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He was okay at first, almost felt sorry for him at some points.


Then he started to become quite arrogant and along with does turds Marcus and Siavash they started to completely disrespect Big Brother (Freddie at one point telling one of them to 'F*** off' quite aggressively in the Diary room ), which resulted in them ruining the rest of BB10, for me....although, to be fair, BB10 was always a dire series from start to finish.


Thank jeebus for Bea, is all i can say

Originally Posted by Renton:

Awww c'mon - she faked her cry baby feelings

Freddie was awesome


And on that bombshell - its bedtime for me


Your fave moment Rawky?


oooh, i have many. Although none after BB7 (which i consider the last of the great BB's)


I love a good twist/shock moment, and it was in BB6 where BB had 'lied' to the housemates about who was nominated, then when Davina revealed who was nominated on eviction night. their faces were priceless.


Also Maxwell getting evicted over Science


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