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Originally posted by Nemesis:
If you all hate Charlie so much listen to Uncle Nemesis I will tell you what to do. Get rid of Snorevash or Rodrigo the most pointless human being in the world.

Let Charlie get through to the final. I want him to think he's won. When he doesn't the whole world will laugh as one.
I want him to get to the final and then bb to announce:
This is bb: bb is no longer on the air!
Goodbye! wavey
Originally posted by Nemesis:
If you all hate Charlie so much listen to Uncle Nemesis I will tell you what to do. Get rid of Snorevash or Rodrigo the most pointless human being in the world.

Let Charlie get through to the final. I want him to think he's won. When he doesn't the whole world will laugh as one.

It's too risky to let Charlie get to the Final as sadly he has fans on the outside
Yellow Rose
Originally posted by brisket:
Originally posted by Nemesis:
Let Charlie get through to the final.

Oh no! That`s living too dangerously.
I will gloat even more if he doesn`t even reach the final night.

He doesn't have a hope in hell Brisk. We know that, he doesn't. It's much more fun to dangle the carrot in front of him till the last minute.
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally posted by Nemesis:
If you all hate Charlie so much listen to Uncle Nemesis I will tell you what to do. Get rid of Snorevash or Rodrigo the most pointless human being in the world.

Let Charlie get through to the final. I want him to think he's won. When he doesn't the whole world will laugh as one.

It's too risky to let Charlie get to the Final as sadly he has fans on the outside

I don't think he has. He's shown himself up to be very bad news. His sob story won't cut it compared to the way he's been in the house.

Missing Marcus who he nominated is just pure LOL material. I always thought David was the thick one. Words can't describe how thick Charlie is.
Originally posted by brisket:
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
I'm concerend that there's more on the outside that will keep him in than those here that will vote him out Disappointed

Me too Yellow Rose, but we must remain hopeful.
I`ll keep my fingers crossed. Smiler
(And my legs)
And my ...ooops

heehee, don't do yourself an injury by crossing something that's too painful lol. Big Grin Trying to remain positive about Charlie going, but, ummmm, just wish I hadn't realised for some weeks that he's actually popular with some, total mystery to me but then folk are weird at times lol Nod
Yellow Rose
Originally posted by Nemesis:
Originally posted by mrMiller:
anyone worried about Sophie or Siavash.

Sophie definitely won't go. Siavash might. I reckon it's between him and Lisa.

I'm hoping those that kept Siav in last week will do so again this week. Sophie's fan base hasn't been tested yet but I think she may be popular with the GPB, hopefully more popular than Charlie Mad
Yellow Rose
Originally posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally posted by mrMiller:
anyone worried about Sophie or Siavash.

No why? Why the would anyone in their right mind vote Siavash and Sophie out above Charlie. Lis and Dave !

the problem is that lisa, Charlie and David may get a split vote. Only today when out heard people saying they wanted Siavash out
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by Nemesis:
Originally posted by mrMiller:
anyone worried about Sophie or Siavash.

Sophie definitely won't go. Siavash might. I reckon it's between him and Lisa.

He just survived an eviction against the favourite in the house, what on earth makes you think he's unpopular? Confused

How could Marcus ever be considered a favourite? He's intelligent in his dreams and his constant swearing served only to alienate him from any older voters. The fact the vote was so close doesn't bode well for Snorevash.
Originally posted by Nemesis:
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by Nemesis:
Originally posted by mrMiller:
anyone worried about Sophie or Siavash.

Sophie definitely won't go. Siavash might. I reckon it's between him and Lisa.

He just survived an eviction against the favourite in the house, what on earth makes you think he's unpopular? Confused

How could Marcus ever be considered a favourite? He's intelligent in his dreams and his constant swearing served only to alienate him from any older voters. The fact the vote was so close doesn't bode well for Snorevash.

I don't know your demographic Nemesis so apologies if anything I say misinterprets that.

Marcus was one of the most intelligent housemates. I accept he was somewhat of a plank at times but I understand he scored very highly on the IQ test. Of course IQ intelligence is no measure of practical intelligence.

His language may have alienated older viewers but frankly they tend not to waste their money on pointless TV votes. Having said that my 70 year old mother adores Billy Connolly and he has the vocabulary of a sewer rat. But then so dies Chubby Brown and I find him so hideously unfunny I'd like to club him to death like a baby seal.

The fact that the vote was so close bodes very well for Siavash. Frankly had either been up against anyone else my gut feeling is that they'd have stayed.
Originally posted by Cariad:
Originally posted by Nemesis:
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by Nemesis:
Originally posted by mrMiller:
anyone worried about Sophie or Siavash.

Sophie definitely won't go. Siavash might. I reckon it's between him and Lisa.

He just survived an eviction against the favourite in the house, what on earth makes you think he's unpopular? Confused

How could Marcus ever be considered a favourite? He's intelligent in his dreams and his constant swearing served only to alienate him from any older voters. The fact the vote was so close doesn't bode well for Snorevash.

