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Originally posted by Nana Lou:

Please don't assume that I don't like Marcus. I actually think he talks a lot of sense but if Noirin doesn't make herself clear, and mean it, then he is going to carry on in this creepy manner,and yes, it is creepy.
She needs to be straight with him and stop using double standards. In my part of the world she would be known as a p*ick tease.

If she really didn't want his attentions, she wouldn't keep getting into bed with him etc.

It's creepy to you but it doesn't seem to be creepy to Noirin I think.

Originally posted by The Guru:
Ok he's deluded and punching above his weight

I don't get this 'punching above his weight' argument. Beauty is very often a matter of opinion, and you can get different sorts of people relating to each other outside of what 'conventional' wisdom might be anyway. It's just down to personal choice.

I actually don't understand why he is attracted to Noirin. Maybe she is better looking in person than on TV, maybe there is more to her than it appears. But I'm not him so he won't think the same as me I suppose. I wouldn't mind Noirin to go before Marcus and barring some twist I don't really see her getting to the final. I just think Karly seems to contribute less to the house and maybe it would be better if she went this week.
Free Thinking
Noirin is one of those girls who isn't happy with herself unless she has the attention of all men. . (I've seen a few of this sort over the ears.. all the men's attention has to be on them and no one else) she calls them friends but in reality if they don't stroke her ego and flatter her day in day out she gets a strop. . she may not even realise she does this tbh. .she gives them just enough of a come on to deny that is what it really is, and to keep them on her strings and flaps if they escape for a while or goes doolally if they read her signals wrong and then try to get closer.. she doesn't know how to be JUST a friend to a guy and what boundaries that entails.. hence Marcus the deluded getting sucked in Shake Head

I've seen plenty of women like her and the trobule that can cause.. they are in reality so unsure of themselves they need to think every man bows down at their feet and get narked if they don't. .. . they only feel validated as a person/woman, for some daft reason, if they think they can get all the boys/men at their feet.. when in reality what they lack is self esteem.. they need to go out and be on their own in the big bad world without a man to cling to for affirmation or to look after them.. they need to make it by themselves first.. yet they will also be the ones who say they are strong independent women but are deluded.. they are nothing if they have no men hanging on their every whim but they can't see that.. Nod
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally posted by Mount Olympus:
Noirin is one of those girls who isn't happy with herself unless she has the attention of all men. .she calls them friends but in reality if they don't stroke her ego and flatter her day in day out she gets a strop. . she may not even realise she does this tbh. .she gives them just enough of a come on to deny that is what it really is, and to keep them on her strings and flaps if they escape for a while or goes doolally if they read her signals wrong and then try to get closer.. she doesn't know how to be JUST a friend to a guy and what boundaries that entails.. hence Marcus the deluded getting sucked in Shake Head

I've seen plenty of women like her and the trobule that can cause.. they are in reality so unsure of themselves they need to think every man bows down at their feet and get narked if they don't. .. . they only feel validated as a person/woman, for some daft reason, if they think they can get all the boys/men at their feet.. when in reality what they lack is self esteem.. they need to go out and be on their own in the big bad world without a man to cling to for affirmation or to look after them.. they need to make it by themselves first.. yet they will also be the ones who say they are strong independent women but are deluded.. they are nothing if they have no men hanging on their every whim but they can't see that.. Nod

subatomic partygirl
if she is the only Girl, Jackson, I bet the Bro's will spoil her and she may get her way all the time..she is very fond of herself and the power she wields. . that's from her mouth not my supposition.. she doesn't see that it is a weakness not a power.. Big Grin ..

she needs to learn to stand alone without a man to support her then she will truly be a strong and powerful independent woman ready to interact with men on a level other than a flutter of eyelashes and a wiggle of the booty to get them to bend to her will.. she has said she has done it at work getting the men to do the work for her cause they are her 'friends' .. Razzer
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally posted by JacksonB:
i just think she has lots of brothers and is at home in men's company.

I can't stand Noirin, but I agree with you. I'm shocked at how much blame she is getting for this situation.

