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Your Big Brother winner 2011... Aaron!

11 hours ago


It’s official! Tonight, Aaron Allard-Morgan was crowned the winner of Big Brother 2011.


Aaron was regarded as something of a dark horse to win the show from early on, but he defied the odds tonight when he walked away with the ÂĢ50,000 winner’s fund (as well as his ÂĢ990 share). As a Big Brother enthusiast, Aaron’s delight at winning the dream accolade was made obvious when he left the House grinning from ear to ear.


Although Aaron’s evidently a happy boy tonight, it’s fair to say that he’s had something of a turbulent time in the house: to pen the clichÃĐ, it’s been something of a rollercoaster for the contract manager. Although his relationship with Faye was often the cause of this, Aaron showed himself to be an emotional and reflective character from the outset right through to the end, when a conflict involving him and Jay somewhat soured the atmosphere in the final week. He gained a reputation amongst the other housemates for his sensitive tendencies: some of his monologues and talks with the cameras provided many memorable moments which his housemates might not have known about. Tonight, the public proved that they’d warmed to these moments, or at the very least showed that they wouldn’t let them subtract from their support.



This relationship with Faye was one of two lasting romances in the house, and the two clearly intend on carrying it on outside (despite the obvious disapproval from Faye’s sister, Jem). The two were drawn together when Faye asked him out on a date: the attraction seemed to grow from there, although the self-confessed ladies’ man did make a slight hiccup in kissing up to one of her best friends! Faye clearly didn’t mind too much, though, as they were soon sharing their first kiss. Their first argument shortly followed, unfortunately, and the cycle seemed to continue until the last few days in which they seemed to grow as a couple.


Though Aaron was full of love for some of his housemates, he was also no stranger to conflict with them. As a strongly principled man, he was never afraid to stand up to what he thought was right: this sometimes led to some controversial decisions, however, which upset his fellow housemates. They often also led to accusations of ‘game-playing’ from his peers inside the House and the general public: it was in this area that Aaron seemed to divide opinions somewhat.


However we view Aaron, it is hard to dispute the fact that he’s been an entertaining character, who will be fondly remembered by most viewers and housemates alike. The future’s looking bright for the contract manager, and it may well include his new love interest: we wish him congratulations, and the best of luck with everything, poppet!


I found this great post over on DS by Supersarahp I think she sums it up quite well


This is why I think Aaron really won.

I think Aaron won because he was all the things the others wished to be:

Anton's selling point was to try and control the game side of things....Aaron actually did it.

Rebeckah's selling point was to try to stir things up and create a bit of controversy.....Aaron actually did it.

Tom's selling point was to try to dance in a crazy way....Aaron actually did it.

Louise's selling point was to say she had fallen in love...Aaron actually did it.

Harry's selling point was to try to stand out from the norm and be different...Aaron actually did it.

Tashie's selling point was to try to come up with interesting quotes and phrases....Aaron actually did it.

Jay's selling point was to try to be the sexiest and hottest HM to get the female vote....Aaron actually did it.

Aden's selling point was to try to have a proper romance in the BB house....Aaron actually did it.

Mark's selling point was to try to be wacky and odd and sometimes a bit mad.....Aaron actually did it.

Heaven's selling point was to try to be someone who stands up for what they believe in....Aaron actually did it.

Alex's selling point was to try to be taken into people's hearts .....Aaron actually did it.

He was all the things the others wished to be and he did it naturally, effortlessly and with infinite grace and that is why IMO he is the best HM of all time and a truly worthy winner.

Originally Posted by MrsH:



Love this interview, I wish we had got to see the incident with the pool balls he mentions. That would have been hilarious!  Aaron does not seem to have twitter, but I messaged Faye to give my congratulations and to explain that while the crowd hated him, we forum members loved him and that's why he won!

Originally Posted by kimota (Corin's Crib #1) FAKER # 1:

Love this interview, I wish we had got to see the incident with the pool balls he mentions. That would have been hilarious!  Aaron does not seem to have twitter, but I messaged Faye to give my congratulations and to explain that while the crowd hated him, we forum members loved him and that's why he won!

Aarons brother has set an account up for him - we assume once his feet have touched base BB will activate it as his official one 


keep an eye here!/aaron_allard_m




BIG Brother winner Aaron Allard Morgan feared a violent attack on live TV after leaving the house to a chorus of boos.



The show champ, 30, admits he was terrified during his interview with host Brian Dowling on Friday night.


In his only newspaper chat, he told the Daily Star Sunday: “I can’t remember a single question he asked me – I was just thinking at any moment someone was going to storm the stage and hit me.


“It was really hard coming out to boos. I knew I’d never get massive cheers but to get such a negative reaction tainted the feeling of winning.”


Last night Aaron vowed to spend the ÂĢ50,000 prize on his son Ferdinand, six.


He added: “This means my boy has got an amazing future ahead of him. It’s really important he goes to a great school and has a great life.


“Being away from him has cut me to pieces. I felt guilty every day I was in the house. He’s my best friend and he saved my life.


“He taught me life and happiness are what it’s all about.”


Aaron proved a hit with fans after falling for sexy housemate Faye Palmer on the Channel 5 show.


He said: “Hopefully, Faye’s family don’t hate me any more – I’ll try and convince them I’m not as bad as they think I am. I’m genuinely head over heels in love with her. We had a proper relationship with disputes and it was real.”


Aaron’s antics sparked claims he was manipulating housemates to win.


But he insisted: “I think it’s because the house was immature that I looked alien to people. Housemates were asking every day if I was an actor or a mole working for Big Brother.


“I found it hysterical people thought that but also worried it meant I was coming across really badly.”


Aaron admitted he was desperate to get on the show and added: “Of all my personal achievements and studying, nothing will ever top getting on Big Brother. It’s fulfilled a dream.


“I’ve seen every series and now I’m out I want to watch every episode – I feel like I’ve missed out this year.” 

Last edited by MrsH

Thankyou MrsH I'll watch those when I get time later....I've brought over Aarons message he left us fans on FB lastnight....




<h6 class="uiStreamMessage" data-ft="{"type":1}">Hello there poppets!
Not had a moment to myself yet, but I've been made aware of the fantastic support on here, so just wanted to say a huge thanks and that I DON'T have a twitter account!! I still have no idea what's going on, but I'm sure a cup of tea will help! Love to you all.
Aaron xxx


Morning, Morning!! Just had a quick look on here before being dragged off again! Meeting up with Faye later on........really excited! I know I've found a cracking poppet!xx

Last edited by stonks

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