I got up today and couldn't decide whether to wear my blue shirt or my black one. I was slightly worried that the shade of blue that's on my shirt would clash with my coat which I knew I would be wearing at a later point and while the black shirt would not present that problem it would certainly present an annoying coat/shoes colour conundrum.
Just when I thought things couldn't get worse I put my black jeans on and immediately noticed the buttons on the jeans clashed with all my shirts even the red ones. It's okay though. I am going to the pub and will relate the whole sorry tale to my friends and hope they are understanding and don't comment on any noticeable colour clashes. Failing that I will come here and look for some fake sympathy. Don't say you haven't been warned.
Just when I thought things couldn't get worse I put my black jeans on and immediately noticed the buttons on the jeans clashed with all my shirts even the red ones. It's okay though. I am going to the pub and will relate the whole sorry tale to my friends and hope they are understanding and don't comment on any noticeable colour clashes. Failing that I will come here and look for some fake sympathy. Don't say you haven't been warned.