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I got up today and couldn't decide whether to wear my blue shirt or my black one. I was slightly worried that the shade of blue that's on my shirt would clash with my coat which I knew I would be wearing at a later point and while the black shirt would not present that problem it would certainly present an annoying coat/shoes colour conundrum. 

Just when I thought things couldn't get worse I put my black jeans on and immediately noticed the buttons on the jeans clashed with all my shirts even the red ones. It's okay though. I am going to the pub and will relate the whole sorry tale to my friends and hope they are understanding and don't comment on any noticeable colour clashes. Failing that I will come here and look for some fake sympathy. Don't say you haven't been warned.

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I wish FMs would leave off prom. I know he wont thank me for doing this because it feels patronising, but not meant in any way like that. Whatever he replies to in a thread there's always quite a few of you jumping on his bones and I don't get why. He's not offensive, but just has his own opinion. Since when was that a reason to attack people on here?
cologne 1
but just has his own opinion. Since when was that a reason to attack people on here?

I constantly ask myself the very same question. TBH .................the OP is very quick to jump on people for having an alternate view. I guess you reap what you sow. Actually starting a thread which is a complete p*ss take and dig at another FM isn't simply having an opinion. It's snidey and unecessary.

IMHO of course.
Soozy Woo
the OP is very quick to jump on people for having an alternate view. I guess you reap what you sow

It depends on what the view is and as I have said to you before, more importantly, what the posters agenda is. This all started with a harmless comment. People can jump on me all they like I really don't care. I suppose I should accuse everyone who is attacking me of being in a clique. Maybe I'll get round to that later 
Awww thanks hun, I just knew we would get them. I'm not worried tbh, either we'll get through or we won't - which might be a blessing in itself. After all, going out early will leave us able to concentrate on the league. Who am I kidding? I am desperate to win the CL, bit like yourself.  I have a sneaky suspicion we could upset Barca, but then what do I know. I thought we would have the Mancs last week.

All the English teams did ok really, you got a peach of a draw. Still injuries etc don't make any game a shoe in.
Not to mention Blatter and Platini briefing the refs before hand.
just knew we would get them. I'm not worried tbh, either we'll get through or we won't

Seriously, keep Messi quiet and you keep Barca quiet. It was totally bizarre that Mourinho tried to play them at their own game and got mullered. Wenger's not stupid, I actually think you'll kick them out and yes I will be wearing red when you play them 

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