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I'm really scratching my head on this one as there must have been an outstanding album this decade, but every time I think of one I then think "but, no that was in the 90s".  There must have been some outstanding music released in this decade but I can't think of anything amazing right now.  Simon Cowell's got a lot to answer for.
Indeed temps, even the reasonable stuff has been pretty ordinary.  I quite liked Bloc Party's first album and White Stripes had their moments but can't help thinking their sound is too derivative of the 70s.  I quite like Arcade Fire but of this decade I'd probably go for Muse (the current album's pretty rubbish IMO) and all of Kasabian's albums have been very good if musically limited so I'd probably go for them, but I still wouldn't say anything they've done has been amazing.  Radiohead have been brilliant at times but patchy at others throughout the decade.
Having thought long and hard, I would have to list mine as follows....
2000 : JJ72 - JJ72
2001 : Muse - Origin of Symmetry (special mention for Against Me! - Crime[as forgiven by]
2002 : Whitmore - Smoke the Roach
2003 : Muse - Absolution
2004 : K T Tunstall - Eye to the Telescope
2005 : Weezer - Make Believe
2006 : Greenday - American Idiot MCR - Welcome to The Black Parade Dunno
2007 : The Crimea - Secrets of the Witching Hour
2008 : The Ting Tings - We Started Nothing
2009 : Muse - The Resistance
Tried to put one per year cos the decade would have been about 50 albums
Ensign Muf
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Muf, I've never heard of Whitmore, but judging by your list we have sorta similar tastes (I almost put Weezer-Red Album for one of mine, would have had Pinkerton or Blue Album but they were WAY Pre Millennium)...should I check them out? what are they like?
Whitmore were[sadly] a Ska/punk band that I picked up from the short lived P-Rock channel on sky in 2002 I'll upload the album to GS and post it on here for you Leccy Then you can check them out
Ensign Muf

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