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Originally posted by kimota:
In my opinion a vote to save Lisa will be a vote to have Fred, Siavash and Marcus up for eviction over the next few weeks, which will result in only one of them making the final week. How dull would a final featuring Lisa, David, Sophie, Rod and Charlie be? Frowner

I agree,Lisa needs to go this week.
I really do think the house will be a better place without her.
Originally posted by kimota:
In my opinion a vote to save Lisa will be a vote to have Fred, Siavash and Marcus up for eviction over the next few weeks, which will result in only one of them making the final week. How dull would a final featuring Lisa, David, Sophie, Rod and Charlie be? Frowner

My thoughts exactly. I was looking around for a thread to post in before putting one up myself. If Lisa stays then next week it will be Freddie and Siavash or Freddie and Marcus, or even all three of them!!! Do we really want that? Get Lisa OUT now, while we still have the chance. Vote for anyone who might be in danger.
Originally posted by joyron:
Originally posted by paace:
According to the betting Lisa and Bea are very close and either could go. If Bea goes thats me finished with this years BB.

If it really is that close, despite the fact we don't like Bea, we have to vote to save her to get Lisa out. If we don't the consequences next week will be awful.

Yes I am gobsmacked they are both neck and neck

Originally posted by Dex:
Originally posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Nope vote Bea, otherwise Lisa will have a grip again with the block vote. It happened this week and it will again next!
How will Lisa have the 'block vote'? As far as I can see, she only has David onside. Confused

How do you know what's being said through the day, 4 voted exactly the same way! Funny Sophie was in the diary room last week saving Marcus because she loved him, this week she votes exatly the same way as Lisa, Dave and Rodrigo. Who is Sophie's best friend Rodrigo... you don't have to be a rocket scientist to work it out.
Originally posted by Dex:
Originally posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Nope vote Bea, otherwise Lisa will have a grip again with the block vote. It happened this week and it will again next!
How will Lisa have the 'block vote'? As far as I can see, she only has David onside. Confused

It's basically the team of Marcus, Freddie, Bea versus Lisa, David, and possibly Sophie.

All the other housemates are independants, and will nominate based on who has annoyed them the most that particular week.
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
Originally posted by Dex:
Originally posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Nope vote Bea, otherwise Lisa will have a grip again with the block vote. It happened this week and it will again next!
How will Lisa have the 'block vote'? As far as I can see, she only has David onside. Confused

It's basically the team of Marcus, Freddie, Bea versus Lisa, David, and possibly Sophie.

All the other housemates are independants, and will nominate based on who has annoyed them the most that particular week.

You are forgetting Charlie He has voted against Freddie, Marcus or both for most weeks that he has been able to vote and against Siavash ever since the ex hms made it clear he was popular.
Rodrigo despite a 'wobble' in week 7 when he voted Lisa and Karly, has voted against marcus and also against Freddie on four occasions. Hira and Rod while not core team Lisa members certainly vote in a similar way and I see no chance that they will suddenly start nomming hms who they are closer to, excepting Rod who could possibly nom Charlie one week. It may not be a conspiracy the way freddie thinks it is, but the result is the same!

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