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I know what you mean robertsam.  I know plenty of people are putting on a brave face about it and many do like all the extras but for those of us who liked the old forum whatever this place is it aint that.  I have found, as many have said, this feels empty and cold, it doesn't feel like you are joining in, just sort of posting pointless comments and then logging off.  Such a sad travesty to turn our happy community into this.  And for all those who want to start tutting and wagging their finger at me, that's my opinion, I am entitled to voice it, and I am in no way trying to 'bite the hand the feeds us' but it would be dishonest of me to say "oh I love it" when I just don't.
I know what you mean robertsam. I know plenty of people are putting on a brave face about it and many do like all the extras but for those of us who liked the old forum whatever this place is it aint that. I have found, as many have said, this feels empty and cold, it doesn't feel like you are joining in, just sort of posting pointless comments and then logging off. Such a sad travesty to turn our happy community into this. And for all those who want to start tutting and wagging their finger at me, that's my opinion, I am entitled to voice it, and I am in no way trying to 'bite the hand the feeds us' but it would be dishonest of me to say "oh I love it" when I just don't.

I know how you feel Squiggs I really do! But for selfish reasons I would ask you to stay a bit longer! I would so miss your lovely morning piccies they start the day off so optomistically and I for one would really miss that! I also talk to you more often than anyone else and I would miss that too! I am hanging on by my own finger nails at the moment and it is mainly the Fredsters that are keeping me on this site! So bear with it squiggs and hope for some improvement in the near future!
Hi figgers, I really really don't think it will improve and I don't think its a good thing for us who don't like it to pretend that we do.  As I said I have seen many people posting who say exactly what I feel, it feels like you are in a cave shouting all on your own and hoping someone will hear.  The last place felt like a cosy living room type space where we all poppped in and out.  Even in the Freddsters thread people just turn up and say things like 'I'm still here' which seems completely unnatural.  Don't worry I am going to hang around and I am still trying to post my morning smilies but my heart isn't in it.  I really think that there might come a time when enough of us who think like this might find their way to a more friendly forum, but for the moment, as I say, I am hanging on, occasionally, in here.  I haven't seen Justafriend, I have seen Liverpool Lass on another forum, and it all feels very fractured.  And then you have the ones who are darting all over the place writing on people's walls and blogging, and to be honest that is not really my cup of tea.
Reference: Figtree
I know how you feel Squiggs I really do! But for selfish reasons I would ask you to stay a bit longer! I would so miss your lovely morning piccies they start the day off so optomistically and I for one would really miss that! I also talk to you more often than anyone else and I would miss that too! I am hanging on by my own finger nails at the moment and it is mainly the Fredsters that are keeping me on this site! So bear with it squiggs and hope for some improvement in the near future!
Hi Squiggs!Exactly! perhaps some brave person who is more computer savvy will identify what the majority of Fms really need and make enquiries to the people that run this site to give us what is wanted! Am I being naive here? Although I visit other sites.... generally more serious stuff.... this is the only forum that I feel I get chance to talk to people and I would feel really sad if I could no longer do that!You obviously feel the same so I am sure other FMs do too!

 Reference: Heartache
The thing is we all felt like this when we lost the C4 forum, and whilst the layout seems alien to us the people are still here. Well some of them, please don't go sqiggle and robertsam. It's up to us to make it work.

When Bov went to Eve Communities and we all went on there what we liked about it was that it felt so right, it felt like home straightaway.  That's what we were all so keen about, this does not feel like that.
When I first signed up for LiveCloud, I really couldn't understand the way it worked.  Everything seemed so strange to me as I don't do FaceBook or any other similar 'social'  sites.  I couldn't 'quote' because all I got was some kind of strange code in my reply box, but when I changed browsers, that resolved the problem.

I missed the old GBBF forum but I found the link to GaGa on the DS forum and I was able to settle in easily since it was a similar format.

Since GaGa moved here it is easier than I thought it would be.
I love reading the Blogs but I don't write any myself
I love reading the posts in the Tavern, but I don't post in there myself
I don't start threads but I enjoy posting in some of them.

