Ahoy there Mateys! Shiver me timbers and hoist the mainbrace it be a fine day today! It be the perfect day to swab the decks and channel yer inner scurviness Ahrrr!
Ahoy there Mateys! Shiver me timbers and hoist the mainbrace it be a fine day today! It be the perfect day to swab the decks and channel yer inner scurviness Ahrrr!
Replies sorted oldest to newest
Ye bilge sucking blaggard, I'm still in me bunk and thinkin' o' another coffee
ye scurvy dog - where's mine?
I got someone t' make mine
Morning Hoochie, I like the bilge sucking blaggard insult, I could be using that a lot
I be shippin out soon, fair winds.....
Ya great lard of mingey slugbellied landlubbers!
Aye aye!
Ya great lard of mingey swagy landlubbers!
Aye aye!
AAAArrrr ye be a natural at the lingo me buxom beauty!
Ya great lard of mingey swagy landlubbers!
Aye aye!
AAAArrrr ye be a natural at the lingo me buxom beauty!
Whoa! Get a load of that!" Why i see Roger there is lookin kinda Jolly!
I did not just get this from a pirate phase book
Change it on facebook to pirate talk settings, its the best laugh you'll ever have ahahaa
Shiver me timbers lass I be a land lubber on that bunge hole!
Where be the mainsail to fly that flag?
Im jes erectin this here porthole
These here cannons going to blaw a hole thru t France!
Lovely barnacles maiden , you must come up and see our Captn and Mad sally!
Tis porin' down here an' I be havin' t' go ou', this in nay a good tide fer sun lo'er me heartys, I be lookin' fer a rampant rich man wi' blue lips, so I'll be on my way in search of riches. (going to the bank) I'll be back when th' tide turns
Arr i bet that liver lilled scurvy Son of a biscuit eater be Loaded to the Gunwhales Dame!
Ive been parlaying with the likes of Jack sparrow and Ol chumbucket himself!
Me sea legs are withered
Damn ye and blast yer eyes!!! ye scurvy dogs!!!
[Sorry I don't know any nice pirate talk]
Aharrrr... where the rum be at?
Damn ye and blast yer eyes!!! ye scurvy dogs!!!
[Sorry I don't know any nice pirate talk]
arr Jim ladd welcome aboard the plank!
http://www.channelone.com/fun/pirate/ < see be here you'll need to get out of your landlubbing scurvy mutton festoons!
When someone replies to you on fb it says the wench such and such has been spreading rumors regarding 'er anchor
Every word on fb is funny when you change the setting to English (pirate) right at the bottom of your page.
Aharrrr... where the rum be at?
I can smell the rum from here
When someone replies to you on fb it says the wench such and such has been spreading rumors regarding 'er anchor
Every word on fb is funny when you change the setting to English (pirate) right at the bottom of your page.
Arrr... thank 'ee for the link Matey
I Still gettin' me sea legs...arrr
Aahaar mateys we'll be hoistin' the grog later
The FB settin's are fair shiverin' me timbers!
Ahoy, Cap'n Hoochie
This 'ere bilge rat drank all the rum >>>
Fare thee well nosey wench?
The scurvy knave who pillaged the grog will be keelhauled before he be able to Yo Ho Ho the bottle of rum HAAAAAARRRRR!
Im back to the shores later for me grog n stuff arrr
Im back to the shores later for me grog n stuff arrr
Sail ye well matey! aaaarrr!
Don't 'ee worry Hoochie heres some I pillaged earlier >>
Is there a name for this bilge bucket yet?
Im back to the shores later for me grog n stuff arrr
Fair winds to 'ee, Ev Matey
Prof. Maxamed Cabdi Gaandi ayaa dhawaan waxa loo doortay in uu noqdo Madaxweynaha maamul goboleed loogu tala galay in uu maamulo Gobollada Gedo, Jubbada Dhexe iyo Jubbada Hoose, ka dib marka Shabaab laga saaro degaannadaas.
(see what I did there?)
Don't 'ee worry Hoochie heres some I pillaged earlier >>
Is there a name for this bilge bucket yet?
Ahoy! Rusty nice t' meet ye!
That be quite a cutlass ye got thar
Prof. Maxamed Cabdi Gaandi ayaa dhawaan waxa loo doortay in uu noqdo Madaxweynaha maamul goboleed loogu tala galay in uu maamulo Gobollada Gedo, Jubbada Dhexe iyo Jubbada Hoose, ka dib marka Shabaab laga saaro degaannadaas.
(see what I did there?)
Haaaarrr Matey! I dasn't be havin' a clue what ye mean!!
But ye be welcome aboard aye!
Ahoy! Rusty nice t' meet ye!
That be quite a cutlass ye got thar
Ahoy! Rusty nice t' meet ye!
That be quite a cutlass ye got thar
Ahaharrharrr.welcome aboard Rusty Matey
Don't be pointin' that thing at me
Don't 'ee worry Hoochie heres some I pillaged earlier >>
Is there a name for this bilge bucket yet?
Ahoy Dame Ann matey
Ahoy there Capt'n Hoochie could ye add me to the dialog ya scurvey dog
AAARRRR This 'ere vessel be known as the Blackbird an' god rot all who sail in 'er!
Ahoy there Capt'n Hoochie could ye add me to the dialog ya scurvey dog
Ya horn swogglin' bilge rat! Ye be askin the impossible!
Arrrrr yo hoho and a bottle of rum
Ahoy there Capt'n Hoochie could ye add me to the dialog ya scurvey dog
Ya horn swogglin' bilge rat! Ye be askin the impossible!
get it done you infested fish guts or I'll make ee
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