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Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by Scotty:


         class="quotedText do_rounded_div_css_ffsafari_tl do_rounded_div_css_ffsafari_tr do_rounded_div_css_ffsafari_bl do_rounded_div_css_ffsafari_br">
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by spongebob squarepants:

jay wanted everyone up cos he was petrified he'd be just against aaron...he was safeguarding himself..aaron's come top everytime he's been way would jay fancy his in trying to guarantee his own survival,jay was quite happy to let his bint be up for the chop.

How was Jay to know that aaron would turn? He just thought it was fair that they were all up together as they all did.


Don't get me wrong - I detest Jay but how are you turning this round on him? It's Aaron that's the snake 

Jay, fair? You must be kidding. He manipulated that move to make sure he wasn`t up. He wanted a bigger playing field. Scared of being up against Aaron. The others were too thick see it.


Aaron didn`t "turn" He went with his principles and voted how he would have had it been in DR..he said so the day before. On voting night, after much mucking about by BB... he took a step back and refused to go along with it.  


It wasn`t only Aaron that didn`t vote the way Jay wanted. Neither did Louise but as usual Aaron gets the blame. 

It didn`t work the way Jay wanted it to but he`s sorted. Into the final. Job done. 


It`s Jay that`s the snake ( and Tom), not Aaron. How anyone can`t see this is beyond me. 








Edited to fix my sherry trifle spelling.  

Good job I was too tired to quote of my phone in bed then Scotty....but I thought this was an excerllent post....

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Why is everyone on here turning it on Louis?. It was clear that they'd all decided to arrange it for two votes each (when Aaron was first to vote he was even instigating it telling everyone to vote two to the left) - he saw his chance to save himself when they were all re arranged - with only one vote left after him he knew he was safe.


Why is everyone defending him and blaming Louise? He was the one who upset the apple cart.

But he wasn't safe. He had two votes, as did Jay and Faye. He would presume that Louise would still vote for Tom and five of them would have been up, including himself.


Louise voting for Faye is what saved Aaron.

She also voted for Aaron - he still only had two - he knew he couldn't get more than two and why pick on Louise at that point - the only one to have three.


I dont like Louise - I know she's not popular on here but Aaron singled her out - it really wasn't nice. 

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by Scotty:


         class="quotedText do_rounded_div_css_ffsafari_tl do_rounded_div_css_ffsafari_tr do_rounded_div_css_ffsafari_bl do_rounded_div_css_ffsafari_br">
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by spongebob squarepants:

jay wanted everyone up cos he was petrified he'd be just against aaron...he was safeguarding himself..aaron's come top everytime he's been way would jay fancy his in trying to guarantee his own survival,jay was quite happy to let his bint be up for the chop.

How was Jay to know that aaron would turn? He just thought it was fair that they were all up together as they all did.


Don't get me wrong - I detest Jay but how are you turning this round on him? It's Aaron that's the snake 

Jay, fair? You must be kidding. He manipulated that move to make sure he wasn`t up. He wanted a bigger playing field. Scared of being up against Aaron. The others were too thick see it.


Aaron didn`t "turn" He went with his principles and voted how he would have had it been in DR..he said so the day before. On voting night, after much mucking about by BB... he took a step back and refused to go along with it.  


It wasn`t only Aaron that didn`t vote the way Jay wanted. Neither did Louise but as usual Aaron gets the blame. 

It didn`t work the way Jay wanted it to but he`s sorted. Into the final. Job done. 


It`s Jay that`s the snake ( and Tom), not Aaron. How anyone can`t see this is beyond me. 








Edited to fix my sherry trifle spelling.  

Good job I was too tired to quote of my phone in bed then Scotty....but I thought this was an excerllent post....


Sandshoe stonksy     

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

She also voted for Aaron - he still only had two - he knew he couldn't get more than two and why pick on Louise at that point - the only one to have three.


I dont like Louise - I know she's not popular on here but Aaron singled her out - it really wasn't nice. 

According to their plan, he should have voted for Tom and Alex, but he didn't want Alex to be up. He thought Louise would vote for himself and Tom, making five of them up.


