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Reference Videostar Today at 19:46:
Bloody hell Eugene, is that true?? Alex has been snubbed so celebs can go in.....that is a scandal.
That was the rumour, although I'm not 100% certain about the details. The news of Pete and Alex being ruled-out came at about the same time as "news" that the BB/CBB split would be closer to 50/50 than previously assumed. (Although the list of UBB HMs seems to be changing daily - and never for the better. Aisleyne had been considered a certainty pretty-much from the start. It's also confused by the fact that a lot of ex-HMs are apparently going in as "guests" - Grace and hubby Mikey, for example...)

Certainly, it doesn't sound like either Pete or Alex were happy about being knocked-back...
Eugene's Lair
Well, at least Aisleyne chose not to go in, unlike Pete Bennett and Alex, who were apparently informed they'd been dropped to allow more CBB "celebrities" to take part... At least she seems happy about it - TBH I think she's better-off out of that car-crash (and the same goes for us! )  - and she's got her film to look forward to...

Is she using a stage name?
Cold Sweat
Reference monkey13 Today at 20:39:
Just read on Mikey Dalton's (Grace's husband) website that they both will be full housemates and entering BB tomorrow.
Oh gawd... 
I'd assumed they were going in as "guest appearances", not full HMs.

What with Charley in there as well, I doubt I'll be physically able to watch UBB, never mind wanting to watch it...
Eugene's Lair
Reference Cold Sweat Today at 21:19:
Reference: "What with Charley in there as well, I doubt I'll be physically able to watch UBB, never mind wanting to watch it..."
Where as i'm beginning to get rather excited about Big Brother for the first time in ages!
No offence intended, but you're welcome to it. Charley remains the only HM who has actually made me switch off (although Charlie last year came pretty close...)

If I do force myself to watch it. it's going to have to be with the sound turned off...
Eugene's Lair

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