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Aaron Allard-Morgan tweeted this earlier today. Some of you may already have seen it on DS, but what the heck...


Aaron has been talking about writing a book on his BB experience virtually since leaving the house. One of the incidents he was most proud of was the day that nomination talk was allowed, and he's previously said that the HL coverage of it didn't do his machinations justice. Here is the first draft of his description of that  day:


A little extract from my original draft. Only a snippit, but hopefully you'll enjoy. Sorry if the spelling is off course. xx

Nominations. The integral part of the show that is constant from week to week. Today was different though, today we were allowed to discuss our nominations. This did not sit well with me.

On entering the house, I was trying to suss out who would be voting for who. This was my constant. It’s pointless voting for people that others will avoid, your vote needs to count and the best way to do this is knowing which way other people would vote. It’s how I turned week 3 from being myself and Heaven to include Aden. Big Brother had basically taken away my research and constant battle for information by throwing it all into the public domain. I knew I’d be up, and I knew Faye would be up. The challenge I faced was ensuring as many of the Wolfpack joined us.
Within moments of the announcement, two groups gravitated towards each other. Aden, Jay, Anton and Louise would be working together, as was Harry, Faye and I. Tom and Alex were the floating votes which needed work on as we were outnumbered.
Harry and Faye joined me in the bathroom and we slowly began to express our thoughts. Faye and Harry were leaning to a combination of Aden, 
Anton and Louise. This was not what I banked on. Louise was never going to be a threat in the long run, much the same as Aden, but I wanted Jay.
As far as I could tell, Louise would have been a dead vote. Tom and Alex would not be voting that way, so our combined vote will fall short of the combined vote of the Wolf pack. As we awkwardly fumbled around scenarios, with no one wanting to be seen as harshly ganging up on others, Tom and Alex entered the arena.
“You know the Wolf pack is voting for you and Faye on mass” revealed Tom. “I just heard them discussing it, and they told us to do the same, but I’m not being told who to vote for”.
Brilliant. In trying to be clever, the Wolf pack had created more problems than solutions. Not only would they be seen as targeting us,their attempts to sway Tom and Alex inevitably cost them. If there was one thing I could rely on Tom for, it was his inability to do as he was told. My mind was already in overdrive working out the outcome. It was clear that Faye and I would be up, but my plan needed work if I was to get the wolf pack to join us.
“Well, we could go around in circles all afternoon, but I’m voting for Jay and Anton” I stated as I headed for the garden. I’d planted my seed and had to trust in my friendship with Harry and my relationship with 
Faye to follow this through. Alex and Tom would never vote for Jay at this stage, Jay had spent too long drumming the “Us Newcastle folk must stick together” routine into Alex.
With the knowledge that they wouldn’t go for Jay, it was clear they wouldn’t attempt Louise – the efforts of Jay’s hunting and gathering. 
It could only be Aden and Anton. The easy thing to do would have been to get Harry and Faye to vote the same as Tom and Alex, but I wanted Jay. It was clear he was becoming my main threat, so getting him involved was crucial. At this stage it sat as follows;
Aaron – Jay & Anton
Harry – Jay & Anton
Faye – Jay & Anton
Tom – Aden & Anton
Alex – Aden & Anton
Louise and the Wolf pack – Aaron & Faye

So with five votes for Anton and four for Faye and me, we’d all be up. 
This worried me. What if fans of the Wolf pack all clubbed together to save Anton? I’d been saved first twice already, so felt fairly confident but what if Faye took the fall? I had work to do, but little time to do it.