My point was that he could have definitely saved himself, by voting for Louise and Jay, but he didn't, so I tend to believe it was just about saving Alex.

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

She also voted for Aaron - he still only had two - he knew he couldn't get more than two and why pick on Louise at that point - the only one to have three.


I dont like Louise - I know she's not popular on here but Aaron singled her out - it really wasn't nice. 

According to their plan, he should have voted for Tom and Alex, but he didn't want Alex to be up. He thought Louise would vote for himself and Tom, making five of them up.


My point was that he could have definitely saved himself, by voting for Louise and Jay, but he didn't, so I tend to believe it was just about saving Alex.

yes Blizzie I think so too .....


Jaye Tom Aaron and Louise all  changed the plan


as quoted by Erinp in another thread as she said it so well 



The first round of noms Aaron went with the plan as did Louise BB then stopped them and restarted the noms .Tom then said to everyone just remember the two you were supposed to vote.Tom then went and nomeddifferently as did Jay BEFORE Aaron made his noms.


First round of noms Tom should have gone to his left and nomed Alex/Jay

He actually nomed Jay/Louise( off plan)

Jay should have nomed Aaron/Louise but he nomed Aaron/Faye ( off plan).

It was then Aarons turn  he nomed like the other two previous off plan .Louise then nomed how she wanted to  (off plan) putting herself against Faye.

In last nights highlights show Louise immdediately put the blame onto Aaron as did Tom and Jaye but yesterday morning she had a convo with Aaron saying  that she didnt get muddled she knew exactly what she was doing and wanted to nom as usual like she would have done in the DR and didnt want to be told who to nom 


Whether this will be shown in tonights highlight show is another matter though depending who will be in favour for the edit  


Jay did a lot of crafting yesterday for Louise so they might prefer to show this instead 



the only bit I found uncomfortable and ?? being an Aaron fan was his answer to Faye when asked if he would support Alex for the win as well ..........  have to admit I would have been put out and hurt as well 


They all have the prize fund in their sights and are all playing a game of some sorts .... some better than others 

Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by Scotty:


         class="quotedText do_rounded_div_css_ffsafari_tl do_rounded_div_css_ffsafari_tr do_rounded_div_css_ffsafari_bl do_rounded_div_css_ffsafari_br">
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by spongebob squarepants:

jay wanted everyone up cos he was petrified he'd be just against aaron...he was safeguarding himself..aaron's come top everytime he's been way would jay fancy his in trying to guarantee his own survival,jay was quite happy to let his bint be up for the chop.

How was Jay to know that aaron would turn? He just thought it was fair that they were all up together as they all did.


Don't get me wrong - I detest Jay but how are you turning this round on him? It's Aaron that's the snake 

Jay, fair? You must be kidding. He manipulated that move to make sure he wasn`t up. He wanted a bigger playing field. Scared of being up against Aaron. The others were too thick see it.


Aaron didn`t "turn" He went with his principles and voted how he would have had it been in DR..he said so the day before. On voting night, after much mucking about by BB... he took a step back and refused to go along with it.  


It wasn`t only Aaron that didn`t vote the way Jay wanted. Neither did Louise but as usual Aaron gets the blame. 

It didn`t work the way Jay wanted it to but he`s sorted. Into the final. Job done. 


It`s Jay that`s the snake ( and Tom), not Aaron. How anyone can`t see this is beyond me. 








Edited to fix my sherry trifle spelling.  

Good job I was too tired to quote of my phone in bed then Scotty....but I thought this was an excerllent post....


Sandshoe stonksy     

Originally Posted by Videostar:

Here everybody is going insane with some kind of misplaced anger, but Aaron by doing what he did broke their stupid little plan and probably got Louise (the most dull HM of the year) out before the final week.

  Well said.  And like I said on another thread just now: I can't believe that people are going on about Aaron like he is some kind of monster.    If it had been Harry that had played a game or a prank or done things to suit himself, then those same people berating Aaron so savagely, would have thought was he did was hilarious.  Same if it had been bloody grotbags Jay.

