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Alex Reid is reportedly refusing to leave the house he shares with wife Katie Price following their alleged split.

The Mirror claims that the cage fighter has ignored Price's orders to move out of their £2 million home, after he objected to legal papers that would end their 11-month marriage.

A source stated: "Katie has tried everything to make him see sense, saying the marriage is dead and she will never return his feelings. But he won’t listen.

"Alex is desperately clinging on to the belief they can make a go of things and refuses to pack his bags. She has asked him numerous times but he won’t go. Essentially Alex has become a squatter. There is no shifting him and it is making Katie miserable. It’s a disaster."

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Erin i couldn't agree more.  Jordan only got back with him because he won CBB.  If he had come out of there a loser and a total joke, she wouldn't have given him a second glance, but she hoped that being with him would make people like her.  Fat chance.  Everyone knows what a fake, fame hungry, attention-seeking troll she really is.  Alex is a nice guy and deserved better than her.  She is vile. 


Over the past 18 years, not only has Katie been “engaged with the media”, she has manipulated it for her own ends in the most spectacular fashion.

“Virtually everything and anything that Katie does is done with the express purpose of promoting herself in the public eye,” says a former friend who has known her for five years. “And, of course, marrying Alex was just that. Maybe she did have some feelings for him when they first got together. But the wedding? Let’s just say it made good TV.”

And there it is. Since landing her first reality show for ITV, Katie – mum to Harvey, eight, by Dwight Yorke and Junior, five, and Princess, three, by Peter Andre – has spent huge chunks of her time being followed around by a camera crew.

But successful shows need regular shake-ups, cliff-hangers and new characters. So when Peter Andre was booted out at the end of Katie and Peter: Stateside a new male lead was needed in time for What Katie Did Next. Marriage to Alex quickly followed.

And so, Katie must have been left pondering what new bombshell she could drop for her new Living TV show. Ah yes, the marriage break-up.

Given all the divorce speculation of the past few weeks, it certainly appears to have worked.

The show starts in April and Katie is back on the nation’s lips. “The people I feel sorry for in all this are Alex and the kids,” adds her former pal. “Alex might not be the sharpest knife in the drawer but he’s a nice guy. He deserves better than this.

“It is slowly dawning on him that his marriage is a sham to fit in with his wife’s filming schedule and that hurts. He might come across as a bit of a hardman but he was brought up with good family values and the whole thing has hit him hard.

“Worse than that is the effect it must be having on the kids

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How can anybody feel sorry for him? It's not like he didn't know what he was getting. Even his facebook status on meeting her became "Alex Reid as struck gold" He's gained from it both financially and in celebrity status. Do you really think he would have been in CBB if he had never met Katie?
How can anybody feel sorry for him? It's not like he didn't know what he was getting. Even his facebook status on meeting her became "Alex Reid as struck gold" He's gained from it both financially and in celebrity status. Do you really think he would have been in CBB if he had never met Katie?

I agree Longcat,six of one and half dozen of the other imo.
I agree Longcat,six of one and half dozen of the other imo.

I am so glad I am not alone.They are all as bad as each other. Katie Alex and Peter. They all knew the score and they have all made millions from it. There are no victims here except perhaps the children.
I am so glad I am not alone.They are all as bad as each other. Katie Alex and Peter. They all knew the score and they have all made millions from it. There are no victims here except perhaps the children.
Exactly,when her marriage to Peter failed he was portrayed as the victim,poor Peter this poor Peter that,I can see the same thing happening with Alex Reid....Did they see her as a means to an end?,imo to varying degrees yes.
Exactly,when her marriage to Peter failed he was portrayed as the victim,poor Peter this poor Peter that,I can see the same thing happening with Alex Reid....Did they see her as a means to an end?,imo to varying degrees yes.
I wonder if CAN is waiting in the wings to pick up poor Alex and represent him.
I think Alex was  guilty of being a bit niave , and maybe the thought of making money...i think he loved her tho. She should really now get herself sorted for the kids' sakes , its them i always feel sorry for.
I honestly think that Alex was besotted, and probably still is.  Katie has never gotten over the fact that Peter left her, not her leaving Peter.  She broke up with Alex before he went into CBB, but was waiting with open arms when he won.

