just saw headlines in paer in super market.. says he was off his head, was tricked and wants out of his 4 day old marriage.. Oh katy, what ever next, what a mess. iam not a "hater" but find all this very sad.
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Former Member
I always look for a get-out clause when I sober up too 

Has he been watching Friends? 

if it is true, hopefully he can get an anulment
The cynic in me reckons Katie's set him up to say that! She didn't get him to sign a pre-nup, so if she can get it annulled, she can get the pre-nup contract signed before they go through a "proper" marriage!
Oh dear.

Oh dear in deed, all that money all that fame and its utter chaos!!
Shame if it's true, cos it was inspiring me for my own shotgun wedding.
trouble is, you never quite know what to believe ?
If it's true it must be a case of the price wasn't right !!! Seriously, true or not, Alex knows what she is, knows how she makes her money and to be honest from day one I thought that Alex wanted the same. he seemed an ok guy, but came over to me as fame hungry, money seeking any which way will do type.
She who must be obeyed, wont allow him to get it annuled.......lol

OMG! What some people will do to kep their names on the front pages. It really and truly beggars belief.............................media prostitution at it's finest.
I don't know what to believe in the papers any more

Former Member
Reference: Blizzie
Has he been watching Friends?
Macadamia nut? 
I'd be well and truly pee'd off if I was tricked into marrying a millionaire....


I'd be well and truly pee'd off if I was tricked into marrying a millionaire.
Looking at it like that is so mercenary 

I'd be well and truly pee'd off if I was tricked into marrying a millionaire....
So would I

So would I there's not many about that's got blue lips and can't get it up !! I've looked noticed there's a lack of the older rich gent
bloody strikethroughs not worked, or I'm pissed again

So would I there's not many about that's got blue lips and can't get it up !! I've looked noticed there's a lack of the older rich gent

Looking at it like that is so mercenary
She's bloody cruel....
..If I'd have known there was an expirey date on the vigana card I'd have played the game alot more seriously....

Not seen the papers yet, but I would imagine that the story is rubbish or just another publicity stunt by this shameless pair.
The sad thing is how this pantomime will affect the kids... Luckily they are too young for it to mean anything right now apart from lots of 'special uncles' in the house and mummys bed but one day at school these poor kids re going to suffer... 
I'm not sure what to believe anymore though is it true or publicity stunt or media hype???

I'm not sure what to believe anymore though is it true or publicity stunt or media hype???

It is difficult to believe what the papers say to be honest they have always had nothing good to say about Alex and yet I thought he seems a very nice guy.
Well the papers today are saying they have spilt
. But i wont hold my breath, its the kids i feel sorry for they must be totally confused

I read in DS news today they were getting married again here in June, I hope it is not true what they have written in the papers..
LOL it wouldn't surprise me if he DID regret it, but how the hell could she TRICK him into marriage? You would have to be stupid to be 'tricked' into getting married. Personally, I think Katie Price is a freak. Her face - when I saw her on Alan Carr chatty man - looked ridiculous: frozen and shiny, (like wax,) with big stupid fake teeth, and horrid hair and fake eyelashes. Is there ANYthing about her that is real? I mean how the hell can any any man fancy her? She is grotesque and ghastly. 


You would have to be stupid to be 'tricked' into getting married.
Erm....yes. I don't think anyone ever accused Alex of a surfeit of smarts. 
i still think she harbours feelings for peter and she is livid he left her first and she is using alex to do her damndest ( if thats a word ) to get her own back , but its not working ............ she is a classic money cant buy you love case , i agree alex is infatuated with her , but her feelings are fake because she hates herself ,if not she would not have mutilated herself with surgery , she looked better before first i'm a zeleb
and i liked her in that one , i fear she is in the grip of having a breakdown , too much too soon

frozen and shiny, (like wax,) with big stupid fake teeth, and horrid hair and fake eyelashes. Is there ANYthing about her that is real? I mean how the hell can any any man fancy her? She is grotesque and ghastly.
Totally agree ...................My God what has she done to herself? She always looked a tad artificial but she's taken it to a new level.
i think the £££££££££ signs and public recognition might be a factor in that equally vacuous and opportunistic men are attracted to her.
Jordans management create a headline and trick the gullible to part with their hard earned cash to read the not so very interesting story inside.
Next day the hungry hordes part with more dosh as the loved up couple reveal that the stories were not true and that they are very much in love.
Ect ect ad nauseum.
Jordans management create a headline and trick the gullible to part with their hard earned cash to read the not so very interesting story inside.
Next day the hungry hordes part with more dosh as the loved up couple reveal that the stories were not true and that they are very much in love.
Ect ect ad nauseum.
Etc etc, I mean

She's heading towards 30 ,she has had so many procedures etc,her health will suffer in the long run,gawd knows what she will look like at 50.Sad really.
She has no talent just a conception of how a "body" should look like for the press etc.
She has no talent just a conception of how a "body" should look like for the press etc.
I've only heard about this "trick" story by coming here. I find it hard to believe.They proclaimed their love for each other when Alex came out of CBB, simply can't believe it's all fallen apart after such a short time. Sooo many times I'm glad I'm not "tricked" into wasting money buying trashy and lying rags and mags. If they're still happy together I hope they sue the fish and chip wrappings, if they're not and I'm naieve so be it.
Tequila 1204 Forum PostsYesterday at 17:50 (Edited: ) Reference
zzycam Well the papers today are saying they have spilt Which papers Ozzie?
Erm.....The Star,.......I didnt buy it but i saw the headline, i know you cant believe a word they say though, ..........

I am sick to death of hearing and reading about her. Why on earth doesn't she just melt back into the background and concentrate of being a mother and a good role model for her children.
Such a circle of nincompoops I've never seen in my life. "Tricked" into getting married - such a laugh. Didn't he go to Australia with an engagement ring? Yeah right.
The Daily Star split story when actually read, tells you that he's gone to India to film a show and she is staying in the UK to promote a show. But the Daily Star are experts at spinning stories and most people never get past the headlines.
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