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"Fame-hungry sponger" she's reportedly called him today

Why on earth did she marry him then? She's gonna end up a sad, rich, lonely old lady ............I don't doubt that she loves her kids but as far as relationships go she's far too self centred. There's only room for two people in her life - Jordan and Katie Price! Until she sorts out her split personaility I think she's destined for unhappiness!
Soozy Woo
Have to agree with the people here who've said that KP is going to end up a lonely old slapper, and she is well on the way to it already.  She treats men like crap.  I am sure Pete and Alex are not perfect and nor are they angels, but they are nothin like the fame hungry attention seeking media whore that she is.  Of course, they want fame, or they wouldn't be in the career that they're in, but KP is a while other story: she is a nasty little chav who uses people, and doesnt care who gets hurt as long as she has her mug on the screen or in the papers..  The way she 'plays' men and dumps them when they've served their purpose, is a terrible example of how to behave; lets hope that her little princess doesnt follow in her mothers shoes.  KP needs to grow up.
Katie Price released a statement this evening confirming that she has separated from husband Alex Reid.

The announcement ends weeks of speculation that the couple had split after 11 months of marriage. Price also clarified a number of media reports that have been published in the preceding days.

Here is the statement in full:

"Alex and I have had a number of difficulties over the past few months. I accept that these were in part caused by my marrying too quickly - we all make mistakes and this was one. However, Alex changed from the man I fell in love with and some of his behaviour became difficult for me to understand and caused issues. I have tried to help him with these issues but they have put a considerable strain on our relationship.

"Our difficulties were also not helped by Alex becoming more fascinated by life in the media eye. Obviously I cannot be critical of someone wanting to do this and originally I tried to help him with his career by getting him contracts with my production company. If Alex wants to honour those contracts the production company is more than happy to do so. However, Alex’s desire to promote himself caused a change in the dynamic of our relationship and contributed to our alienation.

"Alex and I have spent many hours discussing our relationship and trying to make it work but the issues between us are too deep-rooted. I had hoped that we could end our relationship amicably and without a war of words in the media. I appreciate that there are those that will not believe that but I had agreed I would say nothing more than the statement we had jointly prepared. This was not because I am concerned what Alex may truthfully disclose but to give him comfort that I would not discuss the issues that so strained our relationship.

"I had hoped that Alex and I could remain friends but I am not sure if that is possible given events since last Sunday when we were on the verge of releasing a statement. Alex asked that we did not release any statement because he wanted more time to think. The intervening period has, however, seen a number of false stories appear and photographs of Alex with my son Junior in the gym which it is absolutely clear were posed for.

"Alex is fully aware that I have sought to remove my children from the public eye now they are of an age to understand and be affected by media coverage of them. I feel incredibly let down that he did this while asking me for more time to discuss our relationship and just hope that the stories circulating that he sold those pictures are not true.

"It is true that I have asked Alex to leave the family home and that he will not do so. I would leave myself but the house is equipped for Harvey’s needs. Alex would like to portray himself as honourable and I hope he acts that way. Contrary to some reports I have not discussed financial matters with my divorce lawyers.

"I would like to make clear that the allegations that I have been dragging out any announcement so that my film crew can capture on film Alex’s upset are complete fabrication. I am deeply upset that my relationship with Alex has failed but I know it is the right thing for my children and I that we separate. My children are my absolute priority in this and they are being shielded from what is happening
"Alex is fully aware that I have sought to remove my children from the public eye now they are of an age to understand and be affected by media coverage of them. I feel incredibly let down that he did this while asking me for more time to discuss our relationship and just hope that the stories circulating that he sold those pictures are not true.

I can't think of anyone who has more publicly exploited her children's image in the public eye for her own benefit 
But she's a wonderful Mother and role model

It makes me laugh. The statement she released today announcing the split bleats on about how her number 1 priority are her kids ..... how can they be when she's just dragged them through a marriage that didn't even last a year ? ..... surely, if she always put her kids first, she would have carefully considered if this was a good move when she decided to get married so soon ..... by her own admission, getting married to Alex was a mistake .... we could have told her that a year ago

I also have a sneaking suspicion, Alex is even more fame hungry than Katie herself, & that, takes alot of beating
There is a rumour that she bumped in Pete when shopping over the Christmas period and she taped the convo,her team are now using this to help promote the show.They are saying its "Explosive" that viewers will gain an insight to the real Pete.
If this is true, I'd love to hear it. I've always felt sorry for Pete ..... but I'm open to offers
There is a rumour that she bumped in Pete when shopping over the Christmas period and she taped the convo,her team are now using this to help promote the show.They are saying its "Explosive" that viewers will gain an insight to the real Pete. If this is true, I'd love to hear it. I've always felt sorry for Pete ..... but I'm open to offers

Peter Andre has insisted that there was "no drama" when he bumped into Katie Price while shopping before Christmas.

The 'Defender' singer - who split from Price in 2009 - confirmed a tabloid story that the pair had come face-to-face while in a London store. 

"There was a story in the press about me bumping into my ex-wife in Selfridges while we were both doing some Christmas shopping," he wrote in New! magazine. "This is true and I'm happy to say that it was all very civil between us."

He continued: "She was with the kids so we all had a little chat (and lots of cuddles with my kids of course) and then we got on with our shopping. No drama to report!"
 The statement she released today announcing the split bleats on about how her number 1 priority are her kids ..... how can they be when she's just dragged them through a marriage that didn't even last a year ? ..... surely, if she always put her kids first, she would have carefully considered if this was a good move when she decided to get married so soon ....

 It makes me laugh.

 Same here, its unreal, a bit like her life.
Ev (Peachy)
I think they are both as bad as each other . The best thing Reid could have done after winning CBB was to split up with her . However i'm sure his 5 mins of fame would have been over a long time ago but at least he would still have his dignity left . ( ok some of it )

As for Katie making her kids her number 1 priority , maybe moving a guy into the house 5 mins after you have split from their father ain't the best way to go about that . I'm sure the kids will be forced into OK photoshoots & her new show as soon as the next "boyfriend" appears . I'm putting my money on end of Feb
That's how he's changed..,he's refusing to be her puppet...UNLESS the whole thing was a business arrangement designed to make them money and fuel the publicity machine.

He was her puppet while it suited him to be. She was financing his publicity campaigns last year, now he's made his money he's off. I said from the outset that he ain't stupid, people feeling sorry for him and blaming it all on her makes me laugh! They're both as bad as each other cos they both knew what they'd get out of a highly publicised partnership. He aint no angel and is far from innocent.
Have to agree with the comments about how laughable it is that some are saying Katie is an 'amazing good mother.'  IMO, she has not shown that she is mother of the year.. ever.  And whilst I don't think that she is a BAD mother, I think that her children are NOT at the top of her list of life's priorities.  No 1 priority in Katie Price's life is, and always will be KATIE PRICE

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