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It's just been announced that aire restrictions are being lifted in Scotand and Northern Ireland from 7am on Tuesday morning. This also covers the Northerm part of England from a line between Teeside and Blackpool. It is hoped that the rest of England and Wales will have their restrictions lifted later on Tuesday (I would guess 7pm).

I think it will be several days before the backlog is cleared but at least things are looking up.

See BBC article for the full story.

Edited 17.59
I spoke too soon. Well one day, planes may fly again The latest from the BBC which supercedes the above.

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whenever people think they're in charge of life Nature can provide something to let us know we're not the Boss

It sure does YR... When we get too big for our boots, it comes along and reminds us how small were really are.....
When we're thrown off course by events out of our control we flounder, get angry and get confused. Out of that though can come an amazing resillience to think for themselves, like the people stuck in countries all over the world trying to get back home and criss crossing across countries by whichever route or transport available to them. I admire them for that, our friend has been stuck in Thailand, haven't heard yet when or how he'll get home, but he will eventually same as everyone else with lots of tales to tell their friends lol 
Yellow Rose

A new ash cloud spreading towards the UK is causing uncertainty over plans to reopen some airspace on Tuesday, air traffic control body Nats has said.

Earlier, it said the flight ban would be lifted over Scotland, Northern Ireland and the north of England.

But Nats said there was now a worsening situation in some areas. The outlook for Northern Ireland is most uncertain.

Scottish airports are still expected to reopen from 0700 BST, but Nats said it would report again at 0300.

A further update will be made at 0900 BST on Tuesday.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Apparently, last time this volcano errupted it went on for 14 MONTHS.
I heard about that the other day Fluffy, what I've not heard about on the news is how the Icelandic people are coping, e.g has there been loss of life? or homes? is it affecting their health? All the news seems to be about air travel. Haven't any of the media phoned their Embassy or others to find out how their people are coping, maybe the media don't care as the bigger story as far as they're concerned is about those who can't travel, which of course is an inconvenience to all concerned but how about the wider issue of others involved.
Yellow Rose
The latest from the BBC shows a handful of short distance flights have already taken place in Scotland, but the first international flight from Glasgow has been cancelled. But then that was a flight to Iceland!

As Bojangles has pointed out, the volcano has kicked off again. The chances are that it is going to be a bit of a trouble maker for some time to come. Yesterday's Bang Goes the Theory on BBC1 had a segment on the science behind the volcano including interviewing some scientists involved in the test flights from Cranford. Although the volcano could continue erupting for months, once the ice at the top of the volcano (in what is called a caldera) has melted, the type of ash which is causing all the problems should cease.
El Loro

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