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Originally Posted by Ells:

Aimee    I feel for you.  I'm sure you saw my FB yesterday when I was having a meltdown about my eldest starting big school so I can only imagine how you're feeling about Lil Aims actually leaving home!!  


I hope you are both happily surprised with how it goes xx

I keep reminding myself it's not like I'll never see her again 


Less than 48hrs now  just been helping her pack, the house looks like a hurricane has past through, she's taking that much stuff I think she thinks she's getting a home not a room 


She rang me today to say she's found out she's got a double bed not a single, so I took back all the bedding and exchanged it, got home and realised I'd forgot about the quilt being a single so got to go again tomorrow 


I need a holiday 

Originally Posted by Aimee:

Having an empty nest in your 30`s seems a bit od maybe I need another baby  


It's bliss.... and you don't need another baby 'cos they NEVER come back alone!  Your house will now be a B&B to all her mates.


Buy an industrial washing machine (And a bottle of gin.  Make that a crate).


Good luck to her, Aimee; she'll be fine 


This bit is the worst bit for you Aims...   honest.... 


well, this bit and perhaps for a few days after she's gone too...   




Its horrible...     but I swear its short lived...    they return (ALOT )  and you'd be amazed how quickly you adjust each time she goes.



Just bracing myself for it with Ickle (though nowhere near as bad as the first time)..    keep reminding myself that its always the run up to her going that I find hard...  once she's gone its fine...    Its like Ickle Who?     


But in the meantime...       ----  tissues    xxxxx



You will be fine...    in a week or so xxx 




and as for the empty nest syndrome...  


I don't quite have that...   as I have Alfie, Loki & MrD still here  (whooop de bloody dooo )...   


but my bessie is facing it this year.      She just has the one daughter, and she leaves to live in London to go to Dance School (not called a dance school...   called something that sounds like a conservatory.. but isn't )...       She's in a bit of a state at the moment too..   


Her daughter leaves end of next week.... 


In the meantime my friend has taken up running...    she's been out running around the village every night over the summer and is participating in a 10k charity run next weekend, her chosen charity is Macmillan (cos of how much she saw them help me recently) 


Anyways...   she reckons running is good...    no one can see your tears...    it clears your head...   and has the benefit of giving you a perky rear end as well! 


I'm not feeling to bad at the moment, had a few lip wobbles in the week but I put Dittys big girl pants on and manned up 

She's going to be coming back a fair bit as her boyfriend lives here and she's already asking me when I'll be going up to stay 

I hope she will settle in ok, she's had a few wobbles herself this week and I can see my phone ringing a lot over the next week, we've been out buying every thing she needs this week and I get the impression she seems to think she's setting up a penthouse apartment and I can see her being in for a huge shock when she gets there.


Thanks for all your advice and well wishes 

Originally Posted by Ells:

Aimee    I feel for you.  I'm sure you saw my FB yesterday when I was having a meltdown about my eldest starting big school so I can only imagine how you're feeling about Lil Aims actually leaving home!!  


I hope you are both happily surprised with how it goes xx

Ells I was much worse when Master C started big school than when he started Primary.


Aimee she'll be fine, from what you've told us she comes across as a sensible girl.  Enjoy the freedom 


proud of ya Aims...     glad me big girl pants are doing their job  



Lil Aims will be fine...       



I am from Leeds..   I have staggered fallen crawled danced home through most of the campus at some time or another.....


once we even got a lift home from the local constabulary (in a nice friendly way...   not like the police down here in Essex..   they're a bit scary down here) 


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