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I had the misfortune of being stuck on a train for two hours today with a (secondhand) copy of the Sun and, combined with the recent behaviour of Boulton and Burley, I think it's pretty clear that the whole Murdoch media machine is taking their lead from Fox News. The Sun's dislike for Brown was hardly surprising, but I must admit I was taken aback by their blatant misrepresentation of the current political reality and how our parliamentary system works in order to try and create support for Cameron. Boulton isn't anything like as blatant, but he's essentially doing the same thing...
Eugene's Lair
And do you think you ARE any more impartial???
Its very different comparing one person to a huge 24/7 news channel, there are regulations that state along the lines that no news channels can broadcast any biased support towards any political party. The presenters on sky are supposed to keep their opinions to themselves and remain neutral.
Its very different comparing one person to a huge 24/7 news channel, there are regulations that state along the lines that no news channels can broadcast any biased support towards any political party. The presenters on sky are supposed to keep their opinions to themselves and remain neutral.
Why... no one else does.... public, politicians, newspapers, etc etc,.......  Isn't it a bit disingenuous to expect the TV to be impartial.
Thanks for posting that link Lockes!  Brilliant! And I thought Campbell was one of the forces of evil before! He came across as quite reasonable there!  So for political balance here then I might suggest that Adam Boulton was probably suffering from a severe case of sleep depravation? Nick Robinson today on the Beeb was beginning to behave in the same well today I felt.. although I think his affiliations are becoming known as a little partial in the same way as Boulton's.  

Oh... and Eugene, I was thinking about what you've pointed out in your post as well earlier today when the Tories announced their concession regarding a referendum about a voting reform. The referendum would be termed by the Tories in such a way that the Murdoch machine could spin it into the most toxic choice available... Tories off the hook and Clegg dead in the water.
I was so disgusted with the Burley incident I've been watching the BBC on Chanel 503. It's soooo different to Sky's prejudiced and constant negative diatribe. Interesting and intelligent discussions in the studio with politicians from all parties, no screaming slanging matches, just mature adult conversations without constant interruptions from the interviewer. I don't feel as wound up as I did when watching Sky lol.
Yellow Rose
And do you think you ARE any more impartial???

Clearly we are all partial and stupid to you Joyon. I've found, interestingly, that most of us who are debating events here can do it in a interesting and thought-provoking way despite our differences of opinions. However, you don't seem to be prepared to discuss how you feel about things, so I'd just politely suggest you join in or don't waste your time.
Interesting and intelligent discussions in the studio with politicians from all parties, no screaming slanging matches, just mature adult conversations without constant interruptions from the interviewer. I don't feel as wound up as I did when watching Sky
That's what I've found too YR. Normally I'd flick between the two news channels to see how an important event like this is reporting things. The Sky coverage of this election has made me cringe and I haven't watched it since the Sky leaders debate. Thankfully, Murdoch will be charging to read 'the Times' on-line and I expect the 'Sun' and 'Sky News' to be following sometime soon!
All the psychological tricks he used to get Boulton to flip ,like telling him to calm down while he was still calm, insisting on telling him what his mind set was, publically outing him as a Murdoch Bot. (which is obvious!), and confuddling an exhausted hack. Shame is that they are quite matey and linked in their private lives. Bottom line is that I think Alistair Campbell is a bitch!
All the psychological tricks he used to get Boulton to flip ,like telling him to calm down while he was still calm, insisting on telling him what his mind set was, publically outing him as a Murdoch Bot. (which is obvious!), and confuddling an exhausted hack. Shame is that they are quite matey and linked in their private lives. Bottom line is that I think Alistair Campbell is a bitch!

TBH, I didn't think Boulton looked calm from the outset, and Campbell merely pushed a button that was already flashing
Anyone who doesn't want to be outed as a Murdoch droid shouldn't work for Sky. And if he's really mates with Campbell, maybe he should have either known better, or needs to choose his friends more carefully.
TBH, I didn't think Boulton looked calm from the outset, and Campbell merely pushed a button that was already flashing 
Anyone who doesn't want to be outed as a Murdoch droid shouldn't work for Sky. And if he's really mates with Campbell, maybe he should have either known better, or needs to choose his friends more carefully. ....ref: deman

Alright then, I'll yield to your interpretation  Still think Campbell's a biyatch though

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