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Aaron told Jay that he thought spending ÂĢ500 on presents looked like they were doing it for the cameras and the fact that they didn't speak to him about it, more so. Jay said they didn't plan it, it just came into their heads and when they spoke to BB about it, he said they were not allowed to tell Aaron.


Yet the news on the BB site stated that Aaron was asked, accepted at first then refused.    


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Originally Posted by erinp:

Aaron told Jay that he thought spending ÂĢ500 on presents looked like they were doing it for the cameras and the fact that they didn't speak to him about it, more so. Jay said they didn't plan it, it just came into their heads and when they spoke to BB about it, he said they were not allowed to tell Aaron.


Yet the news on the BB site stated that Aaron was asked, accepted at first then refused.    


Birthday presents

7 hours ago


‘Tis the season of giving (or at least it will be soon enough) and in this spirit, Jay and Louise have decided to shower Alex and Tom with gifts for their birthday. The couple came to the diary room earlier and decided to spend some of the money they were allocated yesterday from the 50k prize fund (would be great to link to the story about this on the ‘50k prize fund&rsquo on lavish presents for their friends.


Kicking off proceedings, Louise told Big Brother: “just been having a bit of a chat, when I thought, ‘I’ve come in here with nothing, I want to get these guys something’.” Jay agreed, adding that it’s “nice to give.” The couple decided that they would both put ÂĢ500 out of their allotted amounts, towards the presents, with Jay choosing a watch for Tom and Louise choosing a pair of shoes for Alex. Big Brother agreed to their proposition, stating that their presents will be delivered to them later today.


Aaron was initially in on the gesture, but decided not to go through with it at the last minute, much to the annoyance of Jay and Louise. Recalling the incident to Big Brother, Louise had a rant saying she knew Aaron wouldn’t agree, Jay adding - “what comes around, goes around”.


Regardless of this, they seemed genuinely happy with their secret plan. And we’re sure Tom and Alex will be even happier when they receive their presents later this evening. Doesn’t it give you that warm feeling inside?!




Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by erinp:

Aaron told Jay that he thought spending ÂĢ500 on presents looked like they were doing it for the cameras and the fact that they didn't speak to him about it, more so. Jay said they didn't plan it, it just came into their heads and when they spoke to BB about it, he said they were not allowed to tell Aaron.


Yet the news on the BB site stated that Aaron was asked, accepted at first then refused.    


Birthday presents

7 hours ago


‘Tis the season of giving (or at least it will be soon enough) and in this spirit, Jay and Louise have decided to shower Alex and Tom with gifts for their birthday. The couple came to the diary room earlier and decided to spend some of the money they were allocated yesterday from the 50k prize fund (would be great to link to the story about this on the ‘50k prize fund&rsquo on lavish presents for their friends.


Kicking off proceedings, Louise told Big Brother: “just been having a bit of a chat, when I thought, ‘I’ve come in here with nothing, I want to get these guys something’.” Jay agreed, adding that it’s “nice to give.” The couple decided that they would both put ÂĢ500 out of their allotted amounts, towards the presents, with Jay choosing a watch for Tom and Louise choosing a pair of shoes for Alex. Big Brother agreed to their proposition, stating that their presents will be delivered to them later today.


Aaron was initially in on the gesture, but decided not to go through with it at the last minute, much to the annoyance of Jay and Louise. Recalling the incident to Big Brother, Louise had a rant saying she knew Aaron wouldn’t agree, Jay adding - “what comes around, goes around”.


Regardless of this, they seemed genuinely happy with their secret plan. And we’re sure Tom and Alex will be even happier when they receive their presents later this evening. Doesn’t it give you that warm feeling inside?!




Have I posted the wrong link.?

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by erinp:

Have I posted the wrong link.?

the link at the top in first post goes to the clip ????


I went to the story ????


Sorry Mrs H my head is all over the place.

no problem Erin - thought I had done something wrong TBH as I hadnt actually seen your link till you posted 

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by erinp:

Have I posted the wrong link.?

the link at the top in first post goes to the clip ????


I went to the story ????


Sorry Mrs H my head is all over the place.I think I might have messed up on another site and posted that link in response to something else or maybe not,i'm all mixed up .Time to call it a day.


Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:

I'm a bit unclear about all this (now there's a surprise!) but I'm wondering if Aaron initially agreed to chip in because he assumed they'd buy "normal" presents, and withdrew when he discovered just how much they were going to spend?

now come on your normally the logical one and sort out the mess 


BB are getting themselves in a muddle - editing here there and everywhere 


chopping bits here and there and making clips 


the *onion* story for one - look at the BBBOTS vid and then read the news story in twitter thread ???


total farce and they expect us to skip over this and that and not inspect everything we watch or read .......  they were not prepared for die hard BB  fans 


Roll on Friday I say .......


Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:

I'm a bit unclear about all this (now there's a surprise!) but I'm wondering if Aaron initially agreed to chip in because he assumed they'd buy "normal" presents, and withdrew when he discovered just how much they were going to spend?

So glad to hear you say that.

Its reported that they(3) all went to the DR and Aaron said no.

Then it's reported that Jay/Louise later  got the presents ordered and BB told them that they would be delivered to the house.

Then it's reported that the presents were delivered and Aaron was shocked and said that they did it for the camera's.Jay told Aaron that BB told them to not tell Aaron .

