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As I mentioned before, alot of mothers just want a mini-them, a daughter who is just an extension of themselves.  They think nothing of letting their littles girls wear cropped tops, bras, thongs, high heels, make-up and actually go out like that.  It is shocking that parents would encourage and allow this.  It is entirely different letting your child wear a bit of make-up and dress in your clothes, but some parents take it too far.
I agree with you there LL, some of the things i see 11-14yr olds wearing is shocking! I feel kids grow up far to quickly 'nowadays' (hate using that term make me feel old!) They don't have enough time to be innocent and care free any more.  And as you have pointed out there is a difference between playing with make-up and actually wearing make-up at a young age and dressing like something from a music video (which i hold partly to blame btw)
anybody remember the days where you took family photo's and they stayed just that, for family and close friends to view. . sweet or embarrassing or whatever they were like, but not for the whole bloomin worlds eyes..

I think that is half the problem.. too much access to private stuff on the interweb nowadays.. was bad enough when mum took out your nekkid baby photo to show the new BF.. imagine all them mums now plastering them all over the place for all and sundry to view..

and thru that plastering of pics it feeds the sicko's out there as well. .I don't profess to know how their brains work but pre interweb days they could easily be spotted gawping at kids, and shoo'd away or reported,  cos they were often outside playgrounds, parks and schools.. now they don't need to do that they can surf away to their hearts content at home gawping [and doing gawd knows what in the process]  at the kiddie pics online that are proudly posted up by parents or relatives..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
I dont see anything wrong whatsoever with that photo.  Most little girls are fascinating by makeup and nail varnish etc and love to copy their mums.  Why SHOULD we stop our children from doing that or STOP taking photos of them with makeup on even if they do end up accidentally in the public domain??  Paedos "sexualise" all young children whether they're wearing makeup or not and we should remember that they are in a small minority thank god.  Are we to demonise adults who photograph their children in public places? Of course not ......but it seems due to high levels of paranoia regarding paedophiles that cameras are now banned from school nativity plays and sports days.  Are children some kind of forbidden, X-rated presence that need to be hidden from public view just in case a paedo might clock eyes on them?  All we will end up doing is tainting  our relationship with our kids while at the same time perverting their attitudes to adults
Mount Olympus offline 1265 Forum Posts Today at 3:47 PM (Edited: ) anybody remember the days where you took family photo's and they stayed just that, for family and close friends to view. . sweet or embarrassing or whatever they were like, but not for the whole bloomin worlds eyes.. I think that is half the problem.. too much access to private stuff on the interweb nowadays.. was bad enough when mum took out your nekkid baby photo to show the new BF.. imagine all them mums now plastering them all over the place for all and sundry to view.. and thru that plastering of pics it feeds the sicko's out there as well. .I don't profess to know how their brains work but pre interweb days they could easily be spotted gawping at kids, and shoo'd away or reported, cos they were often outside playgrounds, parks and schools.. now they don't need to do that they can surf away to their hearts content at home gawping [and doing gawd knows what in the process] at the kiddie pics online that are proudly posted up by parents or relatives..
Exactly Olly.  I can understand posting pics of your child for friends and family to see, but on a public social networking place?  Never and I don't understand people that do.  Have they never heard of Photo-Shop?  People can do almost anything nowadays with a photo and even though we don't like to think that it goes on and even though it might only be a minority of sickos doing it, it happens.  People should be more aware, care more and be very careful who they share their private pics with. 

It might be paranoia to some, but I would rather be safe then sorry.
Of course those inclined can do anything with a photo.......that's my point.  The least they can do with the aid of photo shop is add makeup.  What happens in the summer when our children are happily playing on the beach half naked? Do you really think there is less chance of them being snapped by some paedo than there is of their pic getting into the wrong hands on the internet?  Do we ensure we cover up our kids at ALL times when out in public places because we "care" more?
How could I be bothered if I didn't know? Whilst not being pleasant that really doesn't hurt anyone.
Exactly Croc
Maybe taking photos is the way he diverts his desires from more dangerous activities. Certainly people like him will need some way of managing their inclinations. Bang them up as much as you like, but eventually they will still have to re-enter society and live alongside your children.
Tequila offline 1212 Forum Posts Today at 09:57 (Edited: ) I dont see anything wrong whatsoever with that photo. Most little girls are fascinating by makeup and nail varnish etc and love to copy their mums. Why SHOULD we stop our children from doing that or STOP taking photos of them with makeup on even if they do end up accidentally in the public domain?? Paedos "sexualise" all young children whether they're wearing makeup or not and we should remember that they are in a small minority thank god. Are we to demonise adults who photograph their children in public places? Of course not ......but it seems due to high levels of paranoia regarding paedophiles that cameras are now banned from school nativity plays and sports days. Are children some kind of forbidden, X-rated presence that need to be hidden from public view just in case a paedo might clock eyes on them? All we will end up doing is tainting our relationship with our kids while at the same time perverting their attitudes to adults

only thing i didn't like about the pic was..she looked bloody stupid and lashes could be some sort of 'danger' (never used fake lashes so dunno what is involved with putting them on..glue or something?).
~Lee~ offline 2117 Forum Posts Today at 11:03 (Edited: ) Reference: i have photos of my eldest in my high heel boots and makeup..after he raided my makeup bag and shoe rack at the age of 2 i dont put it on FB though....but i will be saving it for HIS future girlfriends/boyfriends though Darthy how are you and Lucas?.... Congratulations btw.
ello lee we are ok ta Lucas is well behaved...keep forgetting he is even here ...then the boob, aches and other aches remind me LOL. have to actually wake him up for a feed most of the time very laid back.
ah but is open to all and sundry or just friends? by which I mean proper friends not any old add on

Other than my profile picture i think all of my information is set to friends only - of which i currently have 52.
ps does it also include your nekkid baby pic too?

This might explain why my friends list is decreasing rather than increasing!
Cold Sweat

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