I haven't even seen her being flirty and she has certainly made it clear that she is not interested in Marcus in that way.
Originally posted by subatomic partygirl:

The GBP may get that opportunity this week if she keeps faffing around with Marcus, GMA. Big Grin

People generally don't like a tease; no matter how much the victim is 'asking for it'.[/QUOTE]

Exactly - the look on her face will be priceless - and what will Marcus do then?! Eeker I'm really torn between her and Karly - wish it was a double eviction week, if those two left both camps would be confused! Big Grin
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
i just think she has lots of brothers and is at home in men's company.

I can't stand Noirin, but I agree with you. I'm shocked at how much blame she is getting for this situation.

I haven't even seen her being flirty and she has certainly made it clear that she is not interested in Marcus in that way.
i can't really se what's done that is so wrong to attract the hatred displayed towads her, she's not everyone's cup of tea, but then who is?
Originally posted by Mount Olympus:
Noirin is one of those girls who isn't happy with herself unless she has the attention of all men. . (I've seen a few of this sort over the ears.. all the men's attention has to be on them and no one else) she calls them friends but in reality if they don't stroke her ego and flatter her day in day out she gets a strop. . she may not even realise she does this tbh. .she gives them just enough of a come on to deny that is what it really is, and to keep them on her strings and flaps if they escape for a while or goes doolally if they read her signals wrong and then try to get closer.. she doesn't know how to be JUST a friend to a guy and what boundaries that entails.. hence Marcus the deluded getting sucked in Shake Head

I've seen plenty of women like her and the trobule that can cause.. they are in reality so unsure of themselves they need to think every man bows down at their feet and get narked if they don't. .. . they only feel validated as a person/woman, for some daft reason, if they think they can get all the boys/men at their feet.. when in reality what they lack is self esteem.. they need to go out and be on their own in the big bad world without a man to cling to for affirmation or to look after them.. they need to make it by themselves first.. yet they will also be the ones who say they are strong independent women but are deluded.. they are nothing if they have no men hanging on their every whim but they can't see that.. Nod

Originally posted by felix:
Karly is the killjoy that needs to go this week. Wouldn't surprise me if she's out and about with Kris next week. Wink

I think it will be Karly tbh, and yes if it's true that unbeknown to Sophie her mother has warned Kris to stay away from her then he could well make a move on her - for the papers/money etc, nothing would surprise me.
Originally posted by JacksonB:
but she's been open about it, so i don't see the problem,she's not conning them.
She's conning herself tho Jackson.. she won't get anywhere in life with that sort of attitude. . she'll do ok in her early years.. men will look after her and she'll get what she wants at the flick of a finger but at some point the men will drift away.. she never learn to survive by herself if she doesn't stop relying on others (men) ..

I honestly don't believe she knows she does it half the time. . the women and girls I know and have known thru the years that are like this too never knew they are/were.. they had to have the men at their feet all the time even if they didn't want the man for themselves just the attention of the men.. they would get stroppy at others if they see/saw the men's attention drifting away towards someone else.. they have/had no idea how to cope as an independent woman without having men around them.. and they don't even know this of themselves either.. bit sad really.. Nod
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by Mount Olympus:
Noirin is one of those girls who isn't happy with herself unless she has the attention of all men. . (I've seen a few of this sort over the ears.. all the men's attention has to be on them and no one else) she calls them friends but in reality if they don't stroke her ego and flatter her day in day out she gets a strop. . she may not even realise she does this tbh. .she gives them just enough of a come on to deny that is what it really is, and to keep them on her strings and flaps if they escape for a while or goes doolally if they read her signals wrong and then try to get closer.. she doesn't know how to be JUST a friend to a guy and what boundaries that entails.. hence Marcus the deluded getting sucked in Shake Head

I've seen plenty of women like her and the trobule that can cause.. they are in reality so unsure of themselves they need to think every man bows down at their feet and get narked if they don't. .. . they only feel validated as a person/woman, for some daft reason, if they think they can get all the boys/men at their feet.. when in reality what they lack is self esteem.. they need to go out and be on their own in the big bad world without a man to cling to for affirmation or to look after them.. they need to make it by themselves first.. yet they will also be the ones who say they are strong independent women but are deluded.. they are nothing if they have no men hanging on their every whim but they can't see that.. Nod


Nod Clapping
Originally posted by Lord Lucan:
At the end of the day, Noirin will see it that Marcus painted a picture on her back and that's it. He on the other hand will think with his dick. He is pitiful. Why she's getting all the flak is beyond me.

