If indeed anyone cared...but they are Danny and Jack.
I'd love to know what she sees in those two clowns.
If indeed anyone cared...but they are Danny and Jack.
I'd love to know what she sees in those two clowns.
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Genuinely surprised she didn't name Harry.
If indeed anyone cared...but they are Danny and Jack.
I'd love to know what she sees in those two clowns.
No idea, Vids, I can't stand the pair of them.
That seems fair enough. Danny's fairly decent and Jack's allright.. he's just an immature un-self-aware boy. There's worse in there.
That seems fair enough. Danny's fairly decent and Jack's allright.. he's just an immature un-self-aware boy. There's worse in there.
Have to agree. Danny has grown on me and Jack is just greedy and annoying.
That seems fair enough. Danny's fairly decent and Jack's allright.. he's just an immature un-self-aware boy. There's worse in there.
Dull Danny and Moany Jack...fair enough.?
That seems fair enough. Danny's fairly decent and Jack's allright.. he's just an immature un-self-aware boy. There's worse in there.
Have to agree. Danny has grown on me and Jack is just greedy and annoying.
That's the Helen effect making Danny grow on you...Helen makes anyone look good.
That seems fair enough. Danny's fairly decent and Jack's allright.. he's just an immature un-self-aware boy. There's worse in there.
Dull Danny and Moany Jack...fair enough.?
Yeah I know Vids but... but... look at the other contenders!
They're even worse!
That seems fair enough. Danny's fairly decent and Jack's allright.. he's just an immature un-self-aware boy. There's worse in there.
Dull Danny and Moany Jack...fair enough.?
Yeah I know Vids but... but... look at the other contenders!
They're even worse!
Marc isn't worse...he's very good.
That seems fair enough. Danny's fairly decent and Jack's allright.. he's just an immature un-self-aware boy. There's worse in there.
Dull Danny and Moany Jack...fair enough.?
Yeah I know Vids but... but... look at the other contenders!
They're even worse!
Marc isn't worse...he's very good.
Not since he's gone to the dark side Helen drags everyone who befriends her down to destruction... he made a schoolboy error there. He could have won this.
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