I read an article on DS that she has just signed to do another reality series on LIving and is waiting to announce the divorce when she starts filming for "fireworks".  It's all about the column inches.
I think he was more in love with her than her with him...but I think he knew what he was getting himself into at the same time.

He loved all the attention.

I actually quite like him - and he's not a bad TV presenter either.

He should grab any TV opportunities he can get while he's still in the public eye - she'd be livid if he ended up making a success of himself while she continues on a downward spiral.
It's her children I feel sorry for.
IMO it's all too do with Pete getting a girlfriend, Kate's trying to get the magazine headlines off him and on to her, she did the same when they split, the magazines were all about him and then the next minute she'd moved Alex in  like someone else said, it's the kids i feel for
It's very tit for tat isn't it Aimee?

Although I like Peter Andre I think he is guilty of that too - but perhaps less so.

I don't think his marriage to her was a very happy one where he's concerned so I can't see him ever wanting to return to her.
I think if he asked her back though she'd be there like a shot.

I dont think she ever wanted Alex,when he was in BB she wrote on twitter she was going to dunp him ,she thought he was being mocked by the public and she wanted nothing to do with him .However he turned it around,he won and she wanted him again.
When he came out she had the wedding arranged with her camera crew on board,he like a love struck teenager believed her feeling and went along with it.
She wanted a baby so she could keep her show going,no baby came and Alex had to go.
Alex has become the star attraction for her show in April,"The Break Up"

I prefer Pete but i don't think he's blameless in this whole saga, he came out better in the Mags but he use's their kid's as much as she does, i think it's really sad that she think's only a baby would have saved their marriage, how many kid's will she have with different dad's
Auntie - I'd like to think he'll keep his dignity and keep quiet - but I think it's only a matter of time before something is said.
I think she may be the one to say something first then he will counter attack and it will all kick off

Aimee - I agree - he probably isn't completely blameless and yes he does court the media and use the kids - but to a lesser extent - doesn't make it right though, I know.
To me though he seems a genuine guy - she is not genuine.

There is a rumour that she bumped in Pete when shopping over the Christmas period and she taped the convo,her team are now using this to help promote the show.They are saying its "Explosive" that viewers will gain an insight to the real Pete.

Katie Price has filmed secret meetings with her ex-husband Peter Andre for her new reality TV show, according to a report today.

The Mirror claims that the couple, who split in 2009 after three-and-a-half-years of marriage, have met away from 'prying eyes', much to the anger of Price's current husband Alex Reid.

Price has allegedly been filmed meeting Andre - now dating former WAG Elen Rivas - in "bombshell" footage which will be used in her first TV show for Living.

"One of the biggest things up producers' sleeves is Kate's secret talks with Pete," a source told the paper. "They've said some of the footage is bombshell stuff. They have been getting on much better of late, and people will be shocked by what Kate has to say about Peter."

They continued: "On at least one occasion, Alex caught Katie contacting Pete and things really kicked off. Even unedited, the scenes will make for fabulous television.

"As the announcement of their marriage split keeps getting put back, the cameras just keep rolling. The crew has picked up some real close-to-the-bone stuff. Their rows have been captured in all their high definition glory.

Earlier this week, Andre confirmed that he had bumped into Price while shopping, describing their encounter as being "civil".
Alex knew, and still does know, exactly what he's doing.
I think he thought he knew.I do think he is now clinging on for dear life ,he will hate the thought of not been "famous" his showbiz career being over ,like he ever had one
Reference: Gypsie.
I feel sorry for him, he reminds me of a Labrador

A "not too bright" one. I feel sorry for him too, it was obvious from the start that Katie didn't really care about him.
Maybe Alex did want the fame but he didn't completely use Jordan in some little fame-hungry game, and dispense with her like yesterdays' teabags, when she had served her purpose, like she does with men.  He genuinely loves and cares for her, and she ate him up and spat him out, like she does with all her men. She is a truly horrible human being IMO, and would sell her own granny if it got her a decent amount of media coverage and publicity. 

She is going to end up a sad and lonely old woman that younger men will only go for because they know she's a slapper and shes wealthy.  I pity any man who gets involved with her in the future.  People can say that 'they know what they're doing,' but they underestimate what a sly, manipulative, backstabbing, lying user she actually is.  I mean FFS, she hasn't even got her looks anymore; Lord knows what men see in this old bag of silicone and plastic anyway! 

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