I think it is just a question of people reading situations differently. It's like when people witness an accident, when they come to relay what they have seen, alot of times their stories are completely different from the other witnesses. We all see things through different eyes - it's what makes us individuals Wink
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by Lord Lucan:
At the end of the day, Noirin will see it that Marcus painted a picture on her back and that's it. He on the other hand will think with his dick. He is pitiful. Why she's getting all the flak is beyond me.

I think it is just a question of people reading situations differently. It's like when people witness an accident, when they come to relay what they have seen, alot of times their stories are completely different from the other witnesses. We all see things through different eyes - it's what makes us individuals Wink

Hmmmm ... okay then Wink Smiler
Lord Lucan
Originally posted by JacksonB:
i can't really se what's done that is so wrong to attract the hatred displayed towads her, she's not everyone's cup of tea, but then who is?

I can't stand her since she had a go at Angel for not washing up, Rodrigo for disagreeing with her, Sree for lying to her etc. etc.

I hate people who won't lisen and demand to be listened to.

I don't think she leading Marcus on though. I think he is a delusional twunt, who doesn't deserve any sympathy, after the way he treated Sree.
Originally posted by Mount Olympus:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
but she's been open about it, so i don't see the problem,she's not conning them.
She's conning herself tho Jackson.. she won't get anywhere in life with that sort of attitude. . she'll do ok in her early years.. men will look after her and she'll get what she wants at the flick of a finger but at some point the men will drift away.. she never learn to survive by herself if she doesn't stop relying on others (men) ..

I honestly don't believe she knows she does it half the time. . the women and girls I know and have known thru the years that are like this too never knew they are/were.. they had to have the men at their feet all the time even if they didn't want the man for themselves just the attention of the men.. they would get stroppy at others if they see/saw the men's attention drifting away towards someone else.. they have/had no idea how to cope as an independent woman without having men around them.. and they don't even know this of themselves either.. bit sad really.. Nod
well, she's not really that good at it , is she? look who's she's attracted...
Originally posted by Pip*:
As much as I dislike her, I feel HE is the delusional twit, and while she isn't being completely clear, she has actually said they are FRIENDS. Gah, I don't mean to be superficial and nasty but does he really think a beautiful girl like her is really going to want to take him home to her family?

Nod She probably isn't experiencing any stalkerstress as they are being watched by cameras on a T.V. reality show. His comments must be irritating her, but tolerable. It's a relationship of convenience.
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
i can't really se what's done that is so wrong to attract the hatred displayed towads her, she's not everyone's cup of tea, but then who is?

I can't stand her since she had a go at Angel for not washing up, Rodrigo for disagreeing with her, Sree for lying to her etc. etc.

I hate people who won't lisen and demand to be listened to.

I don't think she leading Marcus on though. I think he is a delusional twunt, who doesn't deserve any sympathy, after the way he treated Sree.
i agree i really disliked the bitching about angel and the washing up thing.bit of a firey temperment, which i do like though, Big Grin
I know hes delusional.I know shes epeatedly told him she ants to be just friends.Hes repeatedly told her he feels different.So why in Gods name does she allow a guy she knows fids her attractive to touch her naked skin.For two and a half hours???Sorry..but that's not making it completely clear that she is not attracted to him.He reads desire on her part in every little thing she says.Letting him touch her sends him the message that she IS atracted to him
Originally posted by Mazzystar:
I know hes delusional.I know shes epeatedly told him she ants to be just friends.Hes repeatedly told her he feels different.So why in Gods name does she allow a guy she knows fids her attractive to touch her naked skin.For two and a half hours???Sorry..but that's not making it completely clear that she is not attracted to him.He reads desire on her part in every little thing she says.Letting him touch her sends him the message that she IS atracted to him

He had asked her earlier, if he could paint something on her 'tum tum', which she refused.

Maybe she thought that letting him paint her back would be a safer option?

