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I am gonna try and give one positive and one negative point about each of the Hm's and would be interested to read yours.

Pos. He has made me laugh on more than one occasion; he has really surprised me with his humour. Neg. He's a bit snappy sometimes and can come across as moody.


Pos. She always seems to be there with a cuddle or kind word when Hm's are down.

Neg. Vain, extremely competitive and I really haven't liked the way she has treated her GF.


Pos. *scratches head* Ermm...He comes out with the odd funny thing, thought it was funny when he called Sam Austin Powers.

Neg. If I just say YouTube you'll know where I'm coming from. That along with his hypocrisy and nasty back stabbing. *I could go on and on*


Pos. He's a good looking lad

Neg. Lacks personality and seems a bit bolshie.


Pos. She stands up for herself and seems a nice lady.

Neg. She cries too much when she should just be mucking in and having fun.

John James

Pos. Nice bod! Speaks his mind and he has made me laugh with his impressions. Very entertaining Hm.

Neg. Bad tempered. Should be honest withJosie if there isn't to be a relationship.


Pos. Funny girl, seems kind enough

Neg. Stays in bed with John James too much.


Pos. Liked him when he was the mole, liked his determination.

Neg. I find him a bit creepy and pervvy.


Pos. Love his mischievous ways and the way he says what we all want to say.

Neg. Sometimes he can be too antagonistic

Pos. In fairness to him I haven't once heard him moan about his disability, you have to admire that.
Neg. He really hasn't bought much to the party has he?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Andrew - Pro: Very bright, cheeky sense of humour.
Con: Can be a miseryguts at times.

Corin - Pro: Self-deprecating and positive in outlook.
Con: Can be cold in her dealings with others.

Dave - Pro: Errrm... loves his family?
Con: Everything else about him, hideous inside and out.

JJ - Pro: Nice haircut? Con: Closet yob.

Jo - Pro: Mostly generous and sympathetic. Con: Can whinge for England and doesn't see how her treatment of Sam was even worse than Steve's slight against her.

John James - Pro: He lives in Australia. Con: He hasn't gone back there yet.

Josie - Pro: Can be very earthy and funny. Con: Glued to John James and doesn't care (or actively enjoys it)  when he attacks others.

Mario - Pro: Enigmatic and scarily clever at times. Con: Self-centred, spoilt and sometimes spiteful.

Sam - Pro: Very funny, doesn't give a crap what he says or who he says it to, refreshingly honest. Con: Can go too far.

Steve - Pro: Doesn't play the victim card. Con: Thinks he rules the house, disrespects his wife by perving over other women in there.

Pro: Seems a genuine decent guy.
Con: Admitting to melon loving may come back and haunt him if/when he finds a job as a maths teacher.

Pro:. With a tag line of "I'm loving it" she is bound to get at least one MacDonald advert out of it if she wins BB.
Con: Completely vain (Touching up lip gloss at midnight seems a bit much)

Pro: Doesn't lose his temper even when tackled about his personal beliefs.
Con: Too much talk about nominations.

Pro: Smooth chest
Con:. Boring

Pro. Speaks her mind
Con:. Too needy and sensitive.

John James
Pro: Great housemate, clearly knows BB very well.  Always quick to speak his mind.
Con:. Wears hats too much.

Pro: . Fun loving woman, wears her heart on her sleeve (and wipes the bogies on there too) Always got time for to talk to others who need support.
Con:. Too much time spent in bed.

Pro: Tactile, decent bloke.  Great friend to those he likes.
Con. Too quick to get his knackers out.

Pro. Honest and direct
Con: Annoying and immature.

Pro:. Great task performer.
Con: Boring as a housemate
Smarting Buttocks
Andrew Pos. Mature for his age has a very good sense of humour, gives 100% in tasks.
Neg. Can come across rude.

Corin Pos. Up for the challenge during tasks and give 100%
Neg. Ruthless, cold, would sell her Granny to win BB, too vain, not all that, uses far too make up/fake tan, at times her harsh make up, makes her look like a Drag Queen.

Dave. I hate his guts...

JJ. Pos. Cute, glad he hasn't jumped at the chance of a showmance with Corin.
Neg. Bland.