After BB the old forum usually went very quiet and I think that has happened with our 'new home' but I'm willing to give it a go until it either proves to work or it fails because everyone leaves.
In real life I am a very social person, but on a forum I feel shy for some odd reason

I'm really sorry that some of you are having problems but please try to persevere.  You will be missed if you leave

As I said I have seen many people posting who say exactly what I feel, it feels like you are in a cave shouting all on your own and hoping someone will hear. The last place felt like a cosy living room type space where we all poppped in and out.
What an absoloutely perfect description - that's exactly how I'm feeling too. I was on here very late last night when only a few posters were on - normally I'd have joined in the banter but I sort of feel that there's real distance here. Can't put my finger on it but I just love the way you have described it there.
Soozy Woo
I kinda agree Mys Terry, I think if they had moved us here  2 weeks before the end of the show we would have got the hang of it quicker.  It does feel strange to me, and nothing is familar about it at all.

I dont want Dame Ann to go though   I followed her here!!  

Maybe folks will pop back next BB? Or maybe it is worth letting the site owners know what we are struggling with?

hugs for those leaving
The Great Leveller
2 weeks before the end of the show we would have got the hang of it quicker
The site was open 14th August....a lot of people came over then and played about with it so that when the forum moved over they were au fait with it...also a lot of the little glitches were found and sorted in that time too.

Dare I say if others had had a look around and played about in that time instead of moaning about not wanting to move (cos it was always going to happen and no amount of moaning was going to stop it) then most of the problems people are having would have been sorted weeks ago.
Use the support forum. It's what it's there for. You can't expect the mods to read every post on every thread here looking for people who need help. I presume seeing as they set up the support bit that's the first place they'll look. If not there are other FMs there who are helping technophobes like me get the hang of the place.

I agree with Croc too. There was nothing stopping people coming over and have a fiddle about before the move.
Reference: Croc
The site was open 14th August....a lot of people came over then and played about with it so that when the forum moved over they were au fait with it...also a lot of the little glitches were found and sorted in that time too. Dare I say if others had had a look around and played about in that time instead of moaning about not wanting to move (cos it was always going to happen and no amount of moaning was going to stop it) then most of the problems people are having would have been sorted weeks ago.
I'm sorry, but I did come over when it first opened, and I don't have any problems finding my way around, but I still agree with what Squiggle says.  I am here and mean to stay , at least for the time being, but it does not have the same feel.  The community is fractured, with people here, there and everywhere. And to be honest, it is not helped by telling those of us who feel unhappy that it is somehow our fault that we feel that way.
i don't think anyone who doesn't like this place is obliged to feel that they should say it's great.
have to say i don't get the 'it's cold' thing either. the only difference on the front page of the forum is that the op isn't mentioned, which is pretty minor. although it  was good in the old days to see a humourous/thought provoking member had posted a thread, but on the other  hand not having the op listed entices you to read    threads maybe you wouldn't normally. so it's not that bad.
I didn't mean to imply that some posters were not capable of finding their way around and I'm sorry if that was how my post came across.

What I tried to say was that if  the forum had moved before the end of BB it might have been busier.  As it is, there are many FM's that haven't moved/or don't post because BB is over.   Generally, I only posted during the series, and only came back to GBBF when the new one started.

There are several issues that still need to be fixed here, but like anything new, it will take a bit of time to be tweaked.
I didn't mean to imply that some posters were not capable of finding their way around and I'm sorry if that was how my post came across.
I  don't think anyone read that into your post Miss Terry It's just that those of us that are finding it hard to adjust to the new forum, for a variety of reasons, sometimes feel that we are not supposed to voice those opinions, and get caught between the *why, everything is great here ? * camp, and the * oh, for goodness sake, just get on with it* camp.
Awww thanks Baz, I felt somehow I'd overstepped the mark and my post was seen as critical of others.  

There are many degrees of dissatisfaction about this place, and we all need to pull together to get the problems 'ironed-out'  

I know that there is a dedicated section for problems, but unless a poster knows where to find it, they might not be able to get answers unless they ask in here by starting threads about it.
I don't think it will improve, what we have now is what it is going to be.  Nothing will be changed- the rubbish format is still going to be the same.  I am glad so many people are liking here and willing to give it a go, but there are also some who don't like it.  We all have our opinions on this place.  Personally?  I don't like it at all, but will pop in from time to time to see folk I like.

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