I don't know your demographic Nemesis so apologies if anything I say misinterprets that.

Marcus was one of the most intelligent housemates. I accept he was somewhat of a plank at times but I understand he scored very highly on the IQ test. Of course IQ intelligence is no measure of practical intelligence.

His language may have alienated older viewers but frankly they tend not to waste their money on pointless TV votes. Having said that my 70 year old mother adores Billy Connolly and he has the vocabulary of a sewer rat. But then so dies Chubby Brown and I find him so hideously unfunny I'd like to club him to death like a baby seal.

The fact that the vote was so close bodes very well for Siavash. Frankly had either been up against anyone else my gut feeling is that they'd have stayed.

I am not adverse to swearing I don't find it offensive but many people do. Even on here people had enough of him he seemed to be a one trick pony swear a lot and disobey the rules.

Not a tactic you'd expect from an intelligent person. Siavash is the same he has no personality so refuses to nominate for shock factor and suggests charity for nice factor both completely pointless if you ask me.

Thanks though for explaining your point of view without belittling mine.
Originally posted by Nemesis:
Originally posted by Shizzlex:
I've just found a Charlie fan page on facebook looks like one of the biggest over 14,000 fans Eeker

He could win it

I would like him or dullvash to go they both think their name is on that cheque

Yes they do. Both equally repulsive for different reasons.

I think dullvash is worse, going against the feeling on the forum, i just can't stand him i think it was after the whole Noireen thing
Originally posted by Shizzlex:
Originally posted by Nemesis:
Originally posted by Shizzlex:
I've just found a Charlie fan page on facebook looks like one of the biggest over 14,000 fans Eeker

He could win it

I would like him or dullvash to go they both think their name is on that cheque

Yes they do. Both equally repulsive for different reasons.

I think dullvash is worse, going against the feeling on the forum, i just can't stand him i think it was after the whole Noireen thing

I'm convinced he did that for airtime.
Originally posted by Jeanoj:
Originally posted by Nemesis:

The fact the vote was so close doesn't bode well for Snorevash.

I wouldn't call 64% against 36% that close!

I would expect a vote between Marcus and Jack The Ripper to be a close call. He's not funny, he's not intelligent, his entire contribution is f this f that and juvenile fake stories of all his feats.

At least Jack was imaginative.
Originally posted by Nemesis:
Originally posted by Jeanoj:
Originally posted by Nemesis:

The fact the vote was so close doesn't bode well for Snorevash.

I wouldn't call 64% against 36% that close!

I would expect a vote between Marcus and Jack The Ripper to be a close call. He's not funny, he's not intelligent, his entire contribution is f this f that and juvenile fake stories of all his feats.

At least Jack was imaginative.

Sorry but I don't understand your analogy! what has Marcus to do with the price of chips?
Originally posted by Jeanoj:
Originally posted by Nemesis:
Originally posted by Jeanoj:
Originally posted by Nemesis:

The fact the vote was so close doesn't bode well for Snorevash.

I wouldn't call 64% against 36% that close!

I would expect a vote between Marcus and Jack The Ripper to be a close call. He's not funny, he's not intelligent, his entire contribution is f this f that and juvenile fake stories of all his feats.

At least Jack was imaginative.

Sorry but I don't understand your analogy! what has Marcus to do with the price of chips?

The point is Siavash winning a vote over Marcus is no big feat. It's not a feat at all. He would have to burn the BB house down with all the HM's still in it to lose against Marcus.
Originally posted by Hotpants Helen:
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by Jeanoj:
Originally posted by Nemesis:

The fact the vote was so close doesn't bode well for Snorevash.

I wouldn't call 64% against 36% that close!

Wishful thinking by Nemesis. Big Grin

One of the closest this year when only between 2 housemates.

Because they were both popular. Apart from Freddie v Marcus, the others were all loathed, hence the high percentage.
cologne 1
If Charlie should stay, then I think he would have too good a chance of winning, and that would be so wrong!

He does have quite a lot of support outside of this forum, so it would make sense for us to target him to go this Tuesday.

Lisa, on the other hand, doesn't have much of a chance to win if she stays, so she'll be likely to leave either first or second on final night.

If she were to be voted out on Tuesday, it is quite possible that some of her fans (I'm sure she has some support) may well go on to vote for Charlie to win. The same would probably happen if it was David to go on Tuesday.

We must get Charlie out on Tuesday if we possibly can. It is too much of a risk letting him stay!
Charley just using his mum as a sympathy for the win, or so he thinks. What about Craig, the original winner, he gave all his money to his friend but dont remember him banging on about it all through the show. If Charlie was a true winner he wouldn't have needed to. Thats whats so nauseating about him.
Just wish the others would have nominated or at least BB let the ones who did stand, then it would defo be Charlie.
Sick of this result, as I want Charlie out, then Lisa. This has null and voided the desired result, may as well not bothered with the noms at all.
Crystal Gaze

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