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Maybe it stops mattering when you're put in a certain situation (eg work) when you work with people of varying ages? And you don't care cos you all work together and all that? I dunno; I've only had eighteen years of experience

In courses at uni I make acquaintances with people a few years older/younger than me... though they're probably more likely to be older than me but I don't really care

I suppose, when you're younger, you stick with people who you have more in common with (fashuns, moosics etc), but as you get older, you all have shit stuff in common, so it matters less and less.

You've just reminded me, one of my best friends is celebrating her 60th in two weeks. She used to be Mr Blizz's secretary, from when he started work, so I've known her for 23 years. She hasn't changed at all. Still completely mad, but hilarious. She still calls Mr Blizz, her boy.

An extract from a book called "Borstal Lives"

"Friendship has nothing to do with time or place or age or station; nothing to do with taste or morality or religion or nationality. It isn’t something you can decide to have or decide to postpone......

It’s something that happens just two or three times in a lifetime."

Agree with Karms... I suppose when I was younger (school age) my friends were the same age, simply because those were the people I came into contact with most.    When I started work, the age range of my friends probably changed.    The internet is also a great leveller... you get to know 'people' instead of appearances and ages.    I've a couple of very good RL friends that I made contact with via the internet, several acquaintances and some very 'real' friends who are none the less so because we haven't met and their ages very hugely.
I have friends of 'slightly' more varying ages now that I am a bit older (over 35 ) but there aren't big age gaps to be honest... Even at 17-20 y.o, almost all my friends were 16 to 21 y.o.  Even now, I must say that I would find it hard to be 'friends' with someone of about 18, because I would have nothing in common with them; that's why I can't fathom how a 40 - 45 y.o woman can have a 18 - 22 y.o. boyfriend.  I just don't see what they would talk about or how they could want the same things.  Even their music tastes would be different surely?  And the woman couldn't talk about anything before 1990!  Even though she was born in 1968!

I think you can be friendly and civil to someone 20 years younger than you when you're 35/40 plus, but I think it would be hard to be 'friends' as you would have very little in common.  I have about half a dozen friends (one best friend) and they all range between 3-4 years younger than me and 3-4 years older.  My next door neighbour is 20 and is a nice girl, but I have little in common with her and she is from a completely different generation.  Another neighbour of mine is 65, and is a lovely lady, but again a different generation: I gel much better with people of my own generation (35 to 48-ish.) I chat for much longer with people of my own generation.
Agree with Briskets post creed colour age are of no consequence my best friend is 20 years younger than me she is black and has a different religion.. why should any of that matter and it dosent ,we are in tune with one another trust each other will always be there for each other, I am  so proud to have such a lovely friend  age is only a number..
Friendship has nothing to do with time or place or age or station; nothing to do with taste or morality or religion or nationality. It isn’t something you can decide to have or decide to postpone...... It’s something that happens just two or three times in a lifetime."
Interesting replies, seems that most of us are in accord: that age really stops mattering once you're an 'adult.' Certainly agree that colour, creed etc. etc. don't matter a jot. I have really good friends from all different walks of life.....But something that happens only two or three times in a lifetime? Not sure about that, I know the stuff about some friends being for a reason, a season or a lifetime...but I'd say that I've got at least 8 v v close friends who I completely trust and love, who've been in my life many years, and I really don't anticipate that ever changing.
I agree with everyone who says age is not important. I used to get in trouble when I was a teen because the mantra imposed upon me at that time was 'respect your elders' as though people should be respected just for being older than me. There are intelligent teenagers and impressively stupid elderly people and vice versa. I always hated that great respect was granted to complete dunderheads simply because they had lived longer than me.
I agree with a poster above me that you can get lots of people of 40 to 60+, who are complete idiots and very immature, and yet people of 20 who are really intelligent and mature.  And I agree with the majority here that age doesn't really matter and I get on well at work and so on, with lads of 18 to 20 (and girls,)  and also with people 10 or 15 years older.

But that said, I have to say that my 2 close friends who I have known 15 years or so, are near my age, and although I get on well with all ages, my best friends who I connect with better and socialise with a lot, are close to my age.  I can't seriously see me socialising with and spending a lot of time with someone a generation older or a generation younger.  I get on with them, but I connect a lot better with people my own age.  And the couples me and my better half socialise with are all around our age too. 

So I think I see both sides here: you can be friends with people of ANY age, as kindness, empathy and understanding and maturity does not always come with age, but  definitely - most people I know, have friends close to their own age and also a partner close to their own age.

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