John James. Pos Seems loyal to those he trusts.
Neg. Too argumantative, paranoid, controlling/bullying/arrogant, hate the way he is stringing Josie along.

Josie Pos. Funny, very naturally beautiful but so not vain.
Neg. Sly, manipulative, too ready to be a doormat for John James, spends too much time in bed, lazy.

Mario Pos. Tactile and friendly, calm nature, intelligent.
Neg. Would sell his Granny to win BB, disloyal.

Sam Pos. Very witty, funny, spontaneous, speaks his mind,bold, kind, creative, clever.
Neg: Can be critically harsh.

Steve Pos. Gets on with it, never uses his disabilty as an excuse, cutest kids ever!
Neg. Can be nasty, a bit of a perv, a couch potato, boring.

Jo Pos. Is a lovely mature lady, who is friendly, straight talking and warm and tactile.
Neg: Has a tendency to wallow in self pity.

Senora Reyes
Senora, I have pinched some of yours cos they are more or less what I think.  Hope you don't mind

Andrew Pros. Has a very good sense of humour.  Is very good with tasks.
Neg. Can come across rude and a bit sly

Corin Pros. Is great at tasks and likes to have a laugh.  Has great taste in clothes.
Neg. Ruthless, cold, would sell her Granny to win BB, too vain, not all that, uses far too make up/fake tan, at times her harsh make up, makes her look like a Drag Queen.

Dave.  No pros that I can think of.  Odious little excuse of a man..

JJ. Pros. Good looking.
Neg. Doesn't do much.  Rather boring.

John James. Pros Seems loyal to those he trusts.  Good looking lad. Can be quite caring at times.
Neg. Too argumantative, paranoid, controlling/bullying/arrogant.

Josie Pros. She can be funny and has a good personality.  Pretty girl.
Neg. Sly, manipulative, too ready to be a doormat for John James, spends too much time in bed, lazy.

Mario Pros. Intelligent and can be quite caring.
Neg. Would sell his Granny to win BB, disloyal.  Sly.

Sam Pros. Very witty, funny, spontaneous, speaks his mind,bold, kind..
Neg: Can be rude and needs to put brain into gear before he says things.

Steve Pros. Gets on with it, never uses his disabilty as an excuse.  Brave and a hero. Gets stuck into the tasks despite his disability.
Neg. Can be boring. 

Jo Pros. Mature and intelligent.
Neg: Has a tendency to wallow in self pity.
Corin  Pros:  hilarious, determined and supportive
          Cons: Likes J.J 2
Josie Pros:  quite funny at times
         Cons: Likes J.J1! Too much time spent in bed eating too much while complaining shes overweight!

Sam Pros:  Lively and crazy
       Cons:  Goes too far sometimes, particularly regarding personal comments on people's appearance.

Dave   Pros: Funny at times, is still mad about his wife after many years and takes most things in his stride

  Cons: Sulks whenever hes up for eviction despite telling us all he isn't bothered
          Going on about the 'glory' all the time

J.J  Pros:  Can almost come across as nice somtimes.
     Cons:  Bitchy, grumpy, pretending to 'not give a rip' despite traveling thousands of miles to be on a gameshow!  Doesn't like Corin

Cant be bothered to do the others!
Sam....Pro, has wound up the house
          Con, irritating little twep
Dave....Pro,  knows how to play the game
          Con,  everything else about him
Corin....Pro,  enthusiastic about BB
          Con,  competitive, would stamp on her granny to win
Andrew  Pro,  errrrrr  ummmmmm
          Con, wallpaper
Steve    Pro   can make a big dent in the sofa
          Con   pervy
Jo         Pro   errrrrrr!
          Con, two faced and can't make her bliddy mind up
Josie     Pro  takes laziness to new heights, never before seen on BB
          Con,  slovenly,crude,manipulative, fake
JJ1       Pro     provides a good rant at regular intervals
          Cob    said rants tend to go on and on and on

JJ2       Pro    radar dodger
          Con    bromance with JJ1

Mario    Pro     he may have a secret
          Con     Whingey spoiled brat

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