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I heard about that the other day Fluffy, what I've not heard about on the news is how the Icelandic people are coping, e.g has there been loss of life? or homes? is it affecting their health?
What I heard was that when the volcano first erupted th nearby villages were evacuated, (can't remember how many people that involved, but not huge numbers) but because the volcano is on the south of the island and the wind is blowing the ash cloud southeastwards, Iceland itself is basically unaffected.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Iceland itself is basically unaffected.
EXACTLY....what a load of baws we have been fed, iceland is hardly effected, "don't you get large heavy ash particles that would fall out the sky" wheres the big piles of the stuff in iceland..all i've seen is a tiny smattering on some icelanders car windscreen....any smoke in the air would be blown in a certain direction by the wind, then gradually fall or evaporate, what a pile of turdness....WE HAVE BEEN DUPED BY A GOVERNMENT THAT HAS POOPED IT'S PANTS BECAUSE THERES AN ELECTION COMING UP.

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