I mulled over the targets and pondered where to start. Louise was difficult as we barely spoke, and it would have been too difficult to broach the subject in front of Jay.
Aden was the choice. Aden had a canny ability to report things back to the pack. If I wanted them to know something; second hand; he was the easy route.
I sat outside and smoked, asking Harry and Faye to leave me to think. I knew Aden would be out soon, his need to smoke would get the better of him soon enough. As he approached me I waited for him to speak; knowing he’d been part of a plot to out Faye and I made it difficult; but after the usual pleasantries we knuckled down.
“Aden, I hear you’re planning on block voting for Faye and me?” “It’s your call and your vote, but I’d hate to think that you’re voting because you were told to?”
“Na man, I’m not voting for you, no one tells me what to do.”
“Oh right, it’s just that (I paused and thought of the consequences of discussing my obvious source), I was under the impression you’d be voting with the Wolf pack.”
“No, I know who I’m voting for. I was going to vote for you because I was told you are voting for me. But I know you’d never do that, because we have a connection yeah”
“I’m not voting for you Aden. I’m voting for Louise and Harry”
“Yep, Harry really wants to go and I promised him I’d do it”
“Cool man, cool”
Aden stood up and left for the house. I needed this to filter back to the pack, and it had to be done ASAP as the voice boomed over the mic. “This is Big Brother. Will Aaron come to the Diary room”
My vote was easy. Jay and Anton. Every week until they were gone.
As I left for the lounge, Aden was called to the diary room. I could see Louise was looking uneasy.
“Aaron. Why did you tell Aden you’re voting for me?” “I thought we were friends?” asked Louise.
“I didn’t? I just voted and I’m pretty sure you’re not one of them”
“Well why the hell did Aden just tell me you were voting for me?”
“I think he’s got his wires crossed.......either that or he’s lied to you to try and sway your vote?”
As the cog in Louise’s head began to turn, I sensed an opportunity.
“Basically it seems like he thinks you’re that stupid that he could sway your vote. I’d never vote for you Louise, you know that (A catchphrase that seemed to slip from everyone’s lips around nomination time) and I would like to think you’d never vote for me. We’ve always got on.”
“That cheeky bastard, I’m my own person me. I’ll vote for who I want to vote for”
The seed was set. If this worked then Louise would vote for Aden and Faye, bringing it down to Anton and Faye up for eviction with five and four nominations respectively. I was safe, and I could have left it there, but there was no way I wanted Faye up in a one on one situation. 
Not only would it spoil the week, what with her natural worrying, there was always a chance the public could vote for Anton.
By this point, I, Alex, Anton, Aden, and Faye had voted. Harry was in the diary room, voting for Jay and Anton. My options were short. I knew how Tom was voting, and Louise had already been ‘converted’. Jay was my only option. I sat in the kitchen wondering what my angle could be,and there it was, Anton. The ego who didn’t know when to shut up.
“Who did you vote for Anton?” I purred.
“You and Faye, you already know that. And I know you voted for me and Jay.” He retorted.
“You yes, but Jay? Not this week pal. Harry asked me to vote for him as he wants to go. It just made the voting easier and I don’t have a conscience about it.” I planted the seed in Jay’s head as he stood to the side and listened.
“You voted for Harry? Really?” enquired Anton.
“Yep, you can ask him when he comes out”
“Seriously, does he want to go? And you voted him?” butted in Jay.
The diary room door opened as Anton gave his trademark chin stroke.
“It doesn’t matter anyway, because it’s you and Faye up this week” chortled Anton.
“I don’t think so Anton, Harry will be. Faye, Tom and Alex have all done the same, so it’s a numbers game.” I knew Jay was listening intently and working his hardest to play the “nice guy” role. As he went to the diary room, I thought I’d done enough. If Jay changed his vote from Faye to Harry; he was always going to vote for me that week;then he’d be playing nice like the rest of us and putting Harry out of his misery. Job Done. What started off as just Faye and I up for eviction turned to Faye and Anton, and then finally into Faaron vs. The Wolf pack.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

That's the one series of BB I never watched so know nothing about the hm's. Just because he wants to write a book about his experiences doesn't mean it will be accepted by a Publisher, in fact I'd be extremely surprised if it was accepted by any Publisher that's noteworthy. He could try Vanity Publishing of course but he'd no doubt lose more money than he'd make.

Yellow Rose

thanks Eugene   I had read it earlier on FB and have just ventured over to DS to see the venom spitting again 


if the book dont make it I am sure we shall  get it in installments like this  


I searched back and found and re-read his thread from last year the other day - what a crazy lot we were but determined he was going to win after the way he had been treat 




Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

 Just because he wants to write a book about his experiences doesn't mean it will be accepted by a Publisher, in fact I'd be extremely surprised if it was accepted by any Publisher that's noteworthy.

I'm not up on the "technical details", but I was under the impression that he always intended it as an e-book.

Eugene's Lair

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