I think painting her house would seem sexual to Marcus! Glance
Originally posted by Mazzystar:
I know hes delusional.I know shes epeatedly told him she ants to be just friends.Hes repeatedly told her he feels different.So why in Gods name does she allow a guy she knows fids her attractive to touch her naked skin.For two and a half hours???Sorry..but that's not making it completely clear that she is not attracted to him.He reads desire on her part in every little thing she says.Letting him touch her sends him the message that she IS atracted to him

Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by Mazzystar:
I know hes delusional.I know shes epeatedly told him she ants to be just friends.Hes repeatedly told her he feels different.So why in Gods name does she allow a guy she knows fids her attractive to touch her naked skin.For two and a half hours???Sorry..but that's not making it completely clear that she is not attracted to him.He reads desire on her part in every little thing she says.Letting him touch her sends him the message that she IS atracted to him

He had asked her earlier, if he could paint something on her 'tum tum', which she refused.

Maybe she thought that letting him paint her back would be a safer option?

I think painting her house would seem sexual to Marcus! Glance

I think painting her back was far and away a safer option. If he'd have painted her 'tum tum' she'd have had to endure his dog breath for 2+ hours.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by Mazzystar:
I know hes delusional.I know shes epeatedly told him she ants to be just friends.Hes repeatedly told her he feels different.So why in Gods name does she allow a guy she knows fids her attractive to touch her naked skin.For two and a half hours???Sorry..but that's not making it completely clear that she is not attracted to him.He reads desire on her part in every little thing she says.Letting him touch her sends him the message that she IS atracted to him

He had asked her earlier, if he could paint something on her 'tum tum', which she refused.

Maybe she thought that letting him paint her back would be a safer option?

I think painting her house would seem sexual to Marcus! Glance

I think painting her back was far and away a safer option. If he'd have painted her 'tum tum' she'd have had to endure his dog breath for 2+ hours.

Dog breath Eeker
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
I think painting her back was far and away a safer option. If he'd have painted her 'tum tum' she'd have had to endure his dog breath for 2+ hours.

And have to worry about him moving south! Sick

It was the drool from the side of his mouth that oozed onto the paint palette that made me laugh Big Grin
Noirin is fully aware of what she's doing and the effect it has on Marcus, but it's Marcus's choice to be sucked in.
If Bunnygate had worked out for her last week as she intended it to then she would now be a full menber of Lisa'a pack. They rejected her so she had nowhere to go but back to Marcus and through him back into Freddie and Siavash's good books.
Supposedly she's told him that it's making her uncomfortable now which I bet happened very shortly after nominations finished.
captain marbles
Originally posted by captain marbles:
Noirin is fully aware of what she's doing and the effect it has on Marcus, but it's Marcus's choice to be sucked in.
If Bunnygate had worked out for her last week as she intended it to then she would now be a full menber of Lisa'a pack. They rejected her so she had nowhere to go but back to Marcus and through him back into Freddie and Siavash's good books.
Supposedly she's told him that it's making her uncomfortable now which I bet happened very shortly after nominations finished.

I think shes playing a dangerous game.Hes obsessed with her and needs no encouragement at all let alone being allowed physical contact.
Last night siavash and to a lesser extent freddie, tried to tell marcus that noirin has been clear about her intentions....everybody knows there isnt going to be a romance and marcus should accept the friendship and that could be better than a fake showmance.

Marcus was having none of it.. Roll Eyes and then turned the conversation around to having digs at siavash....who looked very bemused at the situation.

Then marcus started telling siavash that he knows all the nasty things siavash has said about marcus, because noirin has told him, it was pathetic....marcus was trying to imply that he knows the score in the house because of the info he has been told....siavash called him on it and asked him to tell him everything noirin has said so he could comment on it's truthfullness.

At which point marcus and his sideburns beat a hasty retreat and started backtracking, saying it wasnt that bad etc etc etc....not only is the man making a complete fool of himself, he is also using noirins friendship as a way of keepping siavash in check....altho it didnt work, because as always his imagination has gone into overdrive and he couldnt back up a thing he said.

It was like watching a nine year old saying she is my best mate not yours etc etc etc.....noirin has been very clear about her feelings...he has chosen to live in the plastic world of action figures too long and wouldnt know what to do with a bona fide female.

If she chooses to have her back painted...that is what she means...paint my back. Not please marry me and let me bear your children. Marcus has the problem...why should she avoid/ignore someone because of their inability to get a grip on reality.

It smacks of the worrying 'she was wearing a short skirt, so she asked for it' mentality.

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