot but at no point have I ever thought, or said, that it is a better format than the old place....... I suppose it all boils down to how important it is that we stay together. If it's not important to you then it's easy enough to find another forum, the internet is full of them. If it is important to you, then now may be the time to forget the niggles (or at least confine them to the support forum) and get on with enjoying the community again.
Duckypup online 10058 Forum Posts Today at 1:52 PM (Edited: ) I'm not dissing anyone or belittling views either but I think we need to be careful how much negativity we post in here. Many people come here to just enjoy themselves and have a laugh, I can't speak for everyone but coming here and seeing more than one thread discussing the places faults just makes me want to go somewhere else to post. If you don't want this place to get even quieter (and I totally agree with Jackson that it would be just as quiet right now even on the old format) then we need to get back to normal as quick as poss.
I do agree with that Ducky.  It's not necessary to have more than one thread dissing the place - keep it in the feedback section - best place for it.   I think that in a week or so, people will calm down a bit and either settle here or go elsewhere.  I do think it is very quiet on here and that GaGa was busier, even when BB was not on.  That tells me that folk are not comfortable on here, and are probably posting elsewhere.
Dare I say if others had had a look around and played about in that time instead of moaning about not wanting to move (cos it was always going to happen and no amount of moaning was going to stop it) then most of the problems people are having would have been sorted weeks ago.
I was one of the tourists before we moved here, and had few if any glitches.. since the move there's been a few more though . I still can't figure why you all chose the same avatar.. you know the one with the wee red x? ( and ohh the timing.. this is my third try at posting a reply, my graemlin cage kept getting stuck!)
I totally understand robertsam's frustration and I hope s/he sticks with it, posted with them before and had a right ole laugh.
I don't know whether this will post, because the Gremlins are very active at the moment.
However, I understand how people feel, but is a change in format(whether it's liked or not), worth losing a community over?
No! This place isn't what we've been used to and there are niggles that need ironing out, but on the whole it's a good place to be, with lots to read and post about, not only in the forum part of the site.
Give the place a real chance, get involved and accept the change that had to be may even get to like it
This post will probably annoy some people but I have been sitting on my hands for a long time on this.
I love the use of the word 'Community'.  The sniping and bitching that has been going on for weeks doesn't lend itself very well to Community Spirit.  I saw people that were genuinely helping others being abused and called all sorts.  Anyone who helped out was genuine and has this sense of Community.  Yes, some of us came here and had a play around with it and a few made sure some of the stuff others were complaining about was sorted out.  Where is the thanks for that?  Go have a look in the Support Forum and you can see how the people interested in this Community got things done.  
At times GaGa is a scary place.  Some people can say what they like while others who aren't in that particular clique make a simple joke or give an opinion and they are pounced on.  Some threads are full of innuendo and when people post there in innocence they are giggled about in other places. 
Maybe that's why GaGa has got so quiet in the last few weeks.  It's also no longer a Channel 4 forum and newbies can't find it. 
Maybe I have never felt part of this Community and I'm sorry if I have annoyed anyone saying this but if it is a Community my post will be taken in the spirit it's meant.
Maybe that's why GaGa has got so quiet in the last few weeks. It's also no longer a Channel 4 forum and newbies can't find it.
Good point about community spirit Tayto.

Regarding your point above...... Gaga, even on the old format was always going to get quieter and quieter. People get bored and move on. At C4 there was always "passing trade" , on Gaga there isn't. Now of course, if it all goes down the pan it will be blamed on the move. Personally I think there is more chance of getting new members here on LC than there ever was on the separate forum.
Anyone who helped out was genuine and has this sense of Community.  Yes, some of us came here and had a play around with it and a few made sure some of the stuff others were complaining about was sorted out.  Where is the thanks for that?  Go have a look in the Support Forum and you can see how the people interested in this Community got things done.  
Yes I was truly grateful for all the help I got when I moved over, people were really keen to show me that this place was alright, and I believe them, I prefer this style to the old one.
I love the use of the word 'Community'. The sniping and bitching that has been going on for weeks doesn't lend itself very well to Community Spirit. I saw people that were genuinely helping others being abused and called all sorts. Anyone who helped out was genuine and has this sense of Community. Yes, some of us came here and had a play around with it and a few made sure some of the stuff others were complaining about was sorted out. Where is the thanks for that? Go have a look in the Support Forum and you can see how the people interested in this Community got things done

I was struggling at first and any problems I had were answered really quicklly in the support forum by either a mod or FM who knew what they were doing. It doesn't hurt to ask in the right place. Like I said before...the mods will look for FMs with problems there first
I quite like it here, it's not the same as the old format, but it's something we have all just got to deal with and basically move on from.

If it's that painful to come here, then I know what I would/will do......leave and find something else to occupy me.  same old cliche I know but a true one.

I really, really thought that I would hate this place, but I don't...and I have also spoken to so many lovely different people already that I probably wouldn't have spoken to if the move hadn't happened.  

I love seeing familiar names and I am just thankful I have at least got the chance to give this place a shot and see what happens after a few months.  I also pleased that I have the opportunity to stay in touch with you all for the time the end of the day the gaga lot could have just said sod the lot of you and shut it down like C4 did without a second thought.

Time for a bit of positivity I think.

Obviously people have different feelings and opinions about this and I respect them, just thought I'd bore you all with my 20 pence worth!

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