So Aaron chose to not play the game and voted how he saw fit.  So what?  So Aaron doesn't toe the line and do things to please other people.. good for him!  Must say though, that his and Faye's relationship, is the most ridiculous one in the world IMO. And Faye is such a bloody drama queen!

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Just one question here - if Jay had reneged on the plan would everyone be saying - ah - he stuck with his principles?


Aaron singled out Louise to get three votes when the plan was for everyone to get two each.

One point - how do we know that was the plan? I mean really. It is widely accepted that this was the plan and BB certainly thought there was something fishy going on, hence the cancelling of the 1st nominations attempt and starting a re-jigged version....but without L/F how do we know what 'the plan' really was?


Certainly after Tom, Faye, Alex and Jay had nommed, the only way to get 2 noms for everyone was for Louise to nom Aaron and Tom and Aaron to nom Alex and Tom.


So, regardless of how you personally feel about Aaron, he's in a quandry....if he noms Alex and Tom then everyone's got 2 noms except him and Tom. What if Louise DOESN'T nom him and Tom? Who might she nom? - Not likely that she'd nom Jay,

If Aaron's genuine about wanting to protect Alex then who DOES he nom?  He could go for 2 that already have 2 noms, that would be Louise, Jay or Faye, but he's unlikely to nom Faye. So it would be Louise and Jay, but if he did that surely that would mean a definite nom for Faye from Louise? So we'd have  Louise , Faye and Jay up for eviction. Not the best outcome.


He seems to be running out of options - any permutation with Alex seems to be out and the same goes for permutations with Faye or Jay, and as he can't nom himself there's only Louise and Tom left.


 Was he able to analyse all this or did he just take a stab in the dark?


Louise holds all in her hands. If she noms Aaron and Tom then they're all up except Alex. If she goes for something different then we're looking at more permutations. She does go for Aaron and Tom, but BB objects. Why? Were they telling her she couldn't nom Tom at all or were they saying she'd have to give another reason for nomming him? Another reason might have been accepted....and all would have been up but Alex (and all this hullaballoo would have been avoided) but she took BBs objection to mean she couldn't nom Tom at all (were BB secretly hoping she would think this?) So now SHE has the apparent quandry.

She appears not to be able to nom Tom, she can't nom herself, she's already nommed Aaron and can't nom him twice in the same round (though she probably wishes she could as he's nommed her) so her choice of 2nd nomination is either Faye, Jay or Alex. She's not likely to nom Jay as that would put her head to head with he B/F. Faye or Alex? She says she didn't want to nom Alex 'cos it's her Birthday this week, so that leaves Faye. (Isn't it Fays birthday soon too? )


So, did either or both Aaron or Louise make their nominations to spite anyone?....or did they just see it as their only option?

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Why is everyone defending him and blaming Louise? He was the one who upset the apple cart.

The way I see it it was both of them and both of them said that they did it on purpose, which may or may not be true. I don't understand why, in the house, Aaron seems to be getting all of the blame and not Louise or why Faye seems to be suggesting that it's Aaron's fault that she is up, presumably blaming him for Louise voting for her? I can speculate as to the reasons, but at the end of the day, so much has been edited out that none of us will ever really know.


 I can speculate as to the reasons, but at the end of the day, so much has been edited out that none of us will ever really know


.. and what everyone seems to be forgetting is that this isn't BB any more.. it's 'scripted' reality....  so who really knows why any of them say or do anything?      All we know is that a lot of it's directed.... and we know this mainly because Louise is such a shit actress.

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Why is everyone defending him and blaming Louise? He was the one who upset the apple cart.

The way I see it it was both of them and both of them said that they did it on purpose, which may or may not be true. I don't understand why, in the house, Aaron seems to be getting all of the blame and not Louise or why Faye seems to be suggesting that it's Aaron's fault that she is up, presumably blaming him for Louise voting for her? I can speculate as to the reasons, but at the end of the day, so much has been edited out that none of us will ever really know.

..pees me off the way Faye and Tom went on at Aaron..not once did Faye say to louise..Why the feck did you put me up..

