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I didn`t like her when she first came in..the laboured voice talking tripe. Then I liked her after she told JJJ what she thought. Now I`m back to dislking her.
She`s done nothing but moan the last few days and now she`s getting really biatchy.
This is the real "cougar" we`re seeing now.  
No wonder Corin gunked her. She`s had her in her ear saying how much she hates the place and wants to go. I wish she would.
She a moany, miserable git, who's wanted to walk for over a week. I would have gunged her too. Why the hell save someone who obviously wants to go, or so she says everyday, for someone who wants to stay in the house.
She's so far up JJ's rectum today, all I can see his her legs dangling, after she's ripped him to bits for days. If JJ didn't hate Corin so much, don't you fret Jo, you would have had another off him
Reference: Dame
She a moany, miserable git, who's wanted to walk for over a week. I would have gunged her too. Why the hell save someone who obviously wants to go, or so she says everyday, for someone who wants to stay in the house. She's so far up JJ's rectum today, all I can see his her legs dangling, after she's ripped him to bits for days. If JJ didn't hate Corin so much, don't you fret Jo, you would have had another off him
There's a lot worse than Jo in there and she has put a few of them right - more than most.

Corin showed her true colours in nomming her - forget the she wanted to go get out clause, Corin nommed someone who had been friendly, kind and supportive to her and if I had been in Jo's shoes I'd have nommed those who nommed me right back too.

Loyalty means little to Corin as her live-in girlfriend has found to her cost.
Blackpudlian offline 2925 Forum Posts Today at 11:30 AM The sooner Jo accepts she isn't a cougar like she represented herself to be when she went into the house the better off she will be. She went in under false pretences and can't keep up the facade.
Hasn't she more or less admitted that she isn't much of a cougar?

I am not a fan of Jo and I hope she goes on Friday.

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