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Consciously, yes. Although sub-consciously it could the feel good factor you get from helping someone that's the buzz of it. Not in a selfish way but do you get what I mean?

Using one example, I'm pretty sure home helps/carers don't do their jobs solely for the money. Having to help shower old people, change beds that can be messed...there must be an inner want to help others with a role like that?
Well yes but I think there is always a payback,  if only it's the high of feeling you've done something "good" even if that's buying the Big Issue from the bod outside Sainsbury's Central.

A wee while back my brother lost his wallet near Saundersfoot. He wasn't upset so much about the money/cards although that was annoying to cancel etc but he had some stuff of sentimental value in there etc...2 days later and back home in Bridgend there was a knock on the door. A rather  rough looking bloke stood there - he'd found the wallet and coincidentally lived nearby and was returning it. What motivated him to do that?

And mebbe the fact that we were all stunned that someone HAD returned it - cash/cards etc all intact -speaks really sadly about our expectations.

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