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

 I can speculate as to the reasons, but at the end of the day, so much has been edited out that none of us will ever really know


.. and what everyone seems to be forgetting is that this isn't BB any more.. it's 'scripted' reality....  so who really knows why any of them say or do anything?      All we know is that a lot of it's directed.... and we know this mainly because Louise is such a shit actress.

 And cos Faye smirks when delivering her *lines* and Jay looks at the camera!

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
You're so right Baz!    Faye's smirk makes me see red... especially when she does it when she's whined and whined and Aaron's started crawling like a little puppy dog....
I agree Kaffy..... she makes me want to throw something at the screen She Is one devious madam!

I so agree with you both.  She is so disloyal to him, she told him never to speak to her again, she has nominated him loads of times, she talks about him behind his back all the time.  She doesn't want a relationship she wants a lapdog and that's something Aaron will never be.  Have you seen the interview with Aaron's ex-wife?  She has such a lot of respect for Aaron and makes it quite clear that those who say that he is putting on some sort of act are quite wrong.


I have to say one is as bad as the other, but shouldnt Aaron just stay out her bed then?
I am not convinced with Aaron,s EX wife saying , not much really, but surely there is a reason they are not together?? They arent going down the route, as yet, of telling the story, and good on them. But ......personally i would find Aaron extremely hard work , and thats only the telly!

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:

..pees me off the way Faye and Tom went on at Aaron..not once did Faye say to louise..Why the feck did you put me up..

Exactly Stonksy...the way I see it from Bethni's  detailed posts, (and I do get confuddled,) everyone went 'off script' from Jay's original idea of two votes each, crystalised by Aaron's two to the left idea. Yes, he did give Louise the third vote, but she could have 'put it right' for everyone apart from Alex to be up, but chose not to, or, perhaps. BB stopped her? Could she have found a more 'genuine' reason for voting Tom? Well yes, presumably, Christ, I could have thought of a million reasons to nominate the little shit. My guess is she chose Faye either to 'get' at Aaron, (monumental fail) or because she knew that, of all of the hms she quickly calculated that she's got a better chance against her than anyone. Let's face it, she's not the shiniest penny in the purse, maybe she just couldn't work out the permatations

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

You're so right Baz!    Faye's smirk makes me see red... especially when she does it when she's whined and whined and Aaron's started crawling like a little puppy dog....

I only see some of that, (granted, i've missed a lot,)...I also see her being v v insecure about his feelings for her, and rightly so imo. I really don't think that he likes her that much

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

I have to say one is as bad as the other, but shouldnt Aaron just stay out her bed then?
I am not convinced with Aaron,s EX wife saying , not much really, but surely there is a reason they are not together?? They arent going down the route, as yet, of telling the story, and good on them. But ......personally i would find Aaron extremely hard work , and thats only the telly!

I've never really 'liked' him sky, but I to and fro because he's the only one in there that I could bear to spend more than 10mins with in rl, the only one who you could have a decent conversation with and who doesn't revel in grossness or extreme immaturity. BUT, has he got a SOH? If so, I haven't seen it, he seems a bit of a mood hoover tbh

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

I have to say one is as bad as the other, but shouldnt Aaron just stay out her bed then?
I am not convinced with Aaron,s EX wife saying , not much really, but surely there is a reason they are not together?? They arent going down the route, as yet, of telling the story, and good on them. But ......personally i would find Aaron extremely hard work , and thats only the telly!

I've never really 'liked' him sky, but I to and fro because he's the only one in there that I could bear to spend more than 10mins with in rl, the only one who you could have a decent conversation with and who doesn't revel in grossness or extreme immaturity. BUT, has he got a SOH? If so, I haven't seen it, he seems a bit of a mood hoover tbh

I could speak to him too, but would probably send him in circles! Now that Harry has gone he seems to think he is super clever! Maybe if he started a conversation he could find that he isnt that clever, when the chips are down talk to the DR or go to bed in a huff  Although to be honest, has Aaron actually had a conversation??