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by erinp:

Have I posted the wrong link.?

the link at the top in first post goes to the clip ????


I went to the story ????


Sorry Mrs H my head is all over the place.

no problem Erin - thought I had done something wrong TBH as I hadnt actually seen your link till you posted 

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:

I'm a bit unclear about all this (now there's a surprise!) but I'm wondering if Aaron initially agreed to chip in because he assumed they'd buy "normal" presents, and withdrew when he discovered just how much they were going to spend?

now come on your normally the logical one and sort out the mess 

As you can possibly guess, I'm finding it increasingly difficult to be bothered working it out - it was the same with the last set of nominations.


If i'm honest, it's partly because I'm gettting sick and tired of having to do BB's work for them. Now, every BB fan's aware of the danger of being "spoon-fed", but is it really too much to ask to expect them to present the facts (which they already know) in a coherent fashion?

Instead, BB has been obsessed with fiddling around with chronology, etc, to try and make everything more "interesting", but in fact they just make it incomprehensible. They've been fiddling with even the most basic things: the HMs always nominate in alphabetical order, but we get shown them all over the place. Even Faye's message to the house was hacked so that her comments to Aaron came last (she actually mentioned him first).


Watching this series has been like trying to complete a jigsaw while blindfolded...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by erinp:

Jay is such a liar when he says he just wanted to do something nice ,he was peed off about what he had done the minute he left the DR .Louise also complained about Alex not sharing her stuff with her and Jay said "I know she didn't let me borrow her glue".Yet they spent 500 pounds on her!




Aaron is the only real one in there.


They`re running scared.  

Originally Posted by justafriend:
Originally Posted by vikinggal:

Well then they can edit either way tomorrow there,

Jay and Louise regretting being generous, OR Jay and Louise the munificent while Aaron is a stingy git.

it will be the latter viking 

Most definitely justa.


It`s quite unbearable but...I think the relentless biased editing of Aaron is so obvious, it will stand in his favour. 




Originally Posted by vikinggal:

Well then they can edit either way tomorrow there,

Jay and Louise regretting being generous, OR Jay and Louise the munificent while Aaron is a stingy git.

Version 2.


The bit I saw of the three of them in the DR was Aaron saying he wouldn't even spend that much on his wee boy, let alone someone he hardly knew. and then walking out. Then Jay said he wanted the ÂĢ500 watch for Tom and Louise said she wanted the ÂĢ500 shoes for Alex.

However there was no mention of not telling Aaron as far as I recall.


Was that not tonight's HLs? Maybe it was BBBotS

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by vikinggal:

Well then they can edit either way tomorrow there,

Jay and Louise regretting being generous, OR Jay and Louise the munificent while Aaron is a stingy git.

Version 2.


The bit I saw of the three of them in the DR was Aaron saying he wouldn't even spend that much on his wee boy, let alone someone he hardly knew. and then walking out. Then Jay said he wanted the ÂĢ500 watch for Tom and Louise said she wanted the ÂĢ500 shoes for Alex.

However there was no mention of not telling Aaron as far as I recall.


Was that not tonight's HLs? Maybe it was BBBotS

it was BBBotS and like other things shown on there  late at night very rarely get into the highlights show the next night 

Originally Posted by BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN!:

I'm disgusted at this - just watched the vids, was going to vote for Aaron anyway to win - just because I want to and I can!!!

I want to know who everyone else is voting for - come on!!!  Poke C5 in the eye on their first outing eh!!! 

No matter what the manipulation is VOTE AARON!!!!! I thank u 







15 mins ago


Tom and Alex’s birthday tonight should have been an event that drew the housemates together to enjoy one of their last nights in the house. Unfortunately, though, there has been a bit of drama resulting from a watch and a pair of shoes that were bought for Tom and Alex by Jay and Louise. The money that the two used to buy these will be taken off their prize fund at the end: so what’s the problem?


Earlier in the day, Jay, Louise and Aaron were asked to the diary room. Inside, they were offered the chance to buy a selection of presents for Tom and Alex. The first selection ranged from ÂĢ1,000-2,000 in price: they were declined by all three. Then, they were asked back into the diary room to look at a selection of gifts that ranged from ÂĢ500-1,000 in price: again, they declined. The root of the drama came from the fact that after this point, Jay and Louise chose to go back to the diary room and buy Tom and Alex a watch and a pair of shoes respectively, which cost each of them ÂĢ500 from their prize fund. Aaron was unaware of this fact, though. Still with us?


Good. Later on, when Tom and Alex's gifts were unwrapped for their surprise party, Big Brother delivered the presents to the diary room for Jay and Louise to give to the birthday boy and girl. The gifts were hugely well received, with Tom even saying that it was the ‘best birthday ever’: unfortunately, Aaron wasn’t as impressed. From this point on, very little was said between the two parties: Aaron has been walking away from social situations with them.


Jay and Louise have been really unhappy with this treatment, and Tom and Alex agreed that he was rude during their birthday meal. This has sparked a rant from Jay earlier (he’s stated that he ‘never wants to talk to him again&rsquo, and a whole lot of alone-time for Aaron. As of yet, there hasn’t been any direct confrontation: but the night is still young, and not everything will be forgotten tomorrow. Keep it here for updatesâ€Ķ





and where BB does it say not to tell Aaron what you had done as you state in the vid  


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