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

I have to say one is as bad as the other, but shouldnt Aaron just stay out her bed then?
I am not convinced with Aaron,s EX wife saying , not much really, but surely there is a reason they are not together?? They arent going down the route, as yet, of telling the story, and good on them. But ......personally i would find Aaron extremely hard work , and thats only the telly!

I've never really 'liked' him sky, but I to and fro because he's the only one in there that I could bear to spend more than 10mins with in rl, the only one who you could have a decent conversation with and who doesn't revel in grossness or extreme immaturity. BUT, has he got a SOH? If so, I haven't seen it, he seems a bit of a mood hoover tbh

I could speak to him too, but would probably send him in circles! Now that Harry has gone he seems to think he is super clever! Maybe if he started a conversation he could find that he isnt that clever, when the chips are down talk to the DR or go to bed in a huff  Although to be honest, has Aaron actually had a conversation??

Not sure 'cos I've missed a lot...he's pretty good at putting others down though and not entering into the spirit of things, but that's because he's sooooo superior of course...All that and I still probably prefer him to any of the others, talk about Hobson's choice!

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by stonks:

Louise only had to put Tom up and they'd all be up apart from Alex, so how did it turn out to be Aaarons fault that faye was up?..Louise fecked up there and then lied about her reasons..I thought she was meant to be Faye's friend....

BB disallowed her vote against Tom.

Hi Soozy


why was Louise vote against Tom disallowed?

Originally Posted by GorgeousMimi:


why was Louise vote against Tom disallowed?

They showed a brief clip on BOTS, which showed Louise vote for Tom, and BB announced that they wouldn't accept it, as it had been influenced by others. She then immediately said, "OK, Faye then".


So much for sacrificing herself, as she could never have put Tom up! 

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by GorgeousMimi:


why was Louise vote against Tom disallowed?

They showed a brief clip on BOTS, which showed Louise vote for Tom, and BB announced that they wouldn't accept it, as it had been influenced by others. She then immediately said, "OK, Faye then".


So much for sacrificing herself, as she could never have put Tom up! 

That was the original plan though wasn't it so they were all up? and as BB disallowed it she had to vote for someone?

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by GorgeousMimi:


why was Louise vote against Tom disallowed?

They showed a brief clip on BOTS, which showed Louise vote for Tom, and BB announced that they wouldn't accept it, as it had been influenced by others. She then immediately said, "OK, Faye then".


So much for sacrificing herself, as she could never have put Tom up! 

It makes me laugh.... BB has allowed them to talk openly about who they are going to vote for for weeks now.....but at that particular point they decide that their votes must not be influenced by others!! Ludicrous 

Originally Posted by GorgeousMimi:

That was the original plan though wasn't it so they were all up? and as BB disallowed it she had to vote for someone?

Yes, which just shows that her later protestations about how she could never vote for Tom, or Alex, and her admission to Aaron that she just wanted to vote normally, as he had, were a load of bunkum.


She could have tried to vote for Alex next, but, maybe, like Aaron, she really didn't want to. That's why it was so ridiculous that Aaron ended up being treated as a betrayer, and she was made out to be the martyr. 

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by GorgeousMimi:

That was the original plan though wasn't it so they were all up? and as BB disallowed it she had to vote for someone?

Yes, which just shows that her later protestations about how she could never vote for Tom, or Alex, and her admission to Aaron that she just wanted to vote normally, as he had, were a load of bunkum.


She could have tried to vote for Alex next, but, maybe, like Aaron, she really didn't want to. That's why it was so ridiculous that Aaron ended up being treated as a betrayer, and she was made out to be the martyr. 

What I mean is that Louise voting for tom meant that all of them being up except Alex which was the plan before Aaron voted off track from what was originally agreed by them all as a Team. But BB put a stop to this by disallowing it. So she picked Faye as she had already voted for Aaron. I think what she meant when explaining herself to Aaron was that she would never under normal circumstances put Tom up,( except when they all agreed to do it so that they were all up)...Dont actually see what she is being hated for on here...Aaron regardless of how I feel back peddled on the lot of them